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Torchwood Asylum cover released

torchwood_asylum_cover_cdLast month, we told you about 3 new Torchwood audio plays - Asylum, Golden Age and The Dead Line - that will transmit on BBC Radio 4 this Summer.

Each of the exclusive stories, which star John Barrowman, Eve Myles and Gareth David-Lloyd as Jack, Gwen and Ianto, will also be available to purchase on CD following their respective broadcasts, and the cover for the first, Asylum by Anita Sullivan, has been released. 

Asylum follows the story of a teen runaway called Freda who is brought to the attention of Jack, Gwen and Ianto by PC Andy, who suddenly finds himself drawn closer than ever before into the terrifying world of Torchwood…

Asylum will be released on CD on 2nd July 2009. We’ll bring you all the broadcast dates as and when!

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