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Lots to come!

January 13th, 2010

christoper-eccleston-lennonThe BBC have today released a preview of their TV highlights for the first half of 2010, and, not only have we got Series 5 of Doctor Who to look forward to, but there’ll also be a chance to catch previous cast members Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in two new dramas this Spring!

As we reported back in November, the Ninth Doctor actor will be portraying John Lennon in BBC Four’s upcoming biopic Lennon Naked, which will also star Naoko Mori (Toshiko Sato from Torchwood) as Yoko Ono!

Meanwhile, the actress who played Rose Tyler can be seen in A Passionate Woman on BBC1 later this year, playing a character called Betty, a wife and mother who falls deeply in love with her Polish neighbour, however their relationship has disastrous consequences.

You can check out a preview of the programmes listed above (the video also features a Series 5 snippet previously revealed in the trailer) by clicking here. Stay tuned!

admin Miscellaneous, Series 5

  1. Bridget
    January 14th, 2010 at 07:27 | #1

    OMG!!! I actually thought that was John Lennon at first glance.

  2. Steve
    January 14th, 2010 at 09:58 | #2

    I thought it was Paul McGann!

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