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Discussion: The End of Time (Part Two)

January 1st, 2010

tenth-doctor-regenerationWarning: The following article has been designated a Spoiler Zone, as its comments openly discuss the events of part two of The End of Time. Please do not read the comments if you haven’t yet seen the episode and don’t want to be spoiled. Thank you.

And so it came to pass, on New Year’s Day, that the Tenth Doctor did cease to exist, and the lives of Whovians everywhere were changed forever…

The long-awaited second part of The End of Time had its premiere screening in the United Kingdom tonight, and, after gruelling months of speculation and theories, the Tenth Doctor faced his final curtain call. And what a final curtain call it was!

If you’re anything like us, you’ll be feeling a mixture of emotions round about now. Sadness, that the Tenth Doctor is well and truly gone, happiness, that the surviving characters are now set free to live their own lives as a new era of the series begins (what d’you mean they’re all actors!?), and excitement, to see what the future will hold for the Doctor now he’s in his eleventh incarnation. And although we understand that it’s hard to sum up just how you’re feeling, we invite you to leave your thoughts about tonight’s finale in our episode discussion.

It’s been a long road, but was it worth the wait? Was it everything you wanted it to be and more? Are you disappointed by his final chapter? Have you run out of tissues? Whatever’s going on in your head right now, try and make sense of all the chaos and let us know in a comment on this post!

We hope you enjoyed the show, and thanks for joining us for what can only be described as one of the biggest Doctor Who events in its 46 year history. The Tenth Doctor has left the building.

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time - click here!

admin Discussions, The End of Time

  1. elbanshee
    January 3rd, 2010 at 22:02 | #1

    Without RTD we wouldn’t have anything to discuss (or complain about). He is completely responsible for my love of The Doctor and I have always found something to love about every episode. It’s wonderful that this show has such history and inspires such passion in its viewers but I will never understand the RTD vitriol. I wonder how many Moffat haters there will end up being?

  2. Julia
    January 3rd, 2010 at 23:46 | #2

    I felt this episode was like the first part, It could’ve been loads better (Will RTD let one brought back charecter stay? Noooo!) But thank God it wasn’t worse. Easily the best part was the radiation booth scene and the last part of the companion montage. I think going back to see Rose, who’d saved him essentially was so touching and sweet. The regeneration was done fairly well, though I woul’ve liked it better if David was collapsed on the floor rather than standing up, again.

    And Matt Smith, the best of luck to you! I feel from just 45 seconds that you will be a great Doctor. I just hope you don’t aquire the brooding and bitterness your predesesor had.

    Bring on April!

  3. Anna
    January 3rd, 2010 at 23:48 | #3

    I loved the episode…and yet, I wonder how something can have so many plot holes that would be relatively simple to fix? It really seems like plot basically went out the window. In the end that doesn’t bother me, but I think its a sign that its really time, not so much for new writers, but for a return to a regular series. The pressure to make everything “special” and more climatic and drama-filled than the last climax almost inevitably sacrifices interesting stories. I think RTD plotted some great episodes, so this isn’t to dis him at all, but the episode with the tightest, cleverest writing (IMO The Girl in the Fireplace) hopefully will be the hallmark of Moffat’s era. I’m looking forward to the show getting back to the basic idea of a man exploring time and space with a best friend.

  4. Anna
    January 3rd, 2010 at 23:52 | #4

    That said, I hope some links remain as everything gets reinvented. Captain Jack can just pop up every once and a while to give some continuity : )

  5. cynet
    January 4th, 2010 at 14:01 | #5

    It’s not a case of dissing rtd but constructive critism of some of his episodes he wrote and yes we do owe him a massive debt for bringing dr who back from the dead but that does not exscuse the fact some of them were bland and confusing.
    If people cant accept peoples opinions with regards to dr who and the writers you really shouldnt be using forum or message boards.
    Agree to disagree thats life.

  6. Steve
    January 4th, 2010 at 18:47 | #6

    RTD may have brought back Doctor Who to the screen but Doctor Who was never dead. Certainly RTD lowered the tone so there was a lot more snogging, TD kissed every one of his companions! Was it necessary? The latest companions were certainly cry babies, running back to families every episode or 2! The viewing figures are not that impressive. I certainly think Big Finish deserve a lot of credit. How would Dalek have turned out if not based on Jubilee? RTD has always been brilliant at creating and doing first series but his track record is less than impressive.

  7. Jap Strangler
    January 5th, 2010 at 04:44 | #7

    I’d have preferred a female doctor to some spotty little oik. This next series will probably end up like Hollyoaks, with the Doctor indulging in a bit of bum-love with Davros…Props to John Simm tho’, best Master since the tragic Delgado, brilliantly hissable. And nice to see someone chucked poor old Tim Dalton a few quid too, bless.

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