Home > Torchwood > US Torchwood series in the works?

US Torchwood series in the works?

January 19th, 2010

jack-gwenAccording to an article published by The Hollywood Reporter today, a US version of the Doctor Who spin off, Torchwood, is currently being developed by Fox.

The report, which has since been picked up by various other news outlets, suggests that, if the series is given the greenlight, it will be penned by its creator, Russell T Davies, with John Barrowman remaining at the helm in role as its protagonist, Captain Jack Harkness.

Meanwhile, sources claim that the series itself would focus on global affairs rather than local storylines like the UK version. Last November John Barrowman confirmed that its fourth series will be taking the series back to its original 13 episode format.

admin Torchwood

  1. January 19th, 2010 at 20:14 | #1


  2. January 19th, 2010 at 20:16 | #2

    Should have known that was going to happen. Just got into Torchwood and now this happens. Seriously though, this isn’t good news, even my American mates will likely agree

  3. I like Peas!
    January 19th, 2010 at 20:45 | #3

    Ahhh nooo i hate the way american tv is done - even if its RTD

  4. TE
    January 19th, 2010 at 21:07 | #4

    As long as RTD makes sure it’s 45 minutes per episode, and thirteen episodes per series, it should be alright (there’s no way it would be as good as the original is), especially with John returning as Jack.

    If FOX were to commission the series (which would probably premiere over here on FX UK, first), it would nice to have Eve appearing every once in a blue moon as Gwen to remind people how Torchwood is a Global Organisation.

  5. January 19th, 2010 at 21:56 | #5

    They always have to meddle with things, don’t they, but then RTD isn’t in the US for a holiday, so it’s not a huge surprise.

    I’m just glad they aren’t attempting anything similar with DW. I think Russell realises that would be a HUGE mistake!

  6. Addriene
    January 19th, 2010 at 22:21 | #6

    It might not be that bad. At least they’ve still got Barrowman and RTD, and even if Fox has a history of crushing good shows, they’re running a few good ones at the moment. House and Bones are both good, and Fringe is pretty cool (Leonard Nimoy FTW), and they’re cancelling Dollhouse so they’ve got an opening for Sci-Fi fun. It could be okay. Maybe. :/

  7. Steve
    January 19th, 2010 at 22:38 | #7

    If it is on Fox, at least it is not on Sci Fi Channel. They have an incredible record of crushing new series. Honestly, I do not know what all the fuss is about. The Americans have shows that last longer, have more money spent on them and run for years. The BBC just cope with 13 episodes and couldn’t even run 2009 Torchwood to a full season.

  8. Mass
    January 20th, 2010 at 01:00 | #8

    Do people forget that Torchwood is British? It was created by the Queen to protect the British Empire.

    I can understand the India branch in the audio plays, but an American branch doesnt ring true to me. Wouldnt Torchwood have packed up after the American Revolution?

    And all the Torchwood branches are accounted for (ish) on TV.

  9. Ez
    January 20th, 2010 at 01:28 | #9

    I’m American and I think this is a terrible idea.

    Besides that, the American audience has no reference point for the series. The amount of back-story and explaining involved would be enough to put anyone off:

    TW: “Well you see, this alien called the Doctor visited Scotland in 1849(?) and killed an alien/werewolf thing with Queen Victoria, and then she created the Torchwood Institute as protection against aliens, and then in 2006 there was this battle between Cybermen and Daleks at Canary Wharf and Torchwood was destroyed but there was still one in Cardiff. Jack is from the 51st century. He used to be a Time Agent. OH! And Jack is immortal because of this girl Rose… yeah…anyways…”

    Few Americans have any idea what Doctor Who (the show) is, let alone who the Doctor himself is.
    Anyway, I thought UNIT is the American equivalent of Torchwood?

    Keep TW in Cardiff!!

  10. Ez
    January 20th, 2010 at 01:32 | #10

    Sorry, one more thing-
    If concentrating on global affairs means that they’ll be saving the world from total destruction every week it’s going to get very old, very fast.

    I’ll stop ranting now :P

  11. Michael
    January 20th, 2010 at 09:28 | #11

    I don’t think you need a backstory. Captain Jack turns up and starts fighting aliens. At some point in the first episode he’s killed, comes back to life, and away you go. You don’t even mention Doctor Who. It doesn’t even have to be a reboot, it’s season 4, but made in the US. What is more worrying for me is that if it’s a success then they’ll have a go at a US Who. Now, that would HAVE to be a reboot, exisiting along side the UK version. It wouldn’t be the ‘real’ Doctor, if you see what I mean. Listen to me, ‘real’ Doctor. We’re all mad really.

  12. Steve
    January 20th, 2010 at 10:26 | #12

    In all of this, everyone seems to be forgetting that the 8th Doctor, the brilliant Paul McGann was a Fox project because the BBC really couldn’t have cared about Doctor Who. In fact, we even saw it after the American audience. There is a lot more of Doctor Who now, based on the American version, then the so called Classic Series. (The TARDIS, the Doctor’s snogging lust etc)

  13. Ayrton
    January 20th, 2010 at 16:19 | #13

    NO WAY! TORCHWOOD is our kind of show and i think they shoulkd only see the uk version.

  14. Steve
    January 20th, 2010 at 18:13 | #14

    I the worst news is the speculation that Jane Tranter may reboot Doctor Who in America!

  15. Addriene
    January 20th, 2010 at 18:39 | #15

    UNIT isn’t American, they’re global. When the Doctor worked for UNIT he was working for UNIT in Britain, wasn’t he?

  16. Ez
    January 20th, 2010 at 20:09 | #16

    You’re right, but I was thinking of the UNIT base in New York that Martha used to work for

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