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Series 5 producers announced

April 15th, 2009

smith_11The BBC Press Office has confirmed that Tracie Simpson and Peter Bennett have been appointed as the brand new producers for the fifth series of Doctor Who. They are taking over from Phil Collinson, who left the role at the end of the production of Series 4.

Meanwhile, Beth Willis has been announced as the new executive producer, who will work alongside Simpson, Benett, as well as head writer Steven Moffat and the rest of the cast and crew, throughout the production run for Series 5, which will transmit on BBC One next Spring.

“Beth and Tracie and Pete aren’t the A Team, they’re the people the A Team call,” said Moffat. ”Tracie and Pete are the backstage stars of Doctor Who and having them on board as producers isn’t just the best possible news for Matt Smith’s first series, it’s a massive relief.”

He added: “And Beth Willis, fresh from the brilliant Ashes To Ashes, is joining Piers and I as an executive so finally there’ll be someone to wear the trousers.”

Pre-production for the fifth series, which will introduce Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, is well underway, and filming is scheduled to begin in Cardiff at the start of July.

admin Series 5

  1. pirko
    April 15th, 2009 at 23:13 | #1

    Sorry to be negative but isnt there an old saying. “too many cooks spoil the broth”. just seems far too many producers for this series…

  2. April 16th, 2009 at 10:56 | #2

    That’s how many there always are, isn’t it? Three execs (previously Julie Gardner, RTD and Phil Collinson, later reduced to two when Phil went off to Manchester) and a couple of producers (previously Tracie Simpson and… someone else. Phil C was a producer before he became an exec.) I think that’s just how things are done.

  3. pirko
    April 16th, 2009 at 15:16 | #3

    There was the main three RTD, JG and PC for the first 2 series. Susie liggat produced two episodes for series 3 and some for series 4. Phil left and now we have one off producers for the specials Susie Liggat (TND) Tracie Simpson (POTD) and Nikki Smith (TWOM)

  4. TE
    April 16th, 2009 at 21:10 | #4

    For Series One, the execs were Russell, Julie and Mal Young. Then for Series Two to Four it was just Russell and Julie. Phil’s been producer for the past four series, joined by Susie for Series Four who was producer for Human Nature/The Family of Blood when Phil was on holiday.

    For the specials, the producers are Susie, Tracie, Nikki and (apparently) Peter Bennett.

  5. pirko
    April 17th, 2009 at 13:04 | #5

    I stand corrected. You are right Mal Young was exec for the first series

  6. April 17th, 2009 at 18:11 | #6

    Loving the fanaticism. I can imagine the looks on my friends’ faces if they knew that I was on a website like this…

    That’s the brilliant thing about Doctor Who. You can get really into all the backstage-y sort of stuff. I have so many behind-the-scenes books (the best is The Writer’s Tale, imo) and it’s just absolutely brilliant.

  7. TE
    April 17th, 2009 at 20:22 | #7

    That’s the brilliantness of the show! Any other show, you don’t really care much about how it’s made. But Doctor Who…!

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