Home > The Top Ten of Ten > The Top Ten of Ten: #1

The Top Ten of Ten: #1

January 1st, 2010

top-ten-of-ten-1Here we are, everyone! We’ve been counting down all week, and today, on his final day, it’s finally time to reveal the moment WhovianNet visitors have chosen to be the Tenth Doctor’s best of all time!

And we’re delighted to announce that, with 19% of the vote, the Doctor and Rose Tyler’s reunion in Series 4’s The Stolen Earth takes home the gold medal!

Thanks to everybody who voted, and we hope you’ve enjoyed our Top Ten of Ten! Relive the beautiful moment (ruined, naturally, by a Dalek) below:

The End of Time, Part Two airs tonight on BBC1/HD at 6:40PM!

admin The Top Ten of Ten

  1. Jack
    January 4th, 2010 at 11:20 | #1

    YAY! thanks for this being #1!

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