Home > The Waters of Mars > Next time… (Updated)

Next time… (Updated)

April 11th, 2009

the_waters_of_mars1Now Planet of the Dead is out of the way, our attention turns to the second of this year’s specials, the title of which was revealed at the end of tonight’s episode (although it had already been leaked by Total TV Guide a few days ago)…

It’s now been confirmed that the Doctor will return this November in The Waters of Mars, with Lindsay Duncan as his companion, Adelaide.


Whatever happens in the episode, which is written by Russell T Davies and Phil Ford, things are certainly about to take a drastic turn for the worse for the Time Lord, as he gets ever closer to his regeneration…

Is it November yet?

Update: We’ve now added several screencaps of the trailer to our gallery, so you can examine the stills in more detail!




admin The Waters of Mars

  1. Lee
    April 11th, 2009 at 20:21 | #1

    First comment to do with Waters of mars on whoviannet! WOOP!

    Anyway, looks terrifying. Lets hope this is an absolutely terrifying romp.

  2. April 11th, 2009 at 21:14 | #2

    I think it looks like one of the awesome Moffat-esque chillers. Should be great.

  3. Daz
    April 11th, 2009 at 21:31 | #3

    The Cloister Bell!!

  4. Mass
    April 11th, 2009 at 22:01 | #4

    Looked a little Impossible Planet/Satan Pit to me… crossed with 42.

  5. Mass
    April 11th, 2009 at 22:02 | #5

    sorry to double post, just realised both those eps had the Doctor in a space suit, and the pics from shooting on this ep has him in one too… hmm….

  6. pirko
    April 11th, 2009 at 22:40 | #6

    I think this one will be better than POTD. Sadly i wasnt that impressed but loved the chilling warning. HE will knock 4 times! brilliant. This one looks terrifying. if i didnt know who’d written it I would have guessed it as a moffatt contibution

  7. Daz
    April 11th, 2009 at 22:42 | #7

    Yeah, after all the waiting, I was a little disappointed, but loved the prophetic bit at the end. Gave me chills..

  8. Dean
    April 12th, 2009 at 11:05 | #8

    The Waters Of Mars
    The Wars Of The Master.

  9. April 12th, 2009 at 17:50 | #9

    Dean :The Waters Of MarsThe Wars Of The Master.Hhhmmmm

    Love it. Points to you for spotting that!!!

    Anyway, I think this one looks great. And I hope it is Moffat-esque as Tom Beasley suggested, because he always writes the scariest stuff. And the most intricate stuff. And now I feel I’ve done him a great disservice by using the word ’stuff’.

    Have you noticed it’s been quite topical? They’ve just discovered evidence of water on Mars quite recently, and there were mentions of the recession in POTD.

    Oh! And Donna always called the Doctor a Martian. She was referenced in POTD, and presumably in this one too, leading up to her appearance in the grand finale. It better be a brilliant role for her in the finale, not just a cameo.

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