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Discussion: The End of Time (Part Two)

January 1st, 2010

tenth-doctor-regenerationWarning: The following article has been designated a Spoiler Zone, as its comments openly discuss the events of part two of The End of Time. Please do not read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode and don’t want to be spoiled. Thank you.

And so it came to pass, on New Year’s Day, that the Tenth Doctor did cease to exist, and the lives of Whovians everywhere were changed forever…

The long-awaited second part of The End of Time had its premiere screening in the United Kingdom tonight, and, after gruelling months of speculation and theories, the Tenth Doctor faced his final curtain call. And what a final curtain call it was!

If you’re anything like us, you’ll be feeling a mixture of emotions round about now. Sadness, that the Tenth Doctor is well and truly gone, happiness, that the surviving characters are now set free to live their own lives as a new era of the series begins (what d’you mean they’re all actors!?), and excitement, to see what the future will hold for the Doctor now he’s in his eleventh incarnation. And although we understand that it’s hard to sum up just how you’re feeling, we invite you to leave your thoughts about tonight’s finale in our episode discussion.

It’s been a long road, but was it worth the wait? Was it everything you wanted it to be and more? Are you disappointed by his final chapter? Have you run out of tissues? Whatever’s going on in your head right now, try and make sense of all the chaos and let us know in a comment on this post!

We hope you enjoyed the show, and thanks for joining us for what can only be described as one of the biggest Doctor Who events in its 46 year history. The Tenth Doctor has left the building.

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time - click here!

admin Discussions, The End of Time

  1. JOG
    January 1st, 2010 at 20:00 | #1

    Very impressed. Matt Smith actually looks like a fitting role for the eleventh doctor. Roll on 2010!

  2. January 1st, 2010 at 20:08 | #2

    I haven’t stopped crying ever since the beginning. I’m just heartbroken.

  3. JOG
    January 1st, 2010 at 20:10 | #3

    The-OncomingStorm :
    I haven’t stopped crying ever since the beginning. I’m just heartbroken.

    Wow, you must be really weird.

  4. January 1st, 2010 at 20:16 | #4

    Even better than I anticipated. Epic and heartbreaking. Possibly one of the best DW episodes ever. Fantastic to see all Doc 10’s companions one more time. A fitting end to an unforgettable era. Thanks to David, Russell, Julie, Phil et al for the incredible adventure(s).

  5. January 1st, 2010 at 20:19 | #5

    I’m not weird… just because I happen to get passionate about the show doesn’t make me weird. For weeks/months I’ve been anticipating this regeneration and knowing what was happening was too much for me.

    Please don’t judge me like that.

  6. January 1st, 2010 at 20:23 | #6

    Forgot to say: Mickey & Martha! Married? I seriously thought that would turn out to be just, yet another, ridiculous internet rumour.

    And… Bernard Cribbins. You were amazing!

  7. Sam
    January 1st, 2010 at 20:30 | #7

    This was simply the best episode ever.. Brilliant acting from Bernard and David as usual. It’s a shame that Donna didn’t remember the Doctor but apart from that It was a great idea for the Doctor to re-visit all of his previous companions like David said. I was astounded by the Doctor’s regeneration and I felt a little tear soon after he regenerated. I’m not really keen on Matt Smith but we’ll just have to wait and see. Oh,and Jack and Allonzo? Never saw that coming..

  8. hhhhhhhh
    January 1st, 2010 at 20:34 | #8

    Thought the finale was fantastic. The timelords could have been a bit less evil, after all the doctor made them out to be so glorious, so one would assume they would be ‘goodies’. Also the masters plan wasn’t really earth shattering enough, turning people into him isn’t exactly the level of THE END OF TIME ITSELF, but i very much enjoyed the way the episode was focused around the Doctor and the end of his life, even if it gave up on some of its traditional grand scale. I would dare say Matt Smith looks better at this than I thought, if imitating Tennant a bit.

  9. January 1st, 2010 at 21:05 | #9

    I thought the episode was fantastic! It really did have everything, the action was amazing and the part where The Doctor saved Wilf was (for me) more heart breaking than the regeneration! Plus the way they added in all the companions was wonderful, if really sad!
    Some parts could have been improved but overall I loved it and thought that it was brilliant for The Doctor to not get killed by these powerful Time Lords or Gallifrey, it was simply Wilfred Mott. Still unsure at this point about Matt Smith (and maybe its just me or was he copying Tennant’s post regeneration madness at the end?) but we shall have to wait and see! :D

  10. Shauna Curtis
    January 1st, 2010 at 21:20 | #10

    I didn’t see the whole episode yet and i don’t know how he gets to the regeneration, but i saw the regeneration and i totally cried! It was sooooooooooooo sad David’s gone forever! He didn’t want to go and i didn’t want him. I seriously was more upset seeing him regenerate, than when he first lost Rose or when he first regenerated! And when the Tardis was being destroyed while he regenerated that was crazy. The Whole regeneration broke my heart! Losing the Tenth Doctor is the first big thing for 2010 in television! Long live the Tenth Doctor!

  11. pirko
    January 1st, 2010 at 21:54 | #11

    Amazing episode! The most fitting end for david, julie and russell. I loved every minute of it. I never cry at tv/films often but I bawled my eyes out at the point of regeneration, even at the scene with rose. I think I got very nostalgic at that point and I agree, it was a fabulous idea for him to go back and see his companions one more time before he died. I never wanted him to go but what a fantastic exit it was! It was great seeing the TARDIS blow up. Really really really not impressed with Matt’s first apperance. I agree the speech is too much like tennant and from I saw in the trailer, hes a bit too much like DT, so thats a worry.

    Overall really fantastic episode

  12. January 1st, 2010 at 21:58 | #12

    It’s difficult to say exactly what I think at the moment, I’ve only just finished watching the episode and I think it needs time to sink in.

    What I will say is that it didn’t emotionally effect me as much as I thought it would, I didn’t feel much at all actually and I don’t know why not.

    I think I’ll post again later when I’ve had time to discuss the episode with friends.

  13. TE
    January 1st, 2010 at 22:24 | #13

    A fantastic conclusion, even though it should have been 60-65 minutes instead as some parts were a bit unnecessary. However, I think it was a fitting end to the Tenth Doctor and all David has done for the show over the past four years. Same goes for Russell, even though he isn’t my favourite writer from the New Series, Julie, Phil, Susie and everyone else who has played their part in making the past five years as wonderful and “Fantastic!” as they possibly could have been.

    From the ending though, and the preview on the BBC website, I think Doctor Who will be in safe hands for however long Steven, Piers, Beth, Tracie, Peter and the gang decide to stay for. Also, Series Five looks like it’ll be one hell of a ride! :D

  14. January 1st, 2010 at 22:34 | #14

    First off: whatever happened to Tom Milligan? On Torchwood, they said Martha was on her honeymoon. Though, now I come to think about it, they may not have said who her husband was…

    Secondly: whatever happened to Lady President Romana?

    Thirdly: that was Rassilon?

    Loved: the Doctor/Master rapport. ‘What would I be without you?’ ‘Get out of the way’.

    Also loved: mini Rose scene. Beautiful. And I’m writing about that now!

    Could have done more with Gallifrey. And I think putting Donna in just to reset her to the beginning of the story was a little pointless. She deserved just a little more airtime, bearing in mind she’d already been written in to such an extent.

    Best part of the episode: the Doctor, lying helpless on the floor, bruised and bleeding between the Master and the President of the Time Lords, never before having seemed so human. Ooh, I think I’ll write about that too!

  15. Mass
    January 1st, 2010 at 22:57 | #15

    Much better than last week in my opinion. Some fantastic moments, some not so good (what was The Master going to do if the Time Lords hadnt got involved?).

    I should have realised that Rassilon would be the leader of the Time Lords. Only he could be so mental as to come up with such a plan. And, if you know the history, he and The Doctor go WAAAAAY back!

    I’d like to think that the Woman in White is Romana, deposed from her position by the resurrected Rassilon, which also explains her compassion for the Doctor (we never found out who else voted against though…).

    Ten’s final words were beautiful, and so perfect.

    “I don’t want to go.”

    Farewell Tenth Doctor… you were brilliant.

  16. January 1st, 2010 at 23:12 | #16

    I myself, have also been a fan of New Who since its arrival in 2005 and have followed David Tennant throughout his capitivating 3 series and several specials.

    I thought that the ‘End Of Time Part One’ was pretty rubbish in regards of the normal stature and calibre of the episodes. It was a waste of time, no where near as interesting, funny,or well written as previous Christmas specials.The acting by John Simm was sometimes a little ‘hammy’ and David Tennant didn’t really have anything to do. I was very dissapointed with the first instalment and didn’t really think much of the second instalment on the terms of the features mentioned…

    If the two-parter had been standalone episodes and not linked to a larger topic at hand; the depature of Tennant- then I think they would have been nothing short of abysmal. But I stayed loyal and watched them both with an enthusiastic mindset and yes, I thought the conclusion was very gripping and entertaining - but it’s only what I expect. David Tennant is a messiah, a true hero but I think his final hurrah was a bit overracted, ‘camp’ (as every from Russell T) and a little hollow.

    I actually dislike Catherine Tate, I hate the way she comes across as unintelligent and has little knowledge of Doctor Who. The woman should be priveleged to be part of such glory as the show itself is.

    The whole Martha-Mickey thing… I’m just taking it with a pinch of salt.

    So nothing really amazing, but emotional scenes nonetheless at the end.

    David Tennant, I think we Whovians salute you…

  17. Floatylight
    January 1st, 2010 at 23:31 | #17

    Loved it, much better than last week. Let me just add that even though I knew it was coming, the whole regeneration left me a little dewy-eyed. End of an era!

    As only two Timelords opposed Rassilon, and only one revealed herself as the teary Claire Bloom Time-Lady I’m hoping she was Susan, or maybe Romana leaving the other Time-lady with covered face to be….the other one. Wishful thinking maybe, but if not them, then it must be someone who knew the Doctor pretty darn-well (a relation perhaps, as was rumoured). I can’t help thinking that a blood relation would have prompted more of a reaction from the Doctor. The seeds are sown for some future writer to exploit - and I’m sure they will.

  18. Alice
    January 1st, 2010 at 23:43 | #18

    Oh my god. It was fantastic.
    Cried the last half hour.
    But it was just brilliant.
    But who was that lady?

  19. The Daines
    January 2nd, 2010 at 00:50 | #19

    That episode was brilliant, just brilliant. When I first heard the four knows, i thought “Oh my God, thats Wilf, It could be no one else”. And when i realised that wilf was going to die, i just knew the doctor was going to have to sacrifice himself, i was on the verge of tears.
    and when the doctor visited all of his friends before he was regenerated tied up all the loose ends really. the saddest bit for me was when the doctor said “i dont want to go”.
    i think that lady timelord the doctor saw and was shocked about seeing was his mother but i dont think we’ll ever find out who she was, it just leaves us guessing. Like at the end of ‘JOURNEY’S END’ where we dont know what the doctor whispers in Rose’s ear.
    This episode was so, so good and although it was a shame too see personally the best doctor yet go, we will be seeing a lot more in Matt Smith.

    Goodbye David Tennant! You will be missed :)

  20. January 2nd, 2010 at 00:56 | #20

    OK, I’ve had some time to think about it now. I actually did enjoy the episode. I didn’t like that Martha and Mickey were married, it just felt a bit like an ending a little girl would imagine, if that makes sense, like everyone has to end up with someone, the best situation being them being with each other.

    When Gallifrey “fell from the heavens” and was moving in to replace Earth, I did wonder about how many Tardis there would have been on Gallifrey and why they didn’t all lock onto it and try and pull it away from the Earth like the Doctor did with the Earth in Journey’s End, but I suppose as a lot of the Time War didn’t emerge into normal space and time, that could have been some of the explanation.

    It was quite a surprise to see how……..misguided the Time Lords had become because of the Time War and like the Doctor, I think I prefer to think of them as he always described Gallifrey and the Time Lords, I’m glad the script said that they were once the people we all thought they were.

    I thought the meaning of “he will knock four times” was actually very well written and thought about. So much chaos, so many things go on, so many things that could have explosively ended the Doctor’s life, but in the end, it was just old Wilfred Mott getting stuck in the Radiation booth. It’s so simple and that’s what made it good, because it meant the Doctor being killed quietly after all the noise, almost gave it a weird kind of ceremony.

    It was also good that he had quite a bit of time to allow himself to say goodbye, going here, there and everywhere, clearly the radiation taking longer to kill him than what regenerated the Ninth Doctor.

    Ending on Rose as it had began was a nice touch and I think everyone would have been willing the dying Doctor back to the Tardis, as the Ood also did.

    His regeneration was touching, just hearing my (and to a lot of us, our) Doctor saying he didn’t want to die, before just succumbing to death and letting regeneration take hold. In retrospect with time to think, it was a good send off for David Tennant and the 10th Doctor, the story feels complete with just a few loose ends to tie the 11th Doctor to in Season 5 and going forward.

    I’ve read that people aren’t too happy that Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor started out acting a bit like the 10th Doctor. To me, not just as a Doctor Who fan, but also a writer, this was exactly right and why I think this is because a well-loved character has just “died”, there’s a lot of uncertainty about his replacement and to splash freezing cold water over the audience moments after his death would have perhaps put Matt Smith immediately more in doubt. I personally really liked that I recognised the Doctor and I’m sure when Season 5 starts, the 11th Doctor will start becoming his own person, he just needed to start off similarly and gradually transition, and who knows, maybe “Geronimo” will be the new “Allon-sy”.

    After seeing a few seconds of the 11th Doctor, as a doubter, I’m certainly willing to give Matt Smith a chance now.

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