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Matt Smith ‘born to play an alien’

December 29th, 2009

smith_11We’ve still got the Tenth Doctor for a few more days yet (make the most of it!), but already Radio Times are looking into the future with a feature in their latest issue detailing the people to watch in 2010, and 3rd on the list is Matt Smith, who will soon be welcomed into the Doctor Who universe as the Eleventh Doctor.

And Steven Moffat promises that the actor has “restored the more professorial aspect of the character”.

“At times he’s very quiet,” the Series 5 head writer told the magazine. “The strong, quiet man. Some of his most powerful moments are when he’s very, very quiet… very, very gentle, in a way that a very powerful person can be. There’s a scene I watched just recently in which he was chillingly good: a big confrontation-with-the-alien scene, and instead of playing it - as he could have - in a much more bombastic way, he was very quiet, very matter-of-fact, very simple.”

He finished: “He’s a very distinctive actor, and he has the most extraordinary face. And the camera loves him, so you’ll be seeing a lot of that face, suffering, in close-up, I tell you!”

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admin Matt Smith, Series 5

  1. The Daines
    December 30th, 2009 at 02:54 | #1

    Lot’s of people think Matt Smith wasn’t the right choice for the eleventh doctor but i think he is a great man for the part as he genererly looks the sort of man to play the timelord. I think the problem is that as David Tennant was such a brilliant actor to play the doctor, he is hard to compare to. But I think in time, after we’ve seen the timelord in action, the general audience will see that they’ll enjoy seeing this new face. Good Luck Matt Smith!!! :)

  2. Chris
    December 30th, 2009 at 10:02 | #2

    I think a quieter Doctor is just what the show needs now.

  3. Ez
    December 31st, 2009 at 01:59 | #3

    I agree. Of course I love Ten but a change of pace is good. I just hope he isn’t a depressed sort of quiet, because it’s always difficult to watch a sad Doctor :P

  4. The Daines
    December 31st, 2009 at 18:35 | #4

    yeah, you want a bit of excitement in him but you dont want him to be kind of shy. also u dont want him to be exactly like tennant, i think its good that things are changing, the last thing we want is to get bored.

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