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Children of Earth Discussion: Day Two

coe_day_2_discussionTwo down, three to go! And after yesterday’s spectacular launch, we couldn’t help but wonder if they could pull it off again, but they did just that, and tonight’s instalment was just as action-packed, funny, shocking and thrilling as the first - if not more so!

As the plot thickens, we’re slowly but surely finding out more and more about the mysterious 456 (they’re coming tomorrow!), and the good news is we’ve still got three more hours to enjoy! For now, though, we want to know what YOU thought of Day Two!

This is the perfect place for all your Day Two related chatter and such like - were you shocked by the latest revelations in tonight’s episode or is the fast-paced plot giving you a headache? Let us know by posting your Children of Earth - Day Two reactions in the comments of this post - we can’t wait to read what you have to say!

What did you think of Day Two?

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SPOILERS AHOY! Like yesterday - and all the upcoming discussions this week - we won’t be monitoring the comments for spoilers, so please don’t read them if you haven’t seen the episode and don’t want to be spoiled.

TOMORROW’S ANOTHER DAY: Don’t forget (not that you would of course…) that the gripping adventure continues tomorrow at 9:00PM on BBC One & BBC HD!

admin Discussions, Torchwood

  1. sam
    July 7th, 2009 at 22:02 | #1

    It was a very good episode,full of action yet again. My favourite moment was when Rhys and Gwen where in the potato truck. Classic Torchwood! Best episode so far. Was hooked from the start.

  2. sam
    July 7th, 2009 at 22:02 | #2


  3. Mass
    July 7th, 2009 at 22:03 | #3

    Ah how good was that!!!!

    Detailed review to come….

    (yes, i managed to watch it after all lol)

  4. July 7th, 2009 at 22:15 | #4

    So so brilliant.

    I loved the way the team all managed to get back together at the end in order to fight the evil government. Lois seemed a really weak character in the last episode, but she managed to show her best qualities when helping Gwen and Rhys to get Jack back.

    Quote of the episode has to go to PC Andy for “If she’s anti terrorist, I wouldn’t mind being Uncle terrorist.” Sheer comic genius!

  5. Mass
    July 7th, 2009 at 22:21 | #5

    Well it was another gripping introduction to start us off with the escape from the Elite Team of Assasins (TM) that weren’t so elite after all.

    In a nutshell tonights episode was half “the human cost” and half “mission impossible”, which to me was a great formula for Day Two.

    After the explosion of Jack by aforementioned Elite Team of Assasins (TM), the members of the team still in at least one piece went on the run bringing us back to the extended family we met in the previous episode, with once again the LOL moment brought to us by Ianto’s brother in law (i dont want to spoil it, if you’ve not seen it, but searching the bedroom…)

    Once again, we had random moments of Jack’s daughter once again putting us to sleep with boringness. I really hope she comes through in the next episode if the teaser is anything to go through.

    Lois, a minor role in the last episode, seems to be being groomed as Tosh v2.0, but just doesnt seem to have the charisma (or bisexuality) to be a Torchwood member just yet, although she was much better than yesterdays Red Shirt, Rupesh.

    Big shout for a cameo by PC Andy! He’s a legend!

    Rhys and Gwen made an odd, but strangely effective double team, on the run and trying to get to the one man who can help them… or can he….

    Ianto was off putting for me this episode, with quirky bird-like movements in the park scene, although he did redeem himself in the final escape scene.

    Jack, obviously, missing for most of the episode (they must have filmed this one on a Saturday evening….) was on cracking form for what little screen time he did have, including a little fan service for the ladies.

    Peter Capaldi again stole the show for me however as John Frobisher, the man at the centre of a massive Government conspiracy, who today in the world of Alien visitation, had to comission a big box of atmosphere with his creepy buddy who seems to have a deeper connection to the 456 (the so far, unseen aliens) than he’s letting on.

    So that was Day Two… lets see how Day Three fares!

  6. July 7th, 2009 at 22:49 | #6

    Amazing episode! Children Of Earth is shaping up to be an amazing series! I’m loving every minute!

  7. July 8th, 2009 at 09:11 | #7

    Both episodes have been compelling and brilliant. Just highly watchable TV. Am I alone in thinking this mini-series will make Eve Myles a huge star? She is utterly fantastic and lights up the screen in every scene she is in.

  8. July 8th, 2009 at 09:17 | #8

    Rhys: How are you, love?

    Gwen: My best friend’s belly had a bomb go off in it last night, someone’s been trying to kill us ever since. I’m travelling at 70 miles an hour on a bed of potatoes. I think I’m going to be sick!

    Couldn’t help but laugh at that. Absolutely hilarious.

  9. Steve’Lee
    July 8th, 2009 at 10:51 | #9

    SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER than the first day! Kept me watching from the start and can not wait until Tonight’s one.
    It was funy but serious at the same time, 100% amazing!

  10. July 8th, 2009 at 13:18 | #10

    Muche better than episode 1 and a credit to the writer on this one you out witted mr t davies first one well done

  11. July 8th, 2009 at 14:19 | #11

    PC Andy was the best moment of this. We need more PC Andy in our lives.

    I actually like Lois, despite her lack of interesting character. Well, when we first met Tosh we thought she was a bit boring. And then she had an affair with an alien and listened to everyone’s thoughts about her and we fell in love with her. In short, I wouldn’t mind her joining - I think she’s a good actress and instinctively, I like her.

    Though I’d still prefer Martha and Mickey to join. Forgot to say last night - glad that she’s tied the knot with the lovely Dr Milligan! D’you think the Doctor went to the wedding? Bet the Torchwood team did.

    In the meantime, I’ll be missing tonight’s episode (stupid rehearsals) but I shall look forward with impatient glee to my double Torchwood fest tomorrow night!

  12. Zack
    July 8th, 2009 at 17:56 | #12

    loved it..

    Wasn’t too sure what lois’s role would be from the firs episode, but now I think its pretty clear she’ll be acting as at least an honarary torchowwod member. Still grieving on the loss of Tosh and Owen, but I think it would be fantastic if Martha and/or Micky join up.

    whose Dr Milligan again?

  13. Mass
    July 8th, 2009 at 18:33 | #13

    Zack: Tom Milligan is the Doctor who helped Martha catch a Toclafane in The Last of the Time Lords. Martha got in contact with him after “the year that never was” and they have now married.

  14. July 8th, 2009 at 19:31 | #14

    Congrats to Martha :) I hope she doesn’t take Tom’s name though. Martha Milligan doesn’t sound as good.

  15. Zack
    July 9th, 2009 at 01:01 | #15

    Ooh yeh, thank you :)
    I’d forgotten he was the one she was engaged to…
    it’s a shame I would have liked to have seen Martha in one of these.

  16. Zack
    July 9th, 2009 at 01:07 | #16

    Though I suppose she would be a little too much, and probably distract from Lois… oh well I guess this one will have to be Martha-less

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