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Tom Baker talks Who return

July 31st, 2009

tom_baker_fourth_doctorTom Baker has revealed that he’d jump at the chance to return to Doctor Who at some point in the future - but only if the script was up to scratch.

The actor, who’s famous for his portrayal of the Fourth Doctor between the years 1974 and 1981, would only consider a comeback on the condition he could have a say in his lines.

“I’d want to have some say,” he said. ”I’m not asking for [British playwright] Tom Stoppard to write the script, but for it to be as I remember it.”

His comments follow on from weeks of speculation regarding a Children in Need sketch which, according to the reports, would bring together all 11 incarnations of the Time Lord. However, showrunner Russell T Davies has denied the rumours, but has reportedly confirmed that the pre-titles sequence of The Waters of Mars will be shown during the charity’s telethon event on Friday 20th November.

admin Miscellaneous

  1. July 31st, 2009 at 17:19 | #1

    Tom Baker is my second favourite of all time as the doctor but who does he think he is my god doctor who made him and he wants control over it and what has been doing lately oh yes crappy voice over for little britain. Gather Tom was a control freak when he was the doctor and many actors were quaking in there boots. Tom is no script writer and he is just a actor and a good one when he gets the chance.

  2. Mass
    July 31st, 2009 at 17:29 | #2

    cynet :what has been doing lately

    He just recorded a new 4th Doctor audio adventure??

    Seriously, as much as i love the idea of revisiting classic doctors, i think it should either not be done, or done in a fun way, like Time Crash. Short and sweet.

    The only doc i would love to see a full multi-doc episode with is Paul McGann, and only because he never got a fair crack of the whip, and his audio stuff is brilliant.

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