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11 Doctors to unite for Children in Need special?

June 23rd, 2009

tenth_doctor_dwmAccording to The Mirror today, all eleven incarnations of the Doctor will unite in a special scene written exclusively for Children in Need 2009.

The report claims that the mini-episode, which will air in November as part of the BBC One’s appeal night for the charity, will see Matt Smith make his television debut as the Eleventh Doctor, alongside David Tennant (#10), Christopher Eccleston (#9), Paul McGann (#8), Sylvestor McCoy (#7), Colin Baker (#6), Peter Davison (#5) and Tom Baker (#4). The first three Doctors, William Hartnell, Partick Troughton and Jon Pertwee, will be included by using original shots from their tenures as the Time Lord and superimposing them onto the new footage.

“This is a momentous episode for all Doctor Who fans,” a source told the newspaper. ”Never before have all the Doctors been in the same room, let alone in the same show.”

They added: “The script has already been started and it’s classic Doctor Who - really witty and very sharp. Viewers will see the Time Lords regenerating and emerging one by one from the TARDIS, each with their own quirky opening line.”

It’s thought that the Tenth Doctor will call on his previous and future incarnations to help him track down a special piece of time travel apparatus.

Filming for the 15-minute sketch is said to begin in September. As always with these tabloid rumours, take the news with a pinch of salt until there’s any official word about it from the BBC!

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  1. June 23rd, 2009 at 15:32 | #1

    No. At least, I really don’t think so. Why would you spoil Matt Smith’s impact like that?

  2. June 23rd, 2009 at 15:56 | #2

    Mirror is as bad as the Sun newspaper and do not belive it for one moment and doubt if Chris Eccleston would ever play the role again can not see it to be honest.
    Would say this is a lie.

  3. John
    June 23rd, 2009 at 16:37 | #3

    I would like it to be true but chris woulsn’t play the doctor again but maybe he would for Children in need :)

  4. TE
    June 23rd, 2009 at 18:56 | #4

    This will never happen. I can’t say why for those who don’t want to know what happens in The Waters of Mars, but that’s the episode which prevents there from being a Children in Need episode broadcast after TWOM.

  5. June 23rd, 2009 at 20:27 | #5

    I really, really, really doubt this will happen. The horrible hacks at The Mirror are doing the usual and looking online at daft rumours and stupid speculation. Very lazy journalism.

  6. June 23rd, 2009 at 22:11 | #6

    I doubt this will happen
    They wouldnt ruin Matt’s big entrance on the show by showing him a couple of months early, half of The Doctors are dead, and Chris Eccleston isnt really likely to come back, (although i wish he would even if it was just a flashback or something because he was great!)
    I hate newspaper specualtion! lol

  7. TE
    June 23rd, 2009 at 23:18 | #7

    Three have passed away. The other seven/eight (if you include Matt) are alive.

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