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Children of Earth Discussion: Day Four

coe_day_4_discussionThe fourth episode of Torchwood: Children of Earth has just finished airing on BBC One and BBC HD, and we’re now all set for tomorrow’s epic series finale - it’s definitely going to be one to remember!

So, while you’re sitting there patiently twiddling your thumbs waiting for Day Five to grace our screens, why not join in with our latest discussion and tell us what you thought of Series 3’s penultimate instalment, which saw the Torchwood team finally learn the shocking truth about the events of 1965…

But has tonight’s agonizing cliffhanger left you anxiously counting down the remaining hours left until the final part, or did you find Day Four unbe-Weevil-ably boring? (Ok, so we’re running out of puns - *ahem* - it’s been a long week!) Share your Day Four reactions by leaving a comment on this post - happy discussing! Oh, and be sure to watch out for spoilers aplenty…

Day Four?

  • Argggh, just amazing! I can't WAIT 'til tomorrow's finale! (84.0%, 57 Votes)
  • Worst one so far! (10.0%, 7 Votes)
  • It wasn't bad, but wasn't great either... (6.0%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 68

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The story reaches its dramatic climax tomorrow at 9:00PM on BBC One and BBC HD…

admin Discussions, Torchwood

  1. Steve’Lee
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:01 | #1

    I can only say that Day Four was VERY VERY VERY disturbing, didn’t like it at all and thought that all the talk about killing the kids and the ones who wont be missed was very bad.

  2. Mass
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:01 | #2

    That was horrible…. i have tears in my eyes…

    Best episode yet… but just…. horrible….

  3. July 9th, 2009 at 22:03 | #3

    The way they were talking about killing the less important kids was really terrifying and the end was just awful, I couldnt see the telly through the tears!

  4. Steve’Lee
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:06 | #4

    I agree Katie and Mass, I thought the plot of that one as a whole was very bad! That was awful, talking about how one kid is less important than another!

  5. July 9th, 2009 at 22:15 | #5

    Well, yes, the subject matter was awful, but it is science fiction. On a dramatic level this was up there with the best of DW. What scares me is that the portrayal of politicians is probaby closer to the truth than we dare believe. Poor Ianto! I’m now thinking there won’t be a fourth series of TW!!

  6. Jaqe
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:24 | #6

    GRRRRR so they just kill of Ianto like that? not even at the finale, just slipt into the episode? but it was good until then … there was no point of killing him off (unless he wanted to leave …) and if I’m correct, the s4 team is: Jack, Gwen, Lois and Rhys. And that, is quite stupid. Lois is OK, but Rhys ruins it :(

  7. Blew
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:32 | #7

    Absolutely brilliant episode. The conversation between the politicians was so near the mark it made for wonderfully uncomfortable viewing. The performances have been outstanding throughout and Ianto’s demise was heartbreaking.

    I like Rhys and would love to see him in S4

  8. Mass
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:33 | #8


    I didnt mean the episode or plot was bad… if anything i thought it was amazing how the government were brought to their knees by just two words: “ten percent”.

    The discussions and what the implications were were what shocked me, but in a good way. It was a really well written and executed peice of television (i loved Nick “voice of the daleks” Briggs monologue about thinning the populous).

    That alone was worth watching, add in the Torwchwood stuff and for me it was the best thing ive seen on TV this week!

  9. Steve’Lee
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:38 | #9

    When I said that above, I didn’t explain 100%.
    I meant the plot as in the discussions about the kids they were talking about, not the plot as a whole!

    I agree with you when you say it was amazing, the acting, the OVERAL plot and the way the alien’s tied in with the kids!

  10. Marcus
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:45 | #10

    This is definately one of those ‘Oh my god, that did not just happen’ episodes. Extremely well written dialogue certainly made up for the lack of action. ‘Midnight’ springs into mind. Very clever episode indeed. R.I.P. Ianto. We will miss you :(

  11. July 9th, 2009 at 22:48 | #11

    Interesting that Nick Briggs has gone from playing the (voices of) baddest aliens in the history of the universe, to a thoroughly nasty human. No voice effects required! :)

    Can’t wait for Ep 5.

  12. Mass
    July 9th, 2009 at 22:59 | #12

    He’s brilliant in the numerous Big Finish stories he’s done if you ever get chance to hear them

  13. sam
    July 10th, 2009 at 07:45 | #13

    All i can say is i can’t believe Ianto’s dead..

  14. July 10th, 2009 at 08:33 | #14

    Well that was truly incredible. I never thought that an episode could ever better the level of emotion in Exit Wounds, but this one definitely managed it. All of the subtle building up of Jack and Ianto’s relationship throughout this series came to a head and made the ending even more powerful. Simply awesome.

  15. July 10th, 2009 at 10:17 | #15

    After looking through various forums and messageboards I’d say there are many people who are expecting the resurrection of Ianto in tonight’s final episode. Others think there is going to be a DW crossover, with these events affecting Doc 10’s last three episodes. This is going to be very interesting.

  16. Steve’Lee
    July 10th, 2009 at 12:27 | #16

    Davie, that’s intresting! I really have a strange feeling that someone or something will say it’s returning through the dark??

  17. July 10th, 2009 at 15:44 | #17

    Great stuff last night with the death of a important character who was once dating a cyber woman and then liked men instead and who can blame him when that cyber woman was a real ugly piece of candy but still wouldnt turn me to the other side to bat lol

  18. July 10th, 2009 at 16:31 | #18

    I didn’t even think to consider the possibility that Ianto that might die. Tosh and Owen died only four episodes before him! However, despite my adoration for Ianto’s brilliant sense of humour and general fabulousness, I hope he isn’t resurrected. I think that would take all the drama out of his death. Well, most of it. If you’re going to kill him, at least do him the service of killing him properly.

  19. July 10th, 2009 at 16:57 | #19

    I agree entirely with TSG above. Resurrecting Ianto would cheapen all of the emotion that arose at the end of the last episode.

  20. Paul
    July 10th, 2009 at 17:21 | #20

    I cant beleive imgoing to miss tonights episode !!! im at the prom !!!!

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