Comments on: Rate & Discuss: The Almost People /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/ Fri, 03 Jun 2011 06:14:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Whitewash /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12134 Whitewash Thu, 02 Jun 2011 10:12:20 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12134 *I'm reading the prequel different to others* - Sorry! *I’m reading the prequel different to others* – Sorry!

By: Whitewash /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12133 Whitewash Thu, 02 Jun 2011 10:11:20 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12133 I'm reading the prequel to others it would seem. The blue guy (in my view), doesn't actually say it's the doctors baby. He says 'do you know who's child that is. Now that could just be a ref to it being Amy's baby and that he knows full well that trying to take that will enrage the doctor. I'm hoping that it is not a ganger doctor killed in ep1, that, as others have said, is way too obvious and to easy in terms of a cop out. I'm also not sure about the baby being River. I seem to remember that in DTs run as Dr River alludes to being his wife at some point in the future, though I could be mis-remembering that. Don't currently have access to the episodes (Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead) to go back and check. I'm also starting to wonder if there is a load of misdirection in terms of River 'killing a good man'. Is this again something that is just far too obvious. It's been suggested that it could be Rory, but I don't think so given future listings. Is there someone else that we're missing? I don't have any suggestions, am just wondering! I’m reading the prequel to others it would seem. The blue guy (in my view), doesn’t actually say it’s the doctors baby. He says ‘do you know who’s child that is. Now that could just be a ref to it being Amy’s baby and that he knows full well that trying to take that will enrage the doctor.

I’m hoping that it is not a ganger doctor killed in ep1, that, as others have said, is way too obvious and to easy in terms of a cop out.

I’m also not sure about the baby being River. I seem to remember that in DTs run as Dr River alludes to being his wife at some point in the future, though I could be mis-remembering that. Don’t currently have access to the episodes (Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead) to go back and check.

I’m also starting to wonder if there is a load of misdirection in terms of River ‘killing a good man’. Is this again something that is just far too obvious. It’s been suggested that it could be Rory, but I don’t think so given future listings. Is there someone else that we’re missing? I don’t have any suggestions, am just wondering!

By: JC /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12130 JC Thu, 02 Jun 2011 09:33:49 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12130 <a href="#comment-12128" rel="nofollow">@Patrick</a> and near the start, he threw his Sonic to the ganger Doctor too and got it back later, so it was my assumption the one in the Tardis used to disintegrate the ganger Amy was his third Sonic Screwdriver @Patrick
and near the start, he threw his Sonic to the ganger Doctor too and got it back later, so it was my assumption the one in the Tardis used to disintegrate the ganger Amy was his third Sonic Screwdriver

By: Patrick /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12128 Patrick Thu, 02 Jun 2011 07:06:35 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12128 <a href="#comment-12121" rel="nofollow">@bron</a> but the real doctor gave his sonic screwdriver to the ganger doctor towards the end......... @bron
but the real doctor gave his sonic screwdriver to the ganger doctor towards the end………

By: Joy /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12124 Joy Thu, 02 Jun 2011 02:57:19 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12124 Why did it matter whether or not Amy told the Doctor he was going to die? Like River told her she couldn't tell. But what would he do about it? Why did it matter whether or not Amy told the Doctor he was going to die? Like River told her she couldn’t tell. But what would he do about it?

By: bron /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12122 bron Thu, 02 Jun 2011 02:05:41 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12122 lol *Amy TOLD the real Doctor that she had seen his death Shouldn't type when i have a massive headache. Apparently i forget what i am doing. lol *Amy TOLD the real Doctor that she had seen his death

Shouldn’t type when i have a massive headache. Apparently i forget what i am doing.

By: bron /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12121 bron Thu, 02 Jun 2011 02:04:50 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12121 Yes, Amy don't the real Doctor that she had seen his death. I'm assuming they both had a screwdriver because as said earlier in the story, the flesh can copy everything, even clothes - so it's reasonable that it copied the sonic screwdriver too. Yes, Amy don’t the real Doctor that she had seen his death.

I’m assuming they both had a screwdriver because as said earlier in the story, the flesh can copy everything, even clothes – so it’s reasonable that it copied the sonic screwdriver too.

By: Kat /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12119 Kat Thu, 02 Jun 2011 01:35:24 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12119 Hi guys! Just want to be clear, did Amy tell the real Doctor that he was going to die? Also, how come both of the DOctors had a sonic screwdirver? Does he carry around mutiples now? Brilliant episode :) Hi guys! Just want to be clear, did Amy tell the real Doctor that he was going to die? Also, how come both of the DOctors had a sonic screwdirver? Does he carry around mutiples now? Brilliant episode :)

By: me xx /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12100 me xx Wed, 01 Jun 2011 17:02:18 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12100 I think that the doctor could be the father because why would he have scanned her if not. I'm not sure about River Song being Amy's child because she kissed the doctor and if he is the father that would make him River Song's dad, and they in a relationship in the future so that can't be right. Also, why would they advertise it as a big shock about Amy's pregnancy if it was Rory's, it would be normal, so that is another reason I think it is the Doctors (unless it is a double bluff) I think it would be an exciting twist to the story and just because they had a child it doesn't mean they have to get married andso it wouldn't finish the story ! I think overall this would be a good idea .... but we will have to wait and see ............ :) I think that the doctor could be the father because why would he have scanned her if not. I’m not sure about River Song being Amy’s child because she kissed the doctor and if he is the father that would make him River Song’s dad, and they in a relationship in the future so that can’t be right. Also, why would they advertise it as a big shock about Amy’s pregnancy if it was Rory’s, it would be normal, so that is another reason I think it is the Doctors (unless it is a double bluff) I think it would be an exciting twist to the story and just because they had a child it doesn’t mean they have to get married andso it wouldn’t finish the story ! I think overall this would be a good idea …. but we will have to wait and see ………… :)

By: e.p /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-almost-people/comment-page-4/#comment-12049 e.p Tue, 31 May 2011 20:06:36 +0000 /?p=30616#comment-12049 The Ganger Doctor was clearly disintegrated by the sonic screwdriver along with the Ganger Cleaves and Ganger/monster Jennifer. How can he be the one who is killed in the first episode? And the Doctor who was killed in the first episode started to regenerate before he was killed again. Can the Ganger regenerate? We know that Jenny (the Doctor's daughter) doesn't regenerate in that same way and she's a clone of sorts. I suppose it's possible that the Doctor creates a second Ganger of himself to be killed. Is that too obvious for Moffat though? Maybe it's some sort of double bluff... we think it's too obvious so we don't believe it and then it turns out to be true. :P haha The Ganger Doctor was clearly disintegrated by the sonic screwdriver along with the Ganger Cleaves and Ganger/monster Jennifer. How can he be the one who is killed in the first episode?
And the Doctor who was killed in the first episode started to regenerate before he was killed again. Can the Ganger regenerate? We know that Jenny (the Doctor’s daughter) doesn’t regenerate in that same way and she’s a clone of sorts.
I suppose it’s possible that the Doctor creates a second Ganger of himself to be killed. Is that too obvious for Moffat though? Maybe it’s some sort of double bluff… we think it’s too obvious so we don’t believe it and then it turns out to be true. :P haha
