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First Eleventh Doctor promo image tomorrow!

January 6th, 2010

eleventh-doctor-regenerationThe new series of Doctor Who is slowly but surely on its way, and the first official publicity shot of Matt Smith in his full Time Lord gear it set to be unveiled to the world tomorrow (Thursday)!

The release of the image is to coincide with the publication of issue #417 of Doctor Who Magazine - also out tomorrow - which features the new promo as its cover artwork.

Naturally, unofficial sources have already uncovered the image online, and if you’ve seen it, we would ask that you refrain from posting links/details about its content on WhovianNet as we have chosen to respect the BBC’s embargo. Check back in with us at midnight (GMT) to leave your thoughts!

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  1. January 6th, 2010 at 21:13 | #1

    This is brilliant. Before David Tennant, I wasn’t a proper fan. I was too young, I suppose. So I never got the build-up to a new Doctor. This is my first experience with it and it’s brilliant. Geronimo!!

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