Home > Final Specials > Daily Star leak finale details?

Daily Star leak finale details?

April 27th, 2009

doctor-discussion-potd-prophecyThe Daily Star has today leaked what they describe as ‘Top Secret Details’ about this year’s regeneration finale.

The tabloid claims that the TARDIS will be ’blown to bits’ during the two-parter, which will transmit on BBC One and BBC HD over Christmas and the New Year. It’s thought that the decision was made to destroy the spaceship to make way for the brand new console set which will be introduced with the 11th Doctor in Series Five.

Meanwhile, the newspaper also claims that not only will the Master be returning for the episodes, but the Doctor will also have to, as they put it, ’battle his fellow Time Lords after discovering they have turned evil’. Oh dear…

And finally - if the ’Star’ is to be believed - John Barrowman and Freema Agyeman will be reprising their roles of Jack Harkness and Martha Jones to help the Doctor do battle alongside Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, Bernard Cribbins as Wilf and Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane (the last 3 of whom have already been spotted on set…)

“The producers are throwing everything they’ve got into Tennant’s finale,” a BBC source told the newspaper. “He will go out with a bang.”

It’s probably worth pointing out that the report is just a vague round-up of all the bits-and-bobs and fan speculation that has cropped up around the net over the past few weeks, so take its contents with a pinch of salt for now!

admin Final Specials

  1. April 27th, 2009 at 16:02 | #1

    I’d say take this with a tablespoon of salt. Especially since this is the Star we’re talking about.

  2. TE
    April 27th, 2009 at 17:00 | #2

    I’d say their right (for once). The only bits which need to be checked out are the Time Lords turning evil (then again, after what the Doctor did to them…), and Jack and Martha returning (though, both John and Freema have been talking alot recently about wanting to return).

  3. Mass
    April 27th, 2009 at 17:33 | #3

    Daily Star falling foul of fan theory again…

  4. TE
    April 27th, 2009 at 21:47 | #4

    Mass :
    Daily Star falling foul of fan theory again…

    Not really “fan theory”. We’ve already seen the cast returns and the TARDIS being blown up.

  5. Mass
    April 28th, 2009 at 00:34 | #5

    When did we see the TARDIS blow up? Are you confusing it with the Torchwood Hub?

  6. pirko
    April 28th, 2009 at 12:07 | #6

    Is the finale actually finished being written yet? I know they have started filming but does that mean its actually finished? I think it would be wrong to be bring the timelords back cos it will just defunct the doctors story for the last 4 years

  7. TE
    April 28th, 2009 at 19:33 | #7

    Mass :
    When did we see the TARDIS blow up? Are you confusing it with the Torchwood Hub?

    Not at all. Different parts of Cardiff.

    pirko :
    Is the finale actually finished being written yet? I know they have started filming but does that mean its actually finished? I think it would be wrong to be bring the timelords back cos it will just defunct the doctors story for the last 4 years

    I think it has finished being written, because they are close to the end of filming (next month, oddly around the same time that K9 finishes principal filming). But, RTD said he wanted to make a fresh start for Steven Moffat, and Donna’s return would mean there would have to be a “reset button” (either to before The Runaway Bride, or after Journey’s End). It would make sense to also bring back Gallifrey.

  8. pirko
    April 29th, 2009 at 21:16 | #8


    In terms of the TARDIS blowing up, I sincerely doubt they would do that. Main reason is because they will want to keep the final regeneration part top secret and, from series experience, they ALWAYS do the top secret parts of the show in the TARDIS interior interior (i.e: 1st regeneration, master regeneration, catherine tate etc) so I doubt that will happen.

    Also in regardless to the flippant “It would make sense to bring back gallifrey” response. I am not aware that you work on the series and know whats right for the audience. I will admit I am not a full whovian (only for new series) but as a viewer I think it would be wrong to go back on themselves by bringing in the whole “Oh time lords arent dead” angle.

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