Comments on: Rate & Discuss: The Time of Angels /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/ Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:45:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: dorian /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3629 dorian Fri, 30 Apr 2010 13:15:53 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3629 Revenant wrote I’m also guessing that her re-appearance in the season finale will be the first time she meets the doctor. I think if I rember from the early part of the show she said that he was not her doctor, which to me and I could be wrong here means that the 11th doctor matt's doctor is not the one she knows so well she also said if I am right she said that the doctors are comeing but in the wrong order. I think it is a great idear of Revenant that she stole the diary would fit her, never liked her at all when we first saw her in the libary. Yes this episode was one of the best so far and much more intresting than blink ever was this episode has the doctor were he should be fighting them instead of on a cd. Revenant wrote I’m also guessing that her re-appearance in the season finale will be the first time she meets the doctor.

I think if I rember from the early part of the show she said that he was not her doctor, which to me and I could be wrong here means that the 11th doctor matt’s doctor is not the one she knows so well she also said if I am right she said that the doctors are comeing but in the wrong order.

I think it is a great idear of Revenant that she stole the diary would fit her, never liked her at all when we first saw her in the libary.

Yes this episode was one of the best so far and much more intresting than blink ever was this episode has the doctor were he should be fighting them instead of on a cd.

By: The9th10th11th12thDoctor /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3611 The9th10th11th12thDoctor Thu, 29 Apr 2010 12:34:30 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3611 <a href="#comment-3547" rel="nofollow">@TE</a> Haven't noticed that. Just rewatched the episode on iPlayer and loved it, and understood every word they said. But I honestly couldn't here a thing when it was on TV, so maybe its just my television thats wrong and not the show. @TE
Haven’t noticed that. Just rewatched the episode on iPlayer and loved it, and understood every word they said. But I honestly couldn’t here a thing when it was on TV, so maybe its just my television thats wrong and not the show.

By: TE /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3547 TE Sun, 25 Apr 2010 23:34:19 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3547 <a href="#comment-3528" rel="nofollow">@The9th10th11th12thDoctor</a> For me, it wasn't a case of the music being to loud because it never is. But every episode this series, so far, has had moments where the audio fades briefly - but it's not a brief technological fault: it's an editing fault with the actual episode. Take The Time of Angels, for example: the final scene underneath the Byzantium had more than one moment where the audio would become quiet and you could hardly hear the dialogue or the music or the SFX. Same thing happens in Victory when the first of the three Daleks shows itself. Same thing in The Beast Below after Mandy says "Below" to Amy. It's getting a bit ridiculous now... @The9th10th11th12thDoctor
For me, it wasn’t a case of the music being to loud because it never is. But every episode this series, so far, has had moments where the audio fades briefly – but it’s not a brief technological fault: it’s an editing fault with the actual episode.

Take The Time of Angels, for example: the final scene underneath the Byzantium had more than one moment where the audio would become quiet and you could hardly hear the dialogue or the music or the SFX. Same thing happens in Victory when the first of the three Daleks shows itself. Same thing in The Beast Below after Mandy says “Below” to Amy. It’s getting a bit ridiculous now…

By: Revenant /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3536 Revenant Sun, 25 Apr 2010 15:12:23 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3536 ... I'm starting to think River is a con artist, and she stole that diary from somewhere. An extremely clever con artist. Finding a way to have the Doctor at your beck and call is a pretty handy tool to have. I'm also guessing that her re-appearance in the season finale will be the first time she meets the doctor. IF she is using the diary to "landmark" the Doctors travels, SHE needn't have been involved, perhaps she's inserting herself into these events by reading them in the diary. This episode was easily the best of the season, and up therw with the best so far, can't wait for the conclusion. … I’m starting to think River is a con artist, and she stole that diary from somewhere. An extremely clever con artist. Finding a way to have the Doctor at your beck and call is a pretty handy tool to have.

I’m also guessing that her re-appearance in the season finale will be the first time she meets the doctor. IF she is using the diary to “landmark” the Doctors travels, SHE needn’t have been involved, perhaps she’s inserting herself into these events by reading them in the diary.

This episode was easily the best of the season, and up therw with the best so far, can’t wait for the conclusion.

By: TSG /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3534 TSG Sun, 25 Apr 2010 13:55:18 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3534 Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Best yet, and River is brilliant. And did I mishear, or did she say "I don't want to go back to prison?" when Father Octavian told her not to let the Doctor know who she was? Gosh, who the hell is she???? I wonder just how much will be resolved next week. Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. Best yet, and River is brilliant. And did I mishear, or did she say “I don’t want to go back to prison?” when Father Octavian told her not to let the Doctor know who she was? Gosh, who the hell is she???? I wonder just how much will be resolved next week.

By: JC /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3532 JC Sun, 25 Apr 2010 13:10:45 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3532 I've sent a complaint to the BBC via the link TWWL provided. To be honest, it wasn't a massive deal to me, though I did think it was an unwarranted interuption so I've added my voice. I’ve sent a complaint to the BBC via the link TWWL provided. To be honest, it wasn’t a massive deal to me, though I did think it was an unwarranted interuption so I’ve added my voice.

By: Tom Beasley /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3531 Tom Beasley Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:48:49 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3531 I was left fairly disappointed by it if I'm honest. The Angels were tremendously creepy (especially the TV one) and I think the Maze of the Dead was an excellent idea. However, I feel that the episode was far too busy setting up all the strands for next week that it forgot to be good on its own. I was left fairly disappointed by it if I’m honest. The Angels were tremendously creepy (especially the TV one) and I think the Maze of the Dead was an excellent idea.

However, I feel that the episode was far too busy setting up all the strands for next week that it forgot to be good on its own.

By: Mr17 /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3530 Mr17 Sun, 25 Apr 2010 11:23:12 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3530 I would encourage those who feel strongly to complain, it literally takes 2 minutes- thank you TWWL for the link above- some of you may feel it doesn't really matter but maybe it's the thin end of the wedge and we need only to look at certain American networks to see just how bad branding and advertising can get. I would encourage those who feel strongly to complain, it literally takes 2 minutes- thank you TWWL for the link above- some of you may feel it doesn’t really matter but maybe it’s the thin end of the wedge and we need only to look at certain American networks to see just how bad branding and advertising can get.

By: The9th10th11th12thDoctor /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3528 The9th10th11th12thDoctor Sun, 25 Apr 2010 10:58:12 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3528 Darn it! Im sure this episode was good, but I honestly have no idea what happened because the music was so loud it drowned everyones voices out. TURN THE STUPID MUSIC DOWN! Darn it! Im sure this episode was good, but I honestly have no idea what happened because the music was so loud it drowned everyones voices out. TURN THE STUPID MUSIC DOWN!

By: TWWL /2010/04/rate-discuss-the-time-of-angels/comment-page-2/#comment-3526 TWWL Sun, 25 Apr 2010 10:17:14 +0000 /?p=9496#comment-3526 <a href="#comment-3524" rel="nofollow">@Mark</a> Anyone who wants too can email a complaint direct to the BBC here: @Mark
Anyone who wants too can email a complaint direct to the BBC here:
