Comments on: Doctor Who Countdown – 3 days to go! /2011/04/doctor-who-countdown-3-days-to-go/ Fri, 12 Aug 2016 23:04:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: JC /2011/04/doctor-who-countdown-3-days-to-go/comment-page-1/#comment-9966 JC Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:00:01 +0000 /?p=26224#comment-9966 Fair enough, but for me, it was wrong for quite a few reasons. There were bits that were ok, but I think it was one of the weaker episodes of Series 5 and I'm not the only one if you read some of the fan reviews on other sites. For me, he has ground to make up and I hope he does so in Series 6 Fair enough, but for me, it was wrong for quite a few reasons. There were bits that were ok, but I think it was one of the weaker episodes of Series 5 and I’m not the only one if you read some of the fan reviews on other sites.

For me, he has ground to make up and I hope he does so in Series 6

By: The 13th Doctor /2011/04/doctor-who-countdown-3-days-to-go/comment-page-1/#comment-9965 The 13th Doctor Wed, 20 Apr 2011 15:25:30 +0000 /?p=26224#comment-9965 <a href="#comment-9960" rel="nofollow">@JC</a> I liked Victory of the Daleks, although having said that, it felt very unnecessarily padded in certain areas @JC
I liked Victory of the Daleks, although having said that, it felt very unnecessarily padded in certain areas

By: TWWL /2011/04/doctor-who-countdown-3-days-to-go/comment-page-1/#comment-9961 TWWL Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:59:33 +0000 /?p=26224#comment-9961 <a href="#comment-9960" rel="nofollow">@JC</a> I actually really liked Victory; it's probably my favourite episode that Gatiss has written! @JC
I actually really liked Victory; it’s probably my favourite episode that Gatiss has written!

By: JC /2011/04/doctor-who-countdown-3-days-to-go/comment-page-1/#comment-9960 JC Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:31:07 +0000 /?p=26224#comment-9960 I'm not sure Doctor Who will ever scare me, probably because it's not aimed at me, it has to be appropriate for the time slot and I've been desensitised by very violent horror films, lol. But I am very much looking forward to Series 6. I know what you mean about "Fear Her" TWWL, but I'm still more worried about Mark Gatiss. I know most aren't because of previous, but "Victory of The Daleks" is still fresh in my memory. Series 6 is looking to be epic though, has the potential at least to be the best yet. As a fan and if it is, I can't argue with that I’m not sure Doctor Who will ever scare me, probably because it’s not aimed at me, it has to be appropriate for the time slot and I’ve been desensitised by very violent horror films, lol.

But I am very much looking forward to Series 6. I know what you mean about “Fear Her” TWWL, but I’m still more worried about Mark Gatiss. I know most aren’t because of previous, but “Victory of The Daleks” is still fresh in my memory.

Series 6 is looking to be epic though, has the potential at least to be the best yet. As a fan and if it is, I can’t argue with that

By: TWWL /2011/04/doctor-who-countdown-3-days-to-go/comment-page-1/#comment-9957 TWWL Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:37:21 +0000 /?p=26224#comment-9957 Looks interesting this one, a bit of body horror?? I'm a big fan of Life On Mars/Ashes To Ashes, but Graham's only other Who ep so far, Fear Her, was a duffer; hopefully this one will be up to the standards he set on Life On Mars! Looks interesting this one, a bit of body horror?? I’m a big fan of Life On Mars/Ashes To Ashes, but Graham’s only other Who ep so far, Fear Her, was a duffer; hopefully this one will be up to the standards he set on Life On Mars!
