Comments on: Rate & Discuss: The Impossible Astronaut /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/ Wed, 27 Apr 2011 23:09:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kane /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10343 Kane Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:28:48 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10343 <a href="#comment-10302" rel="nofollow">@Lena</a> i feel the same Lena :) @Lena
i feel the same Lena :)

By: Kane /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10342 Kane Wed, 27 Apr 2011 07:27:29 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10342 I think that his episode was a brilliant come-back for Doctor Who. I think that his episode was a brilliant come-back for Doctor Who.

By: Elliott in Nashville /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10340 Elliott in Nashville Wed, 27 Apr 2011 01:31:55 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10340 First, I think there was a surfeit of "doctor, who?" references, but that's OK. On the other hand, this episode brought me to near tears more than once (It's OK if youdidn't have the same reax, I've been following the Doctor since the 60s and he means a lot to me). I found myself thinking "this series has never been better," and I believe that. Elliott First, I think there was a surfeit of “doctor, who?” references, but that’s OK.

On the other hand, this episode brought me to near tears more than once (It’s OK if youdidn’t have the same reax, I’ve been following the Doctor since the 60s and he means a lot to me).

I found myself thinking “this series has never been better,” and I believe that.


By: JC /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10335 JC Tue, 26 Apr 2011 22:11:03 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10335 <a href="#comment-10332" rel="nofollow">@TSG</a> lol TSG, similar but the other way round was Captain Jack and his throwaway comment on the first episode of Torchwood: "Still, at least I won't get pregnant, never doing that again" @TSG
lol TSG, similar but the other way round was Captain Jack and his throwaway comment on the first episode of Torchwood:

“Still, at least I won’t get pregnant, never doing that again”

By: TSG /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10332 TSG Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:23:41 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10332 <a href="#comment-10320" rel="nofollow">@mpirks</a> And as for all the conspiracy theories about Amy's pregnancy, I saw a most convincing one today: River is the father! Hey, 51st century - anything can happen. @mpirks
And as for all the conspiracy theories about Amy’s pregnancy, I saw a most convincing one today: River is the father!

Hey, 51st century – anything can happen.

By: vaguely /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10327 vaguely Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:11:45 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10327 <a href="#comment-10307" rel="nofollow">@Lena</a> Huh? You said "But I was disapointed on the first impresion. I felt that there was’nt enuff in the episode." in the thread discussing this episode. It's kinda reasonable to assume you were referring to this ep... @Lena

You said

“But I was disapointed on the first impresion.
I felt that there was’nt enuff in the episode.”

in the thread discussing this episode. It’s kinda reasonable to assume you were referring to this ep…

By: mpirks /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10320 mpirks Tue, 26 Apr 2011 20:36:03 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10320 I've figured it all out!!! Amy was feeling sick because she ate a dodgy burrito in that american diner and is repeating on you. Rory is hanging out with the silence listening to some early Oasis and comparing noses. The doctor isnt dead, it is just an insurance job and River Song is really Tina Turner! No-ones heard from her in years so it all makes sense!!! :D I’ve figured it all out!!! Amy was feeling sick because she ate a dodgy burrito in that american diner and is repeating on you. Rory is hanging out with the silence listening to some early Oasis and comparing noses. The doctor isnt dead, it is just an insurance job and River Song is really Tina Turner! No-ones heard from her in years so it all makes sense!!! :D

By: Lena /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10308 Lena Tue, 26 Apr 2011 17:18:53 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10308 <a href="#comment-10305" rel="nofollow">@vaguely</a> not good at keeping secrets >.< thanks for ruinging it...jk its ok im still ganna watch the new one @vaguely
not good at keeping secrets >.<
thanks for ruinging it…jk its ok im still ganna watch the new one

By: Lena /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10307 Lena Tue, 26 Apr 2011 17:17:17 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10307 <a href="#comment-10305" rel="nofollow">@vaguely</a> I'm not in brittan i havnt seen the new one yet. im @vaguely
I’m not in brittan i havnt seen the new one yet. im

By: vaguely /2011/04/rate-discuss-the-impossible-astronaut/comment-page-5/#comment-10305 vaguely Tue, 26 Apr 2011 16:53:50 +0000 /?p=26624#comment-10305 (oops. spazzy fingers. Not saying Nixon got shot) (oops. spazzy fingers. Not saying Nixon got shot)
