Home > Final Specials, John Barrowman > Captain Jack back for Tenth Doctor finale?

Captain Jack back for Tenth Doctor finale?

April 17th, 2009

jack_harknessJohn Barrowman has teased fans over the possibility of Captain Jack Harkness returning to Doctor Who for the Tenth Doctor’s last episode.

“Jack will always return to the TARDIS if the Doctor’s in need - to help save the planet or conquer an alien race trying to invade,” he said in a recent interview with DigitalSpy. “That’s all I can say! You know how secretive we are about all of that.”

But with the return of Donna, Wilf, Sylvia, Sarah Jane and Luke already confirmed, is it safter for us to assume that all of the Tenth Doctor’s friends will be making an appearance in his final adventure? Only time will tell…

admin Final Specials, John Barrowman

  1. April 17th, 2009 at 18:09 | #1

    Nah. I doubt he’ll be back.

    … but then again…

  2. Sam
    April 17th, 2009 at 20:28 | #2

    I don’t want him to come back,he hardly does anything in the episode. Like in the Series 3 parter,he could of just come back for Utopia. I don’t think they should bother bringing him back,he should just stick to Torchwood.

  3. TE
    April 18th, 2009 at 00:27 | #3

    If Jack wasn’t in the Series Three finale, then it never would have happened and the Master wouldn’t have returned. It was by Jack jumping onto the TARDIS as it dematerialised that caused the TARDIS to actually go to the end of the universe.

  4. April 18th, 2009 at 14:15 | #4

    @Sam has a point. I’m writing a story about the year that never was with a slight twist, and Jack’s barely there. He just kind of got locked up. But @TE is right too, because we absolutely needed Jack to handle the guns, to bring in his transporter thing, to set up the story and to handcuff the Master– all things the Doctor couldn’t/wouldn’t do. That’s why Jack was created back in series 1: they needed a gunman.

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