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Your favourite Russell T Davies moment!

May 22nd, 2009

russell_t_daviesWell, that’s it folks! Russell T Davies, the man who brought Doctor Who back to our screens, the man who introduced millions and millions to that bizarre little Time Lord who bums around time and space in a police box, and the man who invented the likes of Rose Tyler, Martha Jones and Donna Noble, has officially left the building!

With filming on the final special episodes - Russell’s last as head writer - wrapped, the explosive Tenth Doctor regeneration two-parter will now enter its post-production stage, but for Russell, David, and all the other members of the cast and crew who have dedicated hours and hours over the past X number of years to produce the show we all love, it’s the beginning of the end as they prepare to pack up their offices and make way for the new Series 5 production team who will be moving in next month.

But it’s been a blast, hasn’t it? And to say goodbye to Russell (and to keep us all entertained while these gruelling months tick aimlessly by…), we thought we’d open up a new competition to decide your all time favourite ‘Russell T Davies Doctor Who Moment’! Hurrah!

All you have to do is leave a comment below telling us your favourite scene in a Doctor Who episode that was penned by Russell (scroll down for a list of all his stories if you’re unsure!)

If you can find a clip to that scene somewhere online, feel free to leave the URL along with your post. The closing date for your entries will be 1st June 2009, so please submit your favourite scene before then to make sure yours doesn’t go unmentioned!

After that, we’ll pick a few at random and then open up a poll for you all to determine the overall winner - it really is that simple!

Is it when we were first introduced to the Ninth Doctor, perhaps? The rise of the Dalek Emperor in the fantastic Series 1 finale, maybe? Could it be Rose’s heartbreaking exit in Series 2’s Doomsday? Or will Series 3’s Judoon platoon upon the moon be your choice? Whatever it is, let us know now!

If you’re not sure which episodes were written by Russell, here’s a handy list of his Doctor Who credits to refresh your memory! Don’t forget you can always check out our episode guides for details about each episode!

  • 1.1 - Rose
  • 1.2 - The End of the World
  • 1.4 - Aliens of London (Part I)
  • 1.5 - World War Three (Part II)
  • 1.7 - The Long Game
  • 1.11 - Boom Town
  • 1.12 - Bad Wolf (Part I)
  • 1.13 - The Parting of the Ways (Part II)
  • CiN Special - Born Again
  • 2.X - The Christmas Invasion
  • 2.1 - New Earth
  • 2.2 - Tooth and Claw
  • 2.10 - Love & Monsters
  • 2.12 - Army of Ghosts (Part I)
  • 2.13 - Doomsday (Part II)
  • 3.X - The Runaway Bride
  • 3.1 - Smith and Jones
  • 3.3 - Gridlock
  • 3.11 - Utopia (Part I)
  • 3.12 - The Sound of Drums (Part II)
  • 3.13 - Last of the Time Lords (Part III)
  • 4.X - Voyage of the Damned
  • 4.1 - Partners in Crime
  • 4.10 - Midnight
  • 4.11 - Turn Left
  • 4.12 - The Stolen Earth (Part I)
  • 4.12 - Journey’s End (Part II)
  • 4.14 - The Next Doctor
  • 4.15 - Planet of the Dead (co-written with Gareth Roberts)

We look forward to hearing your views!

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  1. pirko
    May 22nd, 2009 at 14:03 | #1

    My favourite moment was the climax of series 2 when the Daleks were unveiled out of the void ship, along with the cybermen invasion at Torchwood. That was the best climax of a series finale (until series 4 of course)

  2. John
    May 22nd, 2009 at 14:56 | #2

    I can’t decide what the best scene is can I chosse two. If I can they would be Rose’s goodbye in Doomsday that was a sad scene. Then the second one would be Donna’s goodbye scene that was really good too.

    Long Live RTD!!

  3. May 22nd, 2009 at 16:16 | #3

    The Beach Scene, Doomsday. No contest. Though… No, I won’t start thinking about it, or I’ll pick about thirty!

  4. TE
    May 22nd, 2009 at 16:49 | #4

    The conclusion of Journey’s End when Donna had to “die” - the best scene RTD has ever written.

  5. May 22nd, 2009 at 18:22 | #5

    It has to be Doomsday hasnt it?
    It had everything, it had humour, it had two aliens battling over London, and it had an amazing emotional ending!
    Some of RTD’s best work!

  6. May 22nd, 2009 at 21:49 | #6

    We are a depressing bunch, aren’t we? It’s either Doomsday or Donna’s journey’s end (terrible play on words fully intended). So I’m going to add a happy one to the mix (if I’m allowed to vote for two?) and say the Tenth Doctor’s first proper speech in TCI, the one where he ended up quoting the Lion King, alongside bemoaning the fact that he wasn’t ginger, and wondering if he was rude. I have a friend who can recite the entire thing from memory, so I’ll steal her vote to add this on.

  7. TE
    May 22nd, 2009 at 22:30 | #7

    If we were allowed to vote for Torchwood episodes instead, I’d go even more depressing and vote for Toshiko’s death XD

  8. pirko
    May 22nd, 2009 at 22:57 | #8

    I know I have already said mine but I only remembered how much I loved this part after I put in my original choice….but my favourite RTD moment for just sheer fun was when the doctor and donna met up again in Partners in Crime (the mime bit). That was just classic

  9. May 23rd, 2009 at 21:08 | #9

    Turn Left: The entire episode is incredible and, imo, possibly RTD’s finest piece of writing.

    The scene I choose is the TV reports where Oliver talks about the hospital on the moon and Martha giving her life to save him. And the newsreader reporting the death of Sarah Jane. Not exactly cheerful I admit but very poignant scenes.

    Thanks to Russell/Julie & Phil for restoring DW as the phenomenon it now is. Some of the ridiculous criticism of RTD from fans really is laughable!

  10. pirko
    May 24th, 2009 at 12:46 | #10

    I agree with David about the criticisms

  11. May 25th, 2009 at 03:45 | #11

    I’d say 4.1 - Partners in Crime

  12. Samuel
    May 25th, 2009 at 17:47 | #12

    I’d have to go with Smith and Jones … it’s a close call tho.

  13. Julia
    May 26th, 2009 at 14:28 | #13

    To go on a lighter note, Partners in Crime and end of Next Doctor. On a more serous note, end of Journey’s End. (tear)

  14. Jaqe
    May 26th, 2009 at 18:46 | #14

    The stolen earth!

  15. Amber
    May 27th, 2009 at 18:16 | #15

    DEFINETLY journeys end! it had every1 in, LUV john Barrowman, gr8 storylyn but i hope he’s ryting the christmas nd new year specials cuz, errmmmmm……he jst shud.
    if he ryts it it’ll be da best episode ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. July 1st, 2009 at 02:53 | #1
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