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Fan of the Month entries closing soon

April 3rd, 2009

site_newsJust a quick little notice to let you all know that you have until tomorrow lunchtime (12:00pm, 4th April 2009) to send in your entries to be our Fan of the Month for April 2009.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, please email all of your applications (including your name, age, location and a short paragraph detailing why you’re worthy) to [email protected] before tomorrow’s deadline!

We’ll then select an entry at random, interview them over mail and have their profile up by Monday. Entries will then re-open for our Fan of the Month for May 2009, so if you miss out on your chance this time round, don’t forget to have another go next time! Thanks!

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  1. April 3rd, 2009 at 22:11 | #1

    Woah, just thought I’d leave a comment saying how impressed I am by this site’s new layout. It’s fantastic, your best yet, keep up the good work :D

  2. April 3rd, 2009 at 22:38 | #2

    Mark :

    Woah, just thought I’d leave a comment saying how impressed I am by this site’s new layout. It’s fantastic, your best yet, keep up the good work :D

    Thanks for your comments, Mark - glad you like the new look!

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