Home > Merchandise, Series 5 > First 11th Doctor audio adventure due in April

First 11th Doctor audio adventure due in April

October 27th, 2009

matt_karen_avatar_defaultAccording to various online retailers, the first exclusive audio adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor and his companion, Amy Pond, is due to be released on April 8th 2010!

Nothing else about the release, including plot, title, narrator, etc…, is known yet, but we’ll keep you posted!

The fifth series of Doctor Who is currently being filmed in Cardiff, and will air on BBC One and BBCHD from Spring 2010.

admin Merchandise, Series 5

  1. October 27th, 2009 at 17:38 | #1

    All together in an imitation of the little aliens from Toy Story: “ooOOoo!”

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