Comments on: Rate & Discuss: Amy’s Choice /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/ Wed, 19 May 2010 23:02:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-3/#comment-3969 Paul Tue, 18 May 2010 19:31:34 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3969 Well have just watched this one (Twice in the space of 2 hours - dont ask!). Love Amy Pond (she's definately growing on me!), and i can see definate parallels between Smith and Troughton. there's one thing thats really staryed to niggle me tho, being that in the first series with Rose, they ended up dragging her BF into the Afray, and the same with Rory and Amy. Call me old fashioned, but it's like repeating itself over again - is it something to expect every season from now on? If so it's already getting boring! Saying that, i have to admit that this one was good - not my fave (Time of Angels/2) - however looking forward to the next one now. It almost sounds like they're definately setting the scene for something big (strange as it may seem!) Well have just watched this one (Twice in the space of 2 hours – dont ask!).

Love Amy Pond (she’s definately growing on me!), and i can see definate parallels between Smith and Troughton. there’s one thing thats really staryed to niggle me tho, being that in the first series with Rose, they ended up dragging her BF into the Afray, and the same with Rory and Amy. Call me old fashioned, but it’s like repeating itself over again – is it something to expect every season from now on? If so it’s already getting boring!

Saying that, i have to admit that this one was good – not my fave (Time of Angels/2) – however looking forward to the next one now. It almost sounds like they’re definately setting the scene for something big (strange as it may seem!)

By: JC /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-3/#comment-3967 JC Tue, 18 May 2010 14:17:03 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3967 I respect everyone's opinions TWWL and perhaps I'm wrong to think what I do of Season 5, at the end of the day, all I'm saying is that Season 5 doesn't feel the same to me as Seasons 1 to 4 did. Season 5 feels distant to me at the moment, none of the episodes have really had much impact on me, though as I said, I did enjoy Amy's Choice and The Eleventh Hour and I'm willing to have my mind changed. I haven't hated the other episodes so far, but I haven't been that interested at the same time. I respect everyone’s opinions TWWL and perhaps I’m wrong to think what I do of Season 5, at the end of the day, all I’m saying is that Season 5 doesn’t feel the same to me as Seasons 1 to 4 did.

Season 5 feels distant to me at the moment, none of the episodes have really had much impact on me, though as I said, I did enjoy Amy’s Choice and The Eleventh Hour and I’m willing to have my mind changed.

I haven’t hated the other episodes so far, but I haven’t been that interested at the same time.

By: TWWL /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-3/#comment-3966 TWWL Tue, 18 May 2010 12:27:42 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3966 <a href="#comment-3965" rel="nofollow">@JC</a> I'd say that series 5 so far has been hardly short on humour! I'm not making great claims for this being the best series of modern Who so far, because it hasn't quite lived up to my expectations of what a Moffat led series would be like (his own episodes aside, which have been AMAZING), but it is most certainly a whole bunch better than the point we were in this many episodes into series four. In my opinion, of course. @JC
I’d say that series 5 so far has been hardly short on humour!

I’m not making great claims for this being the best series of modern Who so far, because it hasn’t quite lived up to my expectations of what a Moffat led series would be like (his own episodes aside, which have been AMAZING), but it is most certainly a whole bunch better than the point we were in this many episodes into series four. In my opinion, of course.

By: JC /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3965 JC Tue, 18 May 2010 12:19:24 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3965 I'd not term any Doctor Who bad though, just out of courtesy of people that actually did enjoy it. That's why I don't say Season 5 is the worst Doctor Who I've seen, because it's not, it's an adjustment. What you disliked about Seasons 1-4 are things I'd attribute to humour and drama that for me kept the series fresh, though I'd agree with you in saying that Seasons 1-4 weren't perfect by any means. Sorry for the second post btw, just wanted to expand my opinion. I’d not term any Doctor Who bad though, just out of courtesy of people that actually did enjoy it. That’s why I don’t say Season 5 is the worst Doctor Who I’ve seen, because it’s not, it’s an adjustment. What you disliked about Seasons 1-4 are things I’d attribute to humour and drama that for me kept the series fresh, though I’d agree with you in saying that Seasons 1-4 weren’t perfect by any means.

Sorry for the second post btw, just wanted to expand my opinion.

By: JC /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3963 JC Tue, 18 May 2010 12:04:48 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3963 <a href="#comment-3959" rel="nofollow">@MavAl</a> That's your opinion, of course, but I still disagree. I'm generally a creative person, I worked with a computer game modification team and I used to write, so when I almost get bored like I have this series, I know something is wrong, but that's my opinion like your opinion is yours. @MavAl
That’s your opinion, of course, but I still disagree.

I’m generally a creative person, I worked with a computer game modification team and I used to write, so when I almost get bored like I have this series, I know something is wrong, but that’s my opinion like your opinion is yours.

By: MavAl /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3959 MavAl Tue, 18 May 2010 07:05:18 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3959 Loved the episode, very unique and original. @JC this season has been such a phenomenal improvement for me it's hard to put into words. After Dobby the Doctor, magic chanting to rise him to Godhood, time rewind switches, Peter Kay, fat monsters, farting aliens, belching bins, tractor beamed earths and... ...essentially after seeing some really bad Who I am so very very grateful of series 5, for the first time since 1989 there has been a series entirely watchable from beginning to end and oftentimes brilliant (having said that the past four years have had their moments of brilliance, they've just been so inconsistent however). Amy's Choice, the Time of Angels 2 parter and the Eleventh Hour all fall in to my selection of favourites, just a shame vampires in venice and victory of the daleks exhibited so many problems of the past 4 years, but at least neither was as bad as they were. Loved the episode, very unique and original.

@JC this season has been such a phenomenal improvement for me it’s hard to put into words. After Dobby the Doctor, magic chanting to rise him to Godhood, time rewind switches, Peter Kay, fat monsters, farting aliens, belching bins, tractor beamed earths and…
…essentially after seeing some really bad Who I am so very very grateful of series 5, for the first time since 1989 there has been a series entirely watchable from beginning to end and oftentimes brilliant (having said that the past four years have had their moments of brilliance, they’ve just been so inconsistent however). Amy’s Choice, the Time of Angels 2 parter and the Eleventh Hour all fall in to my selection of favourites, just a shame vampires in venice and victory of the daleks exhibited so many problems of the past 4 years, but at least neither was as bad as they were.

By: TWWL /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3941 TWWL Mon, 17 May 2010 16:49:15 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3941 <a href="#comment-3937" rel="nofollow">@TSG</a> Ooh, the awful, awful, awfulness of that Olympic torch bit, with the newsreader gushing over the top. *shudders* @TSG
Ooh, the awful, awful, awfulness of that Olympic torch bit, with the newsreader gushing over the top. *shudders*

By: TWWL /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3940 TWWL Mon, 17 May 2010 16:47:28 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3940 <a href="#comment-3936" rel="nofollow">@Revenant</a> As has been mentioned a lot, I think Smith=Troughton is a lot more accurate; as much as I love Davison, he wasn't the eccentric Smith is. To be honest, I don't see the Tennant=Tom baker thing either, the two were really very different. @Revenant
As has been mentioned a lot, I think Smith=Troughton is a lot more accurate; as much as I love Davison, he wasn’t the eccentric Smith is. To be honest, I don’t see the Tennant=Tom baker thing either, the two were really very different.

By: Professor Zed /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3939 Professor Zed Mon, 17 May 2010 16:45:40 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3939 <a href="#comment-3937" rel="nofollow">@TSG</a> TSG, I give "Fear Her" an OK. One aspect of it which I thought was great, was the graphite scribble monster. I loved that and I'm hoping for it's return some day when the Doctor is eraser-less. @TSG
TSG, I give “Fear Her” an OK. One aspect of it which I thought was great, was the graphite scribble monster. I loved that and I’m hoping for it’s return some day when the Doctor is eraser-less.

By: TSG /2010/05/rate-discuss-amys-choice/comment-page-2/#comment-3937 TSG Mon, 17 May 2010 14:41:54 +0000 /?p=10404#comment-3937 It's funny - everyone seems to not have liked Fear Her, whereas I loved it. I'm going to have to go back and watch it again to see if my perception's changed over the last four years. It’s funny – everyone seems to not have liked Fear Her, whereas I loved it. I’m going to have to go back and watch it again to see if my perception’s changed over the last four years.
