Home > The Waters of Mars > Brand new stills from The Waters of Mars!

Brand new stills from The Waters of Mars!

October 29th, 2009

doctor-adelaide-gun-torchAhead of tomorrow’s press launch, DigitalSpy have released a wave of brand spanking new stills from the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, which is due to air mid-November on BBC1 and BBC HD!

The images depict the Flood in various stages of, erm… ‘wetness’, and there’s also some great action shots of the Doctor and his new companion, Adelaide, doing what the Doctor and his companion do best!

And as we edge ever closer to the big day, expect lots of new information and teasers to trickle out over the coming weeks…

admin The Waters of Mars

  1. ian cunningham
    October 30th, 2009 at 09:18 | #1

    waters of mars 7.00 15/11/09

  2. October 31st, 2009 at 14:41 | #2

    “expect lots of new information and teasers to trickle out over the coming weeks…”

    Ha ha. Very funny. :P

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