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Happy Birthday, Doctor Who!

November 23rd, 2009

tenth-doctor-2Today is a very important day on the Doctor Who calendar, and that is for one very simple reason! On this Winter day back in 1963, the first ever episode, An Unearthly Child, aired on BBC One, and the nation was introduced to that mysterious little Time Lord and his spectacular blue box - and their thrilling adventures have been captivating generations ever since!

And after over 750 episodes and 200 stories, 10 Doctors, 50+ companions, and countless other friends and foes, the best programme in the Universe is still going as strong as ever today, as fans twiddle their thumbs in anticipation for the long-awaited regeneration of the Tenth Doctor this Christmas, as well as the introduction of Matt Smith as the incoming Eleventh!

So, as we look back over the past four decades, it’s time to get nostalgic! We want to know how Doctor Who has changed YOUR life! How did you find the series? What was your first reaction? Does anyone else you know watch it? How will you be celebrating its anniversary? Share your Doctor Who memories in the comments of this post, as a reminder of just why Doctor Who has become as popular as it has! We’ll be compiling all of your stories on a special celebratory page at the end of the month, so happy reminiscing, and, of course, happy birthday to our favourite show!

Speaking of fandom, don’t forget that you can now send in your applications to be our Fan of the Month for December 2009! More details can be found here. The deadline for our Christmas Project is also fast approaching…

admin Birthdays, WhovianNet

  1. November 23rd, 2009 at 00:26 | #1

    My first memory of Doctor Who, was watching repeats of Sly McCoy’s Doctor on BBC2 in the late 90’s. At the time I would have only been about 10, and I was born just a few years too late to see the classic series on TV originally.

    Naturally, as a kid, I forgot about this weird show and went on to play on my bike, and do SATs and then GCSEs… and then, just a couple of years after I’d left school, and I was old enough to know better than to watch what is still essentially a kids show… RTD brought the series back to our screens, and I was hooked again.

    Thanks to everyone involved in Doctor Who, all the way from when the world was black and white in 1963, to the present day, and the future, and time which is in flux. And anyone in any parrallel dimensions who happen to be reading. And those who are light years away. And those who are in the void.

  2. November 23rd, 2009 at 07:57 | #2

    The first episode of Doctor Who I watched was The Empty Child. I’m young, y’see, and although my father had been a Who watcher of years bygone, he wasn’t enough of a fanatic to make us watch it when it reappeared. Within three weeks I was thanking whatever deities there may be for the wonders that are repeats, and I was getting up to date with series 1. I’ve never seen a full Classic story, although I did watch a bit of The Unearthly Child and Invasion of the Daleks when I was writing a story about Susan.

    So my first Who experience was primarily one of “Dad! What’s going on?” and of hiding behind cushions (not the sofa. I’m not that young). That story terrified me. I also blame it for making me write a lot of Rose/Doctor fanfiction, because how much flirting is there in that episode? And “most people notice when they’ve been teleported.” And every single mention of ‘dancing’.

    I think I properly became a Whovian when we got to the finale, and I knew half the story from spoilers before it aired. It takes you a few cigarettes to become addicted. It took me all of about one story of Doctor Who.

  3. Sam
    November 23rd, 2009 at 16:40 | #3

    I only started watching Doctor Who when the second series (roughly about Tooth And Claw? I’m not entirely sure..) was launched. Before then,I didn’t know nothing about a blue box or anything of the sort! I was captivated from then on and that’s what started making me collect all the merchandise, and rambling on about the latest episode and annoying my friends about it (it’s such a shame though,that nobody really likes it at my school) Anyway,I’m glad to be a fan and nothing will ever change that :) Happy Birthday Doctor Who :)

  4. November 23rd, 2009 at 17:03 | #4

    I started to watch Doctor Who when the series relaunched in 2005. I was about 10 years old when it started (I think!) By mum said to watch and I was very glad I did. I didn’t start buying and watching the classic series til the following year and ever since I have loved the show! Thank you Verity Lambert and Russell T Davies for making the show success!

  5. Grozz
    November 23rd, 2009 at 17:24 | #5

    I have been a fan since way back in 1963 right from the very first episode An unearthly child & from that moment I have enjoyed the fantastic adventures that this extraordinary traveller & his time & space craft have taken me on .I now have a daughter who also really enjoys the programme & we have both watched the current series since its relaunch What a fantastic idea especially the concept of regeneration & that despite the change of lead actor the fundamental characteristics remain the same

  6. ChildofTime
    November 23rd, 2009 at 18:29 | #6

    FANTASTIC! 46 years old. :) WOW, what a biggie. I started with my mum persuading me in 2005 to watch this relaunch of a show I’d never even heard of. And that was the start of my adventure. Since then, I’ve got the magazins, collected the DVD’s, ran a DW website, written my own fan-fics, produced a magazine, been spoiled rotten (geddit?) and basically wowed at the sight of anything Who. I can’t even begin to thank the show enough for how it’s changed me. :D All I can say is - roll on the 50th anniversary!


  7. Mass
    November 23rd, 2009 at 19:08 | #7

    I was there back when i was wee, watching Sylvester McCoy (I have vague recollections of the Kandyman), but then when the series was cancelled i discovered repeats on UK Gold and grew up on the Pertwee era onwards.

    I remember the run up to the TV movie and being so excited! I even bought the VHS the first day it was out. I still watch it now for the trailer before hand showing each doctors greatest moments and regeneration (Even Hartnell’s is on there!)

    When the series came back in 2005 i was working saturday nights so wouldnt see it til i got home in the early hours, but i never missed one. Even downloaded the TARDISodes to my mobile on my break after the episodes had aired.

    Tonight it have already watched An Unearthly Child. Next i’m watching The Caves of Androzani (my favourite, my doctor), followed by Survival.

    I’ll no doubt listen to a McGann audio tomorrow too.

    God bless Sydney Newman and Russell T Davies, and roll on 2013 for The 8 Doctors!

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