Home > Final Specials > Piper, Tate, Agyeman and Simm to return?

Piper, Tate, Agyeman and Simm to return?

March 20th, 2009

rose_tyler_s4A very interesting story from The Sun today! According to the tabloid, Billie Piper, Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate and John Simm will all be returning for David Tennant’s last episodes.

The report claims that Simm will be reprising his role of the Master for Tennant’s regeneration episodes, which start filming at the end of this month. But the Doctor won’t do battle alone, because he’ll be joined by Piper, Tate and Agyeman, who will be returning as his fiesty companions Rose, Donna and Martha!

“This will be the most exciting episode Doctor Who have ever done,” an insider told the newspaper. “We really wanted to get all the companions back on board as a fitting send-off to David. And of all the enemies for him to face in his final episode, it makes sense for the Master to be the main one.”

They added: “Getting Billie to agree is a real coup, but she loved working on the show so much it didn’t take much convincing.”

Piper, Tate, Agyeman and Simm return?

  • OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! (in a good way) (70.0%, 69 Votes)
  • OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! (in a bad way) (30.0%, 29 Votes)

Total Voters: 98

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Please bear in mind that this news should be treated as a rumour until there’s any official word from the BBC. We’ll keep you updated!

admin Final Specials

  1. TE
    March 20th, 2009 at 18:10 | #1

    As far as I knew, only Donna, The Master and Wilf were returning… and that’s how I’d like it. I’d be alright with Jack returning seeing as he’s always a possibility.
    Martha, I think it’s time for her to settle down for a while and maybe return to Doctor Who in Series 6 if Steven is willing to have her return.
    Rose’s story has ended in my opinion. It was a mistake to bring her back in Series Four as it ruined the Series Two finale.

  2. pirko
    March 20th, 2009 at 20:12 | #2

    I dont see how donna can come back. not without her dying anyway…Be good to give martha some proper closure as a character. would be ace to see her at the regeneration.

    Always good to see jack back. Rose im not sure about. there is such a thing as overkill i think. i would love to see midshipman frame back just for a cameo :D PLEAAAAAAAAAASE

  3. pirko
    March 20th, 2009 at 20:14 | #3

    oh yes and the master would be ace to bring back! Maybe the master and the daleks will team up :D

  4. Sam
    March 20th, 2009 at 20:17 | #4

    There’s simply no point for Jack to return. He does nothing like in the Series 3 finale. But i would love it if Donna and Rose came back,but how would Donna come back exactly? Inetresting..can’t wait for the episode!

  5. March 21st, 2009 at 12:45 | #5

    Not sure about this, would love The Master to come back! I don’t think series three really did anything for him, it could have been a lot better. Donna would be good but I dont know how they would do it. I would love Rose to come back, but not in one of the specials, it would totally ruin the ending of series four, so maybe she should come back sometime in the future? I would love to see The Human Doc back X3

  6. mass
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:53 | #6

    YAY!!! for Donna and the Master returning.

    BOOOO!!!! for Martha and Rose.

    They have had their stories and they had closure. Donna never had the chance to say goodbye… and i would love to see that, the mature Donna thanking the Doctor, just like she did in TRB, but it actually changing her life permanently this time.

    Plus the Master is my all time fave villain so to see him back would be fan-TAS-tic!

  7. pirko
    March 21st, 2009 at 19:37 | #7

    I agree with mass. the master would be the best one to bring back! sound of the drums/last of the time lords will always be the weaker series finale so maybe this will redeem him as a proper villain.

    I dont see how donna can possibly come back. Then again i am intrigued what would happen if she read the journal of impossible things…?

  8. TE
    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:22 | #8

    Doesn’t matter now. Jack and Ianto are back, presumably Gwen too.

  9. TE
    March 22nd, 2009 at 17:45 | #9

    TE :
    Doesn’t matter now. Jack and Ianto are back, presumably Gwen too.

    Or so it seemed…

  10. TSG
    March 23rd, 2009 at 23:30 | #10

    Rose would just be overkill. Donna would be literally killed, though I love her. Martha I can live with… but better without.

    The Master? THAT would be amazing.

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