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Eighth Doctor return ‘unlikely’

October 1st, 2009

paul-mcgannPaul McGann has revealed that the chances of him returning to Doctor Who in the future are slim, and confirmed that he’s never even spoken to the current producers about a possible comeback.

Ongoing rumours have suggested that McGann would be reprising his short-lived role at some point in the new series, and more recently there were reports that he would be back for a Children in Need reunion special.

But the actor has admitted that he has no plans to return to the TARDIS, and, as far as he’s aware, neither do the writers!

“It’s highly unlikely, because since I walked off that set in 1996, no one’s ever called me,” he said. ”I’ve never met these people. I’ve never been down to Cardiff and met what’s his face, Russell T Davies.”

He added: “So no, maybe they haven’t got my number? There’s always rumours, it’s nice to stoke the fire. I’m always hearing them.”

McGann played the Eighth incarnation of the Doctor in a TV movie, which was first shown in 1996.

admin Miscellaneous

  1. October 1st, 2009 at 20:31 | #1

    Very unlikely then. I never saw the movie, and I’d love to see it. I feel a trip to Blockbusters coming on…

  2. Mass
    October 1st, 2009 at 22:37 | #2

    Its actually surprisingly similar to the new series, if you look past the “Americanisation”.

    I LOVED McGann’s Doctor, and i still do in his audio adventures. To see him back on screen would be amazing, but sadly very very unlikely.

  3. pirko
    October 3rd, 2009 at 21:06 | #3

    I know its nothin to do with this article but just thought I would share this with you…

    I watched Last of the Time Lords on Watch tonight as there was nothing else on (sat nights without the doctor are so long!)and I noticed they cut two things from the original episode. 1/ The masters song was cut out and 2/ the bit with marthas parents talking in the cells.

    I thought this was weird. Any reason why they would play a different version of LOTL?

  4. Mass
    October 4th, 2009 at 23:44 | #4

    The song may have been to do with clearance issues for the channel, and maybe the dialogue was either inappropriate for the time of broadcast, or the channel snipped it to help with running time (they show it with ads i believe).

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