Home > David Tennant, Final Specials > That’s a wrap!

That’s a wrap!

david_tennantAfter 5 long months of night-shoots and day-shoots and desert-shoots and rain-shoots, filming for the 2009 Specials comes to an end this week, and David Tennant filmed his last ever scene in role as the Tenth Doctor yesterday afternoon.

It’s a sad time for Tennant fanboys and girls across the land - never again will the man who’s brought us so much joy over the past 4 years be seen out on location in Cardiff shooting through the night.

But of course, he’s still very much the Time Lord until he hands over the TARDIS to Matt Smith later this year, so even though Tennant’s time on Doctor Who has reached its end, we’ve still got 3 more hours with the Tenth Doctor to enjoy over the coming months - and we can’t wait!

We’d just like to say a big THANK YOU to David, and let’s not forget Russell T Davies and everybody else (be it cast, crew or Dalek!) for all of their tremendous efforts over the past few years. And as a new era of the show gets set to commence in a few weeks time, we’ll look back and think… well, where did all the time go?! But, and this comes from the bottom of our hearts, we really, really, truly ‘wouldn’t have missed it for the world’!

admin David Tennant, Final Specials

  1. May 21st, 2009 at 20:10 | #1

    Yes, thank you thank you thank you to everyone involved in New Who - we loved it all, and we loved you all. Even though they’ll probably never read this so why am I bothering with ‘you’?

  2. May 21st, 2009 at 20:18 | #2

    Tennant was my first Doctor and it was him that really kicked off my love for Who. He will definitely be sorely missed.

  3. Francesca!
    May 21st, 2009 at 20:49 | #3

    Mr Tennant Thank You So Much You Are Always Going To Be My Doctor!Thank Russell T Davies For Bring Doctor Who Back And Making Me Fall In Love With =D Thank You

  4. pirko
    May 21st, 2009 at 20:59 | #4

    Thank you David for being MY doctor (as I never watched the original show). You make the role so easy and I look forward to seeing you many new dramas. And thanks to Russell T Davies for introducing me to this series and taking it seriously. You’ve written some fantastic episodes and you have inspired me to further my own writing career so (regardless of what many nay-sayers say on here or forums throughout) you have done a fantastic job and there would be NO DOCTOR WHO RESURFACE WITH RTD. Can’t wait for the final episodes :D

  5. TE
    May 22nd, 2009 at 16:52 | #5

    David Tennant has been fantastic! Not my favourite Doctor - a tie between Dave and Chris, there - but the strongest Doctor in terms of emotion, self-control and belief.

    Such as shame David isn’t continuing into Series Five as I believe Steven is the person who’s been able to write for the Tenth Doctor successfully. But, looking forward to Series Five and Doctor Who going back to its Classic Series roots… and the return of…

  6. pirko
    May 22nd, 2009 at 23:01 | #6

    TE :David Tennant has been fantastic! Not my favourite Doctor - a tie between Dave and Chris, there - but the strongest Doctor in terms of emotion, self-control and belief.
    Such as shame David isn’t continuing into Series Five as I believe Steven is the person who’s been able to write for the Tenth Doctor successfully. But, looking forward to Series Five and Doctor Who going back to its Classic Series roots… and the return of…

    That is such an unfair statement. As good as Steven Moffat is, he has only written one (or two at most) episodes per series whilst Russell has written 20 for the tenth doctor. There is a big difference between writing one (or two) good episodes and arching a 13 week series.

  7. May 23rd, 2009 at 03:05 | #7

    There’s also a difference between writing episodic television and writing a BAFTA winner

    Guess which out of the two won that?

  8. TE
    May 23rd, 2009 at 12:44 | #8

    But, there’s a difference between being able to write for a character, and not being able to write for a character, but trying to make up for it by adding Rose in.

    And Russell only develops the story arc and his scripts (and 4.6). Each writer has to pitch their idea to him beforehand, with his only interference being a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the idea.

  9. TE
    May 23rd, 2009 at 12:50 | #9

    @David Blyth
    Also, let’s look at how many awards Steven’s won for Doctor Who:

    BAFTA: 2008 - Best Writer - Doctor Who: “Blink”
    Hugo: 2006 - Best Dramatic Presentation: Short Form - Doctor Who: “The Empty Child”/”The Doctor Dances”
    2007 - Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form - Doctor Who: “The Girl in the Fireplace”
    2008 - Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form - Doctor Who: “Blink”
    Writers’ Guild of Great Britain: 2007 - Best Soap/Series - Doctor Who, Series Three
    BAFTA Cymru: 2008 - Best Screenwriter - Doctor Who: “Blink”

    Not forgetting, he’s most likely to win the Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form on Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.

  10. Mass
    May 23rd, 2009 at 19:51 | #10

    Okay, lets get back on track before this gets too far off topic and out of hand… no one’s here to argue.

    A big thank you to Russell first and foremost. Without you good sir this show would not be back in this format, and i am most grateful that it is. You took us from nearly a decade of silence, to a whole new years, bursting with fresh ideas and new directions for the Doctor. It’s been incredible and i wish you as much success with your new projects.

    David, you were incredible. You do, and will always, top favourite Doctor lists, and it was so brilliant to have an actor on board with as much love for the character and show as you do. As much as Chris Ecclestone brought to the role, you are truly the man who has made the Doctor one of the most successful characters on British television today. To echo the sentiments of my friend Pirko above, i cannot wait to see what you do next.

    I know you both read the websites, and i hope this is one of the ones you visit. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

    And i hope you enjoy the rest of the journey as a fan as much as we will.

  11. May 23rd, 2009 at 21:15 | #11

    Thanks David, for being a brilliant Doctor. You had a hard act to follow, taking over from Eccles but you made the role your own.

  12. pirko
    May 24th, 2009 at 12:28 | #12

    I did not say steven moffat is a bad writer. I very much enjoy his contributions to the series. All I was stating was my own opinion which I thought this site was for. Regardless, I very much enjoyed davids run as the doctor and I shall wait to see what Matt brings to it in 2010

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