Comments on: Eccleston “didn’t enjoy” Doctor Who environment /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/ Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:29:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: 26 06 2010 /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4564 26 06 2010 Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:11:43 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4564 HAA i always thought chris didnt like bein in doctor who, but he did help reinvent it. HAA i always thought chris didnt like bein in doctor who, but he did help reinvent it.

By: pirko /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4545 pirko Wed, 16 Jun 2010 20:53:24 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4545 To be honest I'm not that surprised that's come out. He always looked dead awkward and uncomfortable when he gave interviews on dr who confidential and wasnt really as open to the public as DT or MS have been (not that im knocking him of course. he was a brilliant doctor and served as the perfect actor to bring the series back) I PERSONALLY (imo only) feel that I dont think he could handle the amount of attention dr who gets (as we know, it gets a lot!)and maybe that was a factor for him leaving. Agree with most I dont think it was to do with RTD, JG or PC However I have to admit it was good in a way he only lasted one series because it introduced the idea of regeneration early on. And personally I dont see how he would have fitted into the stories of series 2 (although he would have still been amazing im sure) To be honest I’m not that surprised that’s come out. He always looked dead awkward and uncomfortable when he gave interviews on dr who confidential and wasnt really as open to the public as DT or MS have been (not that im knocking him of course. he was a brilliant doctor and served as the perfect actor to bring the series back)

I PERSONALLY (imo only) feel that I dont think he could handle the amount of attention dr who gets (as we know, it gets a lot!)and maybe that was a factor for him leaving. Agree with most I dont think it was to do with RTD, JG or PC

However I have to admit it was good in a way he only lasted one series because it introduced the idea of regeneration early on. And personally I dont see how he would have fitted into the stories of series 2 (although he would have still been amazing im sure)

By: Steve /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4543 Steve Wed, 16 Jun 2010 19:00:01 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4543 <a href="#comment-4529" rel="nofollow">@TWWL</a> I was referring to other comments designed to blame other sources other than the most obvious! And I also said "if" I noticed no one has responded to my questions. Perhaps more people agree with me than would like to say! @TWWL I was referring to other comments designed to blame other sources other than the most obvious! And I also said “if”
I noticed no one has responded to my questions. Perhaps more people agree with me than would like to say!

By: dani /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4540 dani Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:53:46 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4540 i can understand it, coz they have to obay the spoiler rule like a religion.... i assume that's what he means by bbc culture.... i can understand it, coz they have to obay the spoiler rule like a religion…. i assume that’s what he means by bbc culture….

By: Glenn /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4538 Glenn Wed, 16 Jun 2010 13:07:56 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4538 I wish he had of been more specific. It is quite sad to read that he didn't enjoy it, because I really enjoyed watching him as The Doctor. Maybe it was all the extra stuff outside of filming that didn't appeal to him. There was a confidential recently (for the recent series) that just showed it was none-stop even when filming was over. Who knows. I wish he had of been more specific. It is quite sad to read that he didn’t enjoy it, because I really enjoyed watching him as The Doctor. Maybe it was all the extra stuff outside of filming that didn’t appeal to him. There was a confidential recently (for the recent series) that just showed it was none-stop even when filming was over. Who knows.

By: TWWL /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4529 TWWL Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:25:07 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4529 <a href="#comment-4525" rel="nofollow">@Steve</a> He hasn't said it was the BBC culture, you're drawing your own conclusions there. We don't know quite what it was that made it an uncomfortable experience. @Steve
He hasn’t said it was the BBC culture, you’re drawing your own conclusions there. We don’t know quite what it was that made it an uncomfortable experience.

By: e.p /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4527 e.p Wed, 16 Jun 2010 02:34:45 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4527 He was a fantastic Doctor, and I appreciate his honesty about his reasons for leaving. Like people have already said, tv schedules are grueling, and we all know that DW is no exception. He's proud of his work, we loved his work, and he brought the Doctor back, so I think that's all that matters. He was a fantastic Doctor, and I appreciate his honesty about his reasons for leaving. Like people have already said, tv schedules are grueling, and we all know that DW is no exception.
He’s proud of his work, we loved his work, and he brought the Doctor back, so I think that’s all that matters.

By: Steve /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4525 Steve Tue, 15 Jun 2010 21:48:34 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4525 CE - "He told the Radio Times he was proud of the show but "wasn't comfortable" working on it. " Why? Whatever the office politics in the BBC, why was so wrong on set that he wasn't comfortable? What were his experiences on the first season that force him to change his mind and leave? See, I have a problem here, if he had such a bad time because of the BBC culture, why has he returned to working for the BBC time and again since? It's not as if he could not do work else where. CE's Doctor was amazing, even tho the character itself has changed to far from the original character traits that lasted until 1989 (something, SM has returned to the show, thankfully). I wished CE had gone on to do another season. CE – “He told the Radio Times he was proud of the show but “wasn’t comfortable” working on it. ” Why? Whatever the office politics in the BBC, why was so wrong on set that he wasn’t comfortable? What were his experiences on the first season that force him to change his mind and leave? See, I have a problem here, if he had such a bad time because of the BBC culture, why has he returned to working for the BBC time and again since? It’s not as if he could not do work else where.
CE’s Doctor was amazing, even tho the character itself has changed to far from the original character traits that lasted until 1989 (something, SM has returned to the show, thankfully). I wished CE had gone on to do another season.

By: David /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4522 David Tue, 15 Jun 2010 20:53:52 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4522 Most people with half a brain will, no doubt, realise CE is being critical of the BBC NOT RTD, Julie or Phil. They don't detract from the fact that he was an incredible Doctor and gave the series so much credibilty on its return. If it wasn't for Christopher being so good in 2005 we might not still be enjoying series after series now. Most people with half a brain will, no doubt, realise CE is being critical of the BBC NOT RTD, Julie or Phil.

They don’t detract from the fact that he was an incredible Doctor and gave the series so much credibilty on its return. If it wasn’t for Christopher being so good in 2005 we might not still be enjoying series after series now.

By: Alex /2010/06/eccleston-didnt-enjoy-doctor-who-environment/comment-page-1/#comment-4520 Alex Tue, 15 Jun 2010 18:34:20 +0000 /?p=11788#comment-4520 It's very sad, but due in part to Eccleston being vague the speculation is flying fast and furious. There's a discussion thread at TrekBBS that, frankly, has turned offensive in some of its unfounded suggestions as to Eccleston's motivation. I won't justify that garbage by repeating it here, except to say it centres around Eccleston's use of the phrase "I was open-minded". Oh, and as I predicted, some people are indeed using this as another excuse to pile on RTD and the Bad Wolf arc in general. Very unfortunate. It’s very sad, but due in part to Eccleston being vague the speculation is flying fast and furious. There’s a discussion thread at TrekBBS that, frankly, has turned offensive in some of its unfounded suggestions as to Eccleston’s motivation. I won’t justify that garbage by repeating it here, except to say it centres around Eccleston’s use of the phrase “I was open-minded”. Oh, and as I predicted, some people are indeed using this as another excuse to pile on RTD and the Bad Wolf arc in general. Very unfortunate.
