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Discussion: The End of Time (Part One)

December 25th, 2009

master-end-time-gaggedWarning: The following article has been designated a Spoiler Zone, as its comments openly discuss the events of part one of The End of Time. Please do not read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode and don’t want to be spoiled. Thank you.

It’s finally arrived everyone - the best Christmas present of them all! After what can only be described as a painstaking wait, part one of The End of Time has just had its nationwide debut on BBC One/HD, and if, like us, you’re struggling to contain your excitement, here’s the perfect place for you to spill all the beans!

Tonight, the Tenth Doctor’s final journey began as the Master was reborn, and the epic battle ranged from the wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate, as a terrible shadow fell across the entire Universe. But was it worth the wait? 

And it’s not over yet. After tonight’s agonizing cliffhanger, everything is now set in place ahead of next week’s momentous finale - but more on that shortly, let’s not jump ahead of ourselves! Let us know what you thought of part one by posting your reactions in a comment on this post. What are you waiting for!? Happy discussing!

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time - click here!

admin Discussions, The End of Time

  1. Sam
    December 25th, 2009 at 19:02 | #1


  2. December 25th, 2009 at 19:09 | #2

    Well, all I can say after watching Doctor Who today is just……..good god……….but in a good way.

    The entire human race has been transformed into The Master?………I can honestly say that I’ve never wanted an episode to never finish as much as this episode and it’s almost torturous that we have to wait another week for the conclusion.

    Something massive is coming, especially if the Time Lords truly are returning. This feels like this is building to something massive, let’s just hope it lives up to the build-up.

    The next episode is expected to be even more epic than this one, and if so, I believe we’re going to see the best episodes since the series relaunched………we can only wait now.

  3. December 25th, 2009 at 19:10 | #3

    Oh my goodness… I’m just speechless.

    Absolutely fantastic. David Tennant is gonna go out on such a high!

  4. December 25th, 2009 at 19:16 | #4

    Also, it was so, so sad when the Doctor nearly cried. My heart broke at that moment, so just imagine next week. o_0

  5. December 25th, 2009 at 19:52 | #5

    The-OncomingStorm :
    Also, it was so, so sad when the Doctor nearly cried. My heart broke at that moment, so just imagine next week. o_0

    I’m in such agreement with this. That part really struck a chord with me. I had guessed Timothy Dalton was a time lord as soon as we first saw the bit of his costume. Simm and Tennant were both on incredible form. Great episode!

  6. TE
    December 25th, 2009 at 20:16 | #6

    Such a fantastic episode. That’s all I can say. That, and: if RTD kills off the Time Lords, Donna and/or the Master, I may lose some respect for him.

    Also, next week’s episode starts fantastically! Just what you want after their return!

  7. December 25th, 2009 at 21:04 | #7

    If the Time Lords are back, it’ll add an interesting aspect to Season 5, though I can’t say I understand their return, nor them referring to Gallifrey

  8. Jack
    December 25th, 2009 at 21:22 | #8


    what an earth was that?!?!

    it was scary when everyone’s heads started to shake, but when they all turned into him? it just looked silly

    wouldn’t it have been better if they all turned into aliens or something?

    I have to admit, in my opinion, this is one of the worst episodes of Doctor Who I’ve seen in a long time.

  9. Alice
    December 25th, 2009 at 22:26 | #9

    ………..Just brilliant!!!

    The-OncomingStorm :Also, it was so, so sad when the Doctor nearly cried. My heart broke at that moment, so just imagine next week. o_0

    Oh my, yeah I so totally agree. certainly shed a couple of tears. not sure i will cope next week?! :S

    But it was FABULOUS!


  10. pirko
    December 25th, 2009 at 22:40 | #10

    What an amazing episode! It blew the other two specials out of the water completely!! I loved the energy, the story and the master is better than ever! and the twist at the end was amazing. I also shed a tear over DT’s chat with wilf over dying, it was a real tender moment. Good to see Donna back. Im baffled to see what happens now she remembers everything.

    I also was a bit sad when I saw the clip of DT in the next time trailer, with his face in cuts and the suit wrecked, its so sad :(

    If the story carries on as epic as this episode was, all I can say is…follow that Moffatt! :D

  11. Steve
    December 26th, 2009 at 09:57 | #11

    It was a let down,only saved by the last 30 seconds or so. It adds to the growing list of reasons why RTD should have gone earlier! What a waste of great talents like June Whitfield. The revelation that the timelords still exists adds a dangerous touch to what would have been a mid season low of an average season.Looks like Steven Moffatt will be open minded and allow other writers to bring new life to the series and not keep to all to his mates!

  12. ian cunningham
    December 27th, 2009 at 09:09 | #12

    the exlusive clip on for part 2. Is it a dalek space ship that has crashed at the beginning

  13. TE
    December 27th, 2009 at 11:23 | #13

    @ian cunningham
    They’re the remains following the Time War.

  14. Shauna Curtis
    December 27th, 2009 at 11:54 | #14

    That was fantastic! The Master took complete control of the planet again! I was in shock to find out that the Timelords returned! I hope that the Doctor can fix what The Master has done and save Donna and Wilfred. I’m super excited to see part two but i won’t be able to see it until next weekend. I’m not looking forward to the Tenth Doctor’s Regeneration seeing how he’s my Doctor! Anyway I love the end of Time and i can’t wait to see how the timelords returing are going to play out in the tenth Doctor’s finale!

  15. Shauna Curtis
    December 27th, 2009 at 11:55 | #15

    I’m totally with you, I’ll ball during the regeneration!

  16. cynet
    December 27th, 2009 at 12:20 | #16

    Was not impressed with the episode what so ever, the master with his face all over the planet was really absurd and boring.

    What a waste of such a great cast with a sub standard plot and hope the last episode is better.

  17. December 27th, 2009 at 14:49 | #17

    I loved the episode! Thought John Simm was brilliant as an even more insane Master and David Tennant was brilliant as usual. The only thing that let it down for me was the last bit of the episode with The Master race, thought that was a bit…weird but cant wait for fridays episode!

  18. December 27th, 2009 at 19:25 | #18

    I said that Gallifrey would be back!

    Very controversial episode. First off, the take on regeneration that’s never really been done before - loved it. I’m just about to go and rewatch that scene a few thousand times. I loved that scene so much it’s bordering on ridiculous. Secondly, “… and let me tell you that her nickname no longer…” Elizabeth I’s nickname was the Virgin Queen. Read into that what you will (for me it was “Oh, so you really do have a thing for royalty, you snob!”). Thirdly, Gallifrey/the Time Lords. For all those who’ve seen the clip on the official site of next ep’s opening scene - did it sound to you like we’re back in the Time War? Cos it did to me. And wasn’t the Time War Time Locked? Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

    John Simm: amazing. For his sake, I hope he didn’t have to do too many takes of eating. And I wasn’t sure about the electricity-jump effect. Jumping on it’s own: ok. With the white crackly power: not convincing.

    Bernard Cribbins: amazing, but I hope they develop Wilf further next week. I can see him giving advice to the Doctor, talking to him as a complete equal, but we’ve not had that so far. A bit, I s’pose. But I want more!

    David Tennant: amazing.

    Timothy Dalton: couldn’t they have edited out the spit in his last little speech? If only to stop my mother from commenting.

    Bring on New Year’s Day!

  19. Detective
    December 27th, 2009 at 20:07 | #19


    Gallifrey - When it was ‘destroyed’, it actually transported to the Void.
    Time Lords - Seeking revenge to the universe for their near-death, they seek the ‘end of time’.
    The Master - I think he has a choice, to kill the Doctor, or kill the Time Lord whom seeks the End of Time.
    Wilf - I think he drives a vehicle right into the immortality gate, cancelling out the duplicate Masters and injuring the Doctor.
    The Doctor - After Wilf drives into it, he realises how weak he now is and regenerates.

  20. Spike
    December 27th, 2009 at 21:06 | #20

    I loved the episode! Thought John Simm was brilliant, i cant wait for part 2, altough i did not like the idea of the master race, but the timelords coming back was the best part!

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