Home > Torchwood > Second Children of Earth trailer airs in Australia

Second Children of Earth trailer airs in Australia

June 18th, 2009

gwen_coe_juneHot off the heels of yesterday’s Australian trailer for Children of Earth, a second teaser for the series has aired Down Under!

The latest trail is a chilling preview of Gwen’s speech, rumoured to be from episode 5. In the speech, she talks about the mysteries surrounding the Doctor. You can check it out below:



admin Torchwood

  1. TE
    June 18th, 2009 at 13:08 | #1

    And, now we have the confirmation that Torchwood: Children of Earth will begin July 6th! What an excellent day it is!

  2. June 18th, 2009 at 14:03 | #2

    Where did you find that out?? That’s brilliant!

  3. June 18th, 2009 at 16:12 | #3

    Don’t worry I just found it. Admin, you should post that as a news item!

    It says it’s during the week 4th-10th, and we’re assuming it’ll be weekdays. I wonder how thrilled Mum’ll be to find out it starts on her birthday… not…

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