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Fourth series of Torchwood “ready to go”

June 12th, 2009

torchwood_coe_ianto_gwen_jack_promoRussell T Davies has confirmed that plans for a fourth series of Torchwood are already well underway, contradicting recent tabloid rumours that suggested the programme has been axed due to poor ratings.

Davies, creator of both Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, revealed the news earlier tonight during a cast and crew Q&A session at a special preview screening of Children of Earth: Part I, which was held at the BFI Southbank in London.

However, the outgoing Doctor Who executive producer added that the BBC will make an informed decision regarding Series 4 based on the audience’s response to Series 3. He urged fans to make all of their friends and family watch to ensure a further series gets the green light.

Fans and critics were given an exclusive preview of the first episode of the new series, and the inital reviews that have been posted online following the event have been positive ones - the majority of which have praised Russell’s writing, and have labelled the story as being the best episode of Torchwood so far. One fan who attended has said that it was like watching a Hollywood blockbuster rather than a TV drama.

During the interview, Russell also managed to drop in a few hints for the remainding episodes of the series, including a speech about the Doctor which will be in Part 5 of the story. He also mentioned that he’d have no trouble in working on the show for another 10 years.

admin Torchwood

  1. June 13th, 2009 at 17:10 | #1

    I hadn’t heard the rumours that Torchwood had been axed. I really hope it stays for a fourth series - like they said at the end of series 2, this is a new beginning for the characters (”the end is where we start from”) and there is so much to be explored.

    I’m glad they’re referencing the Doctor. It’s nice to have that little nod to the parent show occasionally, so long as the show itself remains its own being.

  2. TE
    June 13th, 2009 at 18:39 | #2

    I suppose if the BBC don’t commission Series Four straight away, they may be expecting the set reporters to confirm it for us first in August.

  3. John
    June 14th, 2009 at 13:14 | #3

    I would love for series 4 to come and lets hope that maybe we could get davids Doctor in Torchwodd to and that would make history. I will be watching and trying to get as many people as I can to watch it so I can try and help to get a 4th series :D

  4. TE
    June 14th, 2009 at 14:23 | #4

    I would love that too, but as RTD said: having a children’s hero in an adult show wouldn’t be right, and I agree with him. If the Doctor appeared in Torchwood, children would want to watch the episode he’s in, which may cause them to watch the rest of the series which is unsuitable for them.

  5. June 14th, 2009 at 14:30 | #5

    Plus, the Doctor just wouldn’t fit! Can you imagine the scenario? Torchwood tend to dive in all guns blazing, and that’s not something the Doctor approves of. Then there would be all the sexual innuendo which he wouldn’t appreciate (I’m thinking Partners in Crime “you be health, I’ll be safety”) and the fact that he’d totally upset the balance of power in the workplace.

  6. Chris Anderson
    July 8th, 2009 at 13:38 | #6

    Day 1 & 2 so far have kept me on the edge of my seat. Its fantastic the rest of the week can only get better. The characters are now becoming more rounded with lives away from work, at one time it was only Gwen who seemed to have an outside life.
    Do so hope that a 4th series is commissioned, there is not enough good quality Brit. sci-fi on and Torchwood is this genre at its best.
    Oh and I loved seeing Jack in the buff at the end of day 2. He’s just so MMMMM.

  7. Zack
    July 8th, 2009 at 18:24 | #7

    I think the only way hte Doctor could be in an episode of Torchwood is if it was similar to when torchwood was on Doctor Who.

    Just have him in passing, like see a glimpse of him doing something else or sending a message to them… similar to references made by Jack and Martha, just this time a visual reference.

  8. neil wardlaw
    July 10th, 2009 at 22:31 | #8

    it would be a crime not to do a fourth series of torchwood,series three has been by far one of the best series i have seen.with 6 million viewers for series three.long live torchwood

  9. sue
    July 11th, 2009 at 00:09 | #9

    please let there be a fourth series of torchwood it is brilliant it would be a shame if it ended

  10. laws
    July 31st, 2009 at 17:00 | #10

    Having the doctor who references is good but it makes it difficult for new people to get into the show if they havent watched Doctor Who…

    however i have heard many reviews that say Torchwood could very easily stand on its own as a show and definately does not need the Doctor Who prop. Which I totally agree with.

    As many others have comment it is definately Sci-Fi at its best, not to mention British. Also its fan base in America easily beats that of Doctor Who, surely if the BBC can keep coming up with a budget for Doctor Who the same can happen with Torchwood. If Anything the Money spent on CGI is alot less with Torchwood as it is with Doctor Who. [How many computer geneated FX did you see in Children of Earth? I can only think of one, and that was when the 456 came to Earth.]

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