Home > Karen Gillan, Series 5 > Official: S5 companion revealed!

Official: S5 companion revealed!

karen_gillanThe BBC has today put the world out of its misery by confirming the identity of the actress who will take on the role of the Doctor’s new companion in Series 5 of Doctor Who.

Karen Gillan, 21, from Scotland, will star alongside the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, when the programme returns to its full 13-week run next Spring.

And if Gillan looks at all familiar to you, it’s because she’s previously appeared as a soothsayer in the Series 4 episode, The Fires of Pompeii. Just like Freema Agyeman - who appeared in Series 2 as Adeola before being cast as Martha Jones in Series 3 - she’ll be making a huge leap from a small part to one of the biggest and most loved roles on British TV.

“I am absolutely over the moon at being chosen to play the Doctor’s new companion,” Gillan said. “The show is such a massive phenomenon that I can’t quite believe I am going to be a part of it. Matt Smith is an incredible actor and it is going to be so much fun to act alongside him - I just can’t wait to get started!”

Meanwhile, new showrunner, Steven Moffat, who will oversee Matt and Karen’s series, said: “We saw some amazing actresses for this part, but when Karen came through the door the game was up. Funny, and clever, and gorgeous, and sexy. Or Scottish, which is the quick way of saying it.”

He added: “A generation of little girls will want to be her. And a generation of little boys will want them to be her too.”

So, Karen Gillan is the new companion! First impressions?

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admin Karen Gillan, Series 5

  1. May 29th, 2009 at 20:35 | #1

    She looks reasonably good for the part, but as with Smith, I reserve all judgement until I see her on screen.

  2. May 29th, 2009 at 21:10 | #2

    Tom Beasley :She looks reasonably good for the part, but as with Smith, I reserve all judgement until I see her on screen.

    I agree. That’s all we can do, really. She is striking though. And I like the continuation of the redhead rule!

  3. TE
    May 29th, 2009 at 21:58 | #3

    Same here. Until we see both Matt and Karen in Series Five, I can only believe that Steven has made the correct choice by choosing a young cast who will be able to stay for a few years, in my opinion.

  4. John
    May 30th, 2009 at 12:11 | #4

    she looks amazing I love Steven Moffat for what he has done for who

  5. pirko
    May 30th, 2009 at 18:23 | #5

    Who did she play in the fires of pompei? did she have any lines? i dont remember her

  6. TE
    May 30th, 2009 at 19:20 | #6

    She played the Soothsayer at the beginning who was following the Doctor and Donna around Pompeii: http://www.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/pictures/doctorwho/s4ep2/2.jpg.

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