Official: New Doctor Who logo unveiled!
The BBC have this morning officially released the brand new Doctor Who logo, which will be introduced alongside the Eleventh Doctor in 2010!
The new image will be used on the revamped opening titles for each episode of the upcoming fifth series, and it’ll also feature on all the merchandise, including DVD releases, books, toy packaging, etc…
The new logo is the eleventh the show has had since it first aired back in 1963 (one for each incarnation!), and the programme’s latest rebrand depicts an abbreviation of the title, with the letters ‘DW’ shaped to form the outline of the TARDIS. The typeface used also suggests a nod back to the classic series, but with an added glossy texture that can only mean one thing - brand new adventures in time and space!
“A new logo. The eleventh logo for the eleventh Doctor - those grand old words, Doctor Who, suddenly looking newer than ever,” said Steven Moffat, showrunner.
“And look at that, something really new - an insignia! DW in TARDIS form! Simple and beautiful, and most important of all, a completely irresistible doodle. I apologise to school notebooks everywhere, because in 2010 that’s what they’re going to be wearing.”
So… what do you all think!? Feel free to post your thoughts as a comment on this news story. Happy dicsussing!

WOW! Looks so cool! I love every bit of it and the mini TARDIS THING!
It’s a better designed logo but they are going to need an awesome title sequence to go with it. I think I’ll miss the old titles. So much change to cope with at once — is anything staying the same?
Nothing in DW “stays the same”. Deal with it.
Liking the DW Tardis, but the font and overall look of the text doesn’t exactly grab me. It looks too similar to previous versions.
I’m not a huge fan of the current orange logo but it does grab the attention in stores etc. Not sure if this will as much, but I guess it depends how they use it.
Obviously Mr Moffat and his team are going retro with the look and feel of the new series.
Hopefully it’ll grow on me in time.
Not so bad and not so good either but It’s good anyway,next up is brand new opening titles..
I really don’t like it, but don’t start going on at me that things have to change! I know and accept that… I just don’t like the logo. Meh, maybe once it’s with the titles…
I realllllllly like it. The one thing I’m concerned about is the stuff that’s changing, though. What isn’t? I’m up for new stuff, but surely the BBC have the sense not to practically re-brand the whole show. Sorry, that’s just my opinion. Loving the logo though.
Oh, also, I think the 2010 trailer is absoluetely FAB!
I certainly like the look of everything about this new logo, but I can’t say I’m crazy about the title officially be shortened as ‘DW’. If you’re going to abbreviate ‘Doctor’ it should be ‘Dr.’ not ‘D’. And ‘DW’ seems such a part of this ‘LOL’-'OMG’ decade. Sorry, but I think Doctor Who should be timeless.
‘DW’ is very much un-timeless.
(re: The poll – where do I vote if I think it’s okay, but better than the old logo?)
I like the old logo more because it was diffrent this logo is just a 21st centuary update to the McGann and Pertwee logo.
They are doing a bit of a swingback to the classic series if the rumours are to be believed.
@Mr Asterix
I use DW as an abbreviation all the time when writing, and I know of fans who get very upset when the papers refer to the program as Dr Who. Never quite understood why, but it does look a bit… odd. So I’ve got nothing against DW, though I’m most certainly not a fan of LOL and OMG, and all the rest of it.
True, the BBC is rebranding it on a massive scale, but on the other hand, there’s such huge publicity surrounding it that they’re hardly going to lose out on ratings. Even the act of releasing the logo in such a dramatic manner got us talking about the show again - I see some new names/names I’ve not seen before on here. So if you take the cynical approach that everything is always a marketing ploy, it’s working.
Cynicism aside, I’m getting used to it. It won’t be doodled on my notebooks though - sorry Mr Moffatt!
Nice answer TSG - thanks.
I see what you mean, and totally agree.
I like the new logo and ive seen a lot of new logos over the years of loving DW but lets face it, its a lot to do with the merchandising-new figures,sonic screwdriver,tardis,inside tardis playset….the list will go kids have got the old stuff well it will start all over again for the new stuff,dont mind cause we love it but its all about the money.
I have to say I think the new logo is…okay. Its just a bit bland really although I do like the purple thats in the logo. I think the current logo is better though because it is original and opened the door for brand new doctor who (which is the purpose RTD had).
I’m only worried that all this fuss over the new stuff coming into 2010 is going to overshadow DT’s and RTD’s final episodes in the next couple of months, which is unfair.
To be honest I think they should have waited until after David’s final episode to reveal the new logo. Even immediately after - it would have been a nice touch. I don’t actually see why they needed to reveal it right now as there is loads currently keeping DW in the news (SJA, DT’s final eps, ETC.), so it doesn’t particularly make sense.
I’ve been thinking - the big clincher is will younger viewers like this logo? They are the bread & butter of DW, and I’m not sure if they will, it’s certainly not as immediate or attention grabbing as the current logo. Time will tell, but it has vaguely grown on me the more I’ve saw it over the last 24 hours.
I really see what you mean there about the overshadowing of DT’s departure. It does seem slightly unfair. I’ve just noticed the effect it’s having on me, too - I’m thinking more about 2010 and Matt Smith’s reign rather than DT’s final three episodes…
I’m so glad I’m not alone about the series 5 stuff overshadowing DT’s final episodes. I just pray now…NO MORE SERIES 5 REVEALS UNTIL AFTER THE FINAL EPISODES PLEASE BBC!!!!
Same Pirko…why don’t we ask the BBC to reveal spoilers about David Tennant’s final episodes instead?
@ Dan
Sounds like a fair enough request although I am deseperate not to find out anything about christmas. I want to be suprised
I DON’T KNOW ANYONE HERE! Although, That Dan person does seem really cool. But i don’t like the logo at all… Of course, it’s not gonna make me stop watching (still waiting to hear about the theme tune…).