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Discussion: The End of Time (Part One)

December 25th, 2009

master-end-time-gaggedWarning: The following article has been designated a Spoiler Zone, as its comments openly discuss the events of part one of The End of Time. Please do not read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode and don’t want to be spoiled. Thank you.

It’s finally arrived everyone - the best Christmas present of them all! After what can only be described as a painstaking wait, part one of The End of Time has just had its nationwide debut on BBC One/HD, and if, like us, you’re struggling to contain your excitement, here’s the perfect place for you to spill all the beans!

Tonight, the Tenth Doctor’s final journey began as the Master was reborn, and the epic battle ranged from the wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate, as a terrible shadow fell across the entire Universe. But was it worth the wait? 

And it’s not over yet. After tonight’s agonizing cliffhanger, everything is now set in place ahead of next week’s momentous finale - but more on that shortly, let’s not jump ahead of ourselves! Let us know what you thought of part one by posting your reactions in a comment on this post. What are you waiting for!? Happy discussing!

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time - click here!

admin Discussions, The End of Time

  1. Wade
    December 27th, 2009 at 23:31 | #1

    Ok, was a little concerned about one thing, and no, it’s not the Time Lords coming back, and it’s not the immortality gate. It’s the conversation that Wilf and The Doctor had the that small cafe. The Doctor made reference to someone taking a long time to find him (Captain Jack most likely) and that Wilf found him in such a short time. The question that hung in the air is, “Who are you?” and NO ONE seems to have caught that…. I’m going to suggest… Much like Face of Boe…Wilf is a version of Captain Jack… Maybe I’m way off, but he was the only one to remember his “bad dreams” Suggesting he’s not all together part of the human race. I’ve also noted that Captain Jack is on the list of people in part two, yet I’ve not seen him in previews…perhaps for a reason? Anyone?

  2. Ez
    December 28th, 2009 at 01:07 | #2

    Interesting theory; I don’t think that Wilf and Jack are the same person but there could be some connection. Another idea is that Wilf is a Time Lord. For all we know there could be secret societies of Time Lords with fob watches all over the world! Unfortunately we just have to wait and see.
    And if their conversation in the cafe is anything to go by I’ll be a wreck on New Year’s when the regeneration actually happens.

    Some other thoughts:
    -Do the green spikey aliens (sorry forgot what they’re called) have anything to do with the plot besides being the caretakers of the Immortality Gate? Same question about Naismith and his daughter
    -Is the Doctor going to be up against thousands of vengeful Time Lords as well as 6 billion versions of the Master (I’m not sure I agree with RTD on that plot development)? Because the Lord President seems a tad insane and things are not looking good on Earth…
    -According to the Time Lady in the preview the Time War is happening across time (obviously) so isn’t it technically still happening? Or is that the purpose of the time lock?
    I’ll stop now since trying to figure out the Doctor Who universe’s timeline is going to drive me crazy eventually :P

  3. Grozz
    December 28th, 2009 at 12:20 | #3

    How about this as a theory wilf is Actiually a intermeadiate version of this Dr & the next incarnation a bit like the watcher in Logopolis all the pieces have to be in place for the process to kick start a bit like cho je & Kanpo

  4. Julia
    December 28th, 2009 at 15:39 | #4

    I think the theories about Wilf may be true. Wilf and Donna didn’t turn into Master clones, so they both must not be completely human. My guess: Is Wilf the Doctor’s mentor from Planet of The Spiders? (forget name) Also, why do the Time Lords want to destroy time? And I have about six million other questions I want answered. Like, is Pete’s world affected by all this?

  5. pirko
    December 28th, 2009 at 22:59 | #5

    @ TSG

    I agree about timothy dalton’s spit, it was a bit of offputting. They could have edited around that

  6. Anna
    December 29th, 2009 at 00:30 | #6

    I was so worked up with waiting that the first half an hour was largely a disappointment - a waste of the return of the master in his regeneration, and I was hoping for more of Lucy Saxon. But I loved every scene with Wilf, and every master/doctor scene, not to mention the amazing cliff hanger. It seems like we’ll finally be getting some of the true story behind the time war. I hope that it lives up to the mystery!

    I thought Wilf didn’t turn in the master because the Doctor put him inside the radiation shield, and that Donna was safe because she is still sub-consciously the doctor-donna, and therefore not quite human. If she simply inherited the immunity from a non-human Wilf, wouldn’t Jackie also have stayed herself? I’m reminded of Dalek Can’s comment that “this would always have happened” - if he didn’t actually influence the events that lead to the time-lines centering around Donna, that means the “coincidences” still haven’t been explained. One thing that is intriguing me from the preview is the Time Lady saying that time itself is reserecting the dead…I wonder what that means.

    Two questions: What did the Time Lady say the Doctor still had? It sounded like “the moment”?
    And secondly, when did the master come up with his plan for how to use the immortality gate? Assuming he didn’t know about it before being snatched by Naismith, when did he realize what it could do and is he totally winging it moment to moment, since he didn’t appear to know that there was a wider crisis until the doctor asked him for help? Is the master race megalomania, or part of a real plot?

  7. December 29th, 2009 at 17:23 | #7

    I reckon the Master’s winging it quite a bit. He’s more insane than ever, to a degree where I’m not sure he’s plotting anything for once. He’s certainly not thought of the fact that he’s now every person in the Third World, or that he’s now got to run the world himself. Can’t imagine the Master being much of a farmer, really. Too much waiting.

  8. Addriene
    December 29th, 2009 at 19:31 | #8

    I was under the impression that Wilf didn’t turn because he was under the radiation shielding as well. Until the Doctor adjusted the levels inside the box, he was seeing the Master’s face just like everyone else. And I think the Master started forming his plan once he saw the gate (I think he started planning that ‘Master race’ pun as soon as he saw it too), not before, and it wasn’t so much about the strategic advantage of placing himself across the world as it was about getting rid of the Doctor’s favorite race. The Master doesn’t exactly play well with others, I can’t imagine he’s really going to get along with 6 billion other versions of himself either. After the initial, “Wow, everybody’s me, that’s awesome!” I think it’s going to deteriorate pretty quickly.

  9. Richard
    December 30th, 2009 at 13:51 | #9

    What does the anagram WILFRED MOTT really mean? Perhaps:

    T - Time
    W - War’s
    F - Forgotten or Final


  10. December 30th, 2009 at 23:15 | #10

    I read a fanfic where that exact possibility was discussed in a crack!fic manner. Quite amusing.

    Another question: since he was in the clothes of everyone he became, what about little kids? I can imagine a few versions of the Master in quite a lot of pain after arriving in the spot where a baby had been…

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