Home > Discussions, Torchwood > Children of Earth Discussion: Day One

Children of Earth Discussion: Day One

coe_day_1_discussionWell, there we have it! The first episode of Children of Earth, Day One, has aired on BBC One (or BBC HD for those of you who are lucky enough to be able to enjoy this series in all its shiny High-Definition glory!), and it’s safe to say that the team are officially back in business! Even though they’re only on our screens for a short while this year, we’ve still got 4 more hours of juicy Torchwood-y goodness to look forward to, and, if the rest are anything like tonight’s launch, it’s safe to say that we really are in for a treat!

But let’s not jump ahead of ourselves - back to tonight’s instalment, and what a way to kick off a brand new series! What did you think? Did Day One live up to your expectations, or were you disappointed to discover that the chanting children weren’t as chilling as you thought they’d be? John Barrowman promised that viewers would get hooked from the start, but was he right? Are you thirsty for part two, or are you bored of the storyline already? Let us know by posting your thoughts on Children of Earth - Day One in the comments of this post. It’s over to you…

What did YOU think of Children of Earth - Day One?

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OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING: The last thing we want to do is to ruin any surprises or twists for those of you who haven’t seen the episode yet, so if you haven’t, please stay far, far, FAR away from this discussion as we won’t be monitoring it for spoilers. You have been warned!

AN EVEN MORE OBVIOUS REMINDER: The story continues tomorrow at 9:00PM on BBC One and BBC HD…

admin Discussions, Torchwood

  1. Mass
    July 6th, 2009 at 22:01 | #1

    What a great episode!!!

  2. July 6th, 2009 at 22:04 | #2

    Fantastic, loved every minute, can’t wait till tommorow!

  3. Steve’Lee
    July 6th, 2009 at 22:05 | #3

    Very good, thought some parts were not as good as others and loved the cliff-hanger, howegver it’s gonna be one of the cliff hangers where he does something silly to stop him self dying lol!

  4. Mass
    July 6th, 2009 at 22:18 | #4

    Right, now ive had a minute to digest it i’ll give my thoughts!

    From the off a very interesting teaser, although it reminded me of various mythology scenes from The X-Files. Once the show was underway proper it was very tense and gripping; particularly with Peter Capaldi as John Frobisher…. that man just screams “weight of the world on his shoulders”.

    The Torchwood team themselves, well the actors look very at ease and it feels like they’ve slipped back into character like putting on some comfy slippers. You can tell its some time after series 2, but long enough for things to be settled in to a regular routine now.

    One thing i wanted to clarify, are Jack and Ianto living together, or is Jack still living at the Hub?

    My thoughts on Rupesh? Im so glad he didnt make it past episode one… just didnt feel like he could have been part of the team at all. Yes ok, he had a nice paralell with Gwen’s first discovery of Torchwood, but that was it.

    Anyways, i loved the little bits like Ianto’s fantasticly moving “coming out” scene, the pathos broken up with a comedy line that was drastically needed to keep us on course.

    I wasn’t overly impressed with Jack and Alice’s scene. It just seemed a little bit “hey look, here’s a bit about Jack you never knew”, though where she and her son fit in in the overall arc i dont know yet.

    Best scene in the show for me was Gwen’s visit to Clem in the care home… Eve Myles is such a pro at empathy! I was just amazed by her… it may be her gigantic eyes, but she just gets me every time.

    The “spectacular” ending would probably have had more impact for me if i hadnt heard all about it for months in advance.. but i suppose it sets up the teams actions over the next four days.

    Im looking forward to seeing where this ride takes us… i’ll be out tomorrow so i’ll have to catch up on iPlayer before wednesdays’s show, but the bonus to that is i get double Torchwood! Ha Ha!!


  5. July 6th, 2009 at 23:09 | #5

    Amazing episode! BRING ON DAY TWO! So many unanswered questions, tomorrow can’t come to qucik..


  6. Tom
    July 6th, 2009 at 23:23 | #6

    I Can’t Wait for Tomorrow! This episode was Brilliant! Why have cliff hangers, i wanna see it now! LOL

  7. TE
    July 7th, 2009 at 00:16 | #7

    A brilliant episode! And tonight’s is worth the wait, but I wish there wasn’t a wait!

  8. Mass
    July 7th, 2009 at 01:42 | #8

    Wooo i submitted my review to Aint It Cool News and they used it!

  9. July 7th, 2009 at 10:53 | #9

    Not that imprssed to be honest and to find out Jack had a daughter and gran child was not shocking in the way i expected was rather dull in parts and slow paced.

    Going to be one of those shows where it will pick up at the last 2 episodes otherwise not bad but not as good so far as i expected

  10. July 7th, 2009 at 11:04 | #10

    I’m going to agree with Mass in that I thought the scene with Alice was a bit of a letdown. If anything, I think it should have started with more of a bang - I was hoping for a repeat of that marvellous line “Hello, Dad.” By the time we cottoned on that this was Jack’s daughter, we were already halfway through the scene and we were listening to the conversation, so the impact was entirely lost.

    Rupesh did his job perfectly. This includes dying.

    I loved the little section of the closing scene in the Hub where Gwen reveals that she’s pregnant. Eve Myles, in her lovely Welsh accent: “It’s brill-i-ant.” My thoughts exactly!!

    It’s a shame that obviously Jack will survive. The audiance knows too much for this to be an effective cliffhanger (aka the Face of Boe and this being only day one). However, it could be that he stays dead for longer, as with the end of series one where he didn’t wake up for days. Which makes life a whole lot more difficult for Gwen and Ianto.

    A word on Ianto: I love that character. He gets the best one liners, the best emotional trauma (how would you like to deal with your lover telling you “I hate the word couple”), the best humiliation, and to top it off he’s lost the SUV. Though I can’t help my cynical side telling me that’s a plot device if I ever saw one.

    Well. I’d say that I absolutely have to watch it tonight except I was always going to, being a devoted fan. Never mind. See you on tomorrow’s discussion!

  11. July 7th, 2009 at 11:16 | #11

    Just a quick note this time. What follows is Clem MacDonald’s bio from the Torchwood website:

    “Confused old man living in a psychiatric hospital in East Sussex who starts repeating what the children all over Earth are saying when the 456 make contact. Gwen realises he must also have had contact with the 456 some time in his past and tries to befriend him to discover what he knows.”

    The problem is that he’s in a psychiatric hospital in East GRINSTEAD, as mentioned several times in the show. As a student there, I happen to know that East Grinstead is in WEST Sussex.

    Oops. :D I love finding mistakes.

  12. pirko
    July 7th, 2009 at 13:27 | #12

    I LOVE day one (think that will get confusing seeming as though torchwood series 1 ep 2 is also called “Day one” lol). I really liked it from the off. The first ten minutes or so were a bit slow but once it got going it was brilliant. Didnt think much of jack having a daughter, I think they’ve made a mistake there. Lantos coming out was the best emotional scene because it wasnt a typical “coming out”, he isnt gay, he just loves jack and thats something new which i loved.

    I hope they look into their relationship more. Bring on DAY TWO! I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!!!

  13. Sean
    July 7th, 2009 at 18:02 | #13

    Woop! Torchwood is officially back and I’m loving it… my favourite scene was Gwen in the hub learning that the baby was real… was so amazing. Can’t wait for tonight, TORCHWEEK has begun… and I’m very excited! :D

  14. July 7th, 2009 at 18:13 | #14

    Wow, it was a really amazing episode. It was one of those cliffhangers (which are usually from Doctor Who) that had me awake a long while after thinking about it.

    The good thing was that the episode kept surprising me: I didn’t expect Rupesh to shoot Jack, and the explosion at the end was very good! Also, there was a lot of humour with Ianto (who I’m slowly warming to…) and at the end when the children said “We are coming… back” that was really chilling.

    I agree with everyone and think that the whole Jack/daughter thing was quite random and unnecessary.. unless they develop it somehow. Ah well.

    Anyway, well done Russell T Davies, another masterpiece, and I can’t wait for tonight’s part!

  15. sam
    July 7th, 2009 at 20:11 | #15

    Great,fast paced,action packed drama. Loved every second of it! Well worth the wait,bring on Day Two.

  16. Mark
    July 7th, 2009 at 22:29 | #16

    TSG :
    Just a quick note this time. What follows is Clem MacDonald’s bio from the Torchwood website:
    “Confused old man living in a psychiatric hospital in East Sussex who starts repeating what the children all over Earth are saying when the 456 make contact. Gwen realises he must also have had contact with the 456 some time in his past and tries to befriend him to discover what he knows.”
    The problem is that he’s in a psychiatric hospital in East GRINSTEAD, as mentioned several times in the show. As a student there, I happen to know that East Grinstead is in WEST Sussex.
    Oops. I love finding mistakes.

    and you didnt spot the mistakes that this hospital doesn’t exist or that East Grinstead is no way near 2 hours away from Cardiff?

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