Comments on: Rate & Discuss: The Rebel Flesh /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/ Wed, 25 May 2011 22:24:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Calli Arcale /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-4/#comment-11668 Calli Arcale Wed, 25 May 2011 03:29:07 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11668 I loved it. "The Doctor's Wife" was a tough act to follow, so this is sure to suffer from the comparison, but this is a different sort of story, so it doesn't *need* to be compared, in my opinion. I'm liking it very much so far. I only regret that BBC America is holding "The Almost People" back a week due to Memorial Day, when lots of people in America go on vacation and would be less likely to tune in. (Only a bit less likely, though.) I'm also wondering what became of the original Jennifer.... Seems like a gun being loaded in the first act; it will have the be fired in the third. Part of me wonders if there's some connection to why Jennifer is seemingly reluctant to plug into her ganger in the beginning. Is she herself a ganger? I love the clip the BBC released showing the real Doctor and the ganger Doctor talking. It reminds me of the Red Dwarf episode when they met the shapechanging pleasure gelf who is always perceived as the object of your desire -- so the Cat perceives it as himself. :-D I loved it. “The Doctor’s Wife” was a tough act to follow, so this is sure to suffer from the comparison, but this is a different sort of story, so it doesn’t *need* to be compared, in my opinion. I’m liking it very much so far. I only regret that BBC America is holding “The Almost People” back a week due to Memorial Day, when lots of people in America go on vacation and would be less likely to tune in. (Only a bit less likely, though.)

I’m also wondering what became of the original Jennifer…. Seems like a gun being loaded in the first act; it will have the be fired in the third. Part of me wonders if there’s some connection to why Jennifer is seemingly reluctant to plug into her ganger in the beginning. Is she herself a ganger?

I love the clip the BBC released showing the real Doctor and the ganger Doctor talking. It reminds me of the Red Dwarf episode when they met the shapechanging pleasure gelf who is always perceived as the object of your desire — so the Cat perceives it as himself. :-D

By: shawn /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-4/#comment-11642 shawn Tue, 24 May 2011 14:07:13 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11642 i hope that rorys friend granger/human turns out to be the game changer turn around point that stops the other gangers i hope that rorys friend granger/human turns out to be the game changer turn around point that stops the other gangers

By: Patrick /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-4/#comment-11637 Patrick Tue, 24 May 2011 10:35:01 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11637 I actually seemed to like Jennifer quite a lot. But no-one has asked this until me right now: What has happened to the HUMAN Jennifer? I thought Rory was more involved and really seemed to care for Jen maybe a bit too much for Amy's liking lol. Cleaves was really stupid what she done by killing the Ganger Buzzer which basically started the war between Humans and Gangers. I actually seemed to like Jennifer quite a lot. But no-one has asked this until me right now: What has happened to the HUMAN Jennifer? I thought Rory was more involved and really seemed to care for Jen maybe a bit too much for Amy’s liking lol. Cleaves was really stupid what she done by killing the Ganger Buzzer which basically started the war between Humans and Gangers.

By: PRB /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11635 PRB Tue, 24 May 2011 08:48:10 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11635 <a href="#comment-11630" rel="nofollow">@The 13th Doctor</a> I think the current TARDIS Team is exceptional. I thought complaints over Karen (which I always thought were unfounded anyway) would die away after her first series; generally, people have a go at acting abilities when actors start on the series, but soon forget their complaints. I agree that the ending was predictable... but man, was it creepy to see the Flesh as the Doctor! Oh, and I think Matt shows the Doctor's heart in a different way to David Tennant; little looks and mutterings - stuff like that. @The 13th Doctor
I think the current TARDIS Team is exceptional. I thought complaints over Karen (which I always thought were unfounded anyway) would die away after her first series; generally, people have a go at acting abilities when actors start on the series, but soon forget their complaints.

I agree that the ending was predictable… but man, was it creepy to see the Flesh as the Doctor!

Oh, and I think Matt shows the Doctor’s heart in a different way to David Tennant; little looks and mutterings – stuff like that.

By: The 13th Doctor /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11630 The 13th Doctor Tue, 24 May 2011 01:29:32 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11630 Gotta say, the ending was kinda predictable, AND dont say "Why did you not come on here before and say what the ending was?", cause it was like 10 minutes into the episode before I realised what was going to happen. I actually switched off 30 minutes into the episode, found it all rather boring. And for gods sake does Karen Gillan know the meaning of ACTING, and not pulling the same two faces throughout an episode, and everyone on here, dont start attacking me, these are just my opinions... hope all this improves.... Gotta say, the ending was kinda predictable, AND dont say “Why did you not come on here before and say what the ending was?”, cause it was like 10 minutes into the episode before I realised what was going to happen. I actually switched off 30 minutes into the episode, found it all rather boring. And for gods sake does Karen Gillan know the meaning of ACTING, and not pulling the same two faces throughout an episode, and everyone on here, dont start attacking me, these are just my opinions… hope all this improves….

By: Grace /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11626 Grace Mon, 23 May 2011 23:20:07 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11626 As a writer I think it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to make everything that comes next BIGGER and assume it automatically makes it better, but that's not always true because sometimes with making things bigger you make the important things smaller. There was a lot more heart in season 5 than we have now. We cared not just about the story lines but the people in them. If I were new to DW, I wouldn't think this show was worth watching because nothing I've seen this season has made me give a crap about the characters. A good story needs heart as well as excitement. I think the reason why David Tenant remains the fave doctor despite Matt's excellent performances is because the Tenth Doctor had a heart and he often wore it on his sleeve so that we cared about what he cared about. And he did it while righting the wrongs of the universe. As a writer I think it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to make everything that comes next BIGGER and assume it automatically makes it better, but that’s not always true because sometimes with making things bigger you make the important things smaller. There was a lot more heart in season 5 than we have now. We cared not just about the story lines but the people in them. If I were new to DW, I wouldn’t think this show was worth watching because nothing I’ve seen this season has made me give a crap about the characters. A good story needs heart as well as excitement.

I think the reason why David Tenant remains the fave doctor despite Matt’s excellent performances is because the Tenth Doctor had a heart and he often wore it on his sleeve so that we cared about what he cared about. And he did it while righting the wrongs of the universe.

By: elena /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11614 elena Mon, 23 May 2011 19:47:57 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11614 i think david tennants era was amazing due to his acting but the storylines were too predictable and almost 'childish' compared to steven moffets writing. series 5 & 6 have been beautifully written and have enough to keep casual watchers and more intent watchers (like us) keen. however this series hasn't seemed very linked together compared to last series. i dunno maybe it's because series 5 had the crack arch going throughout the series and it only had a few strong archs and maybe this series has too many? or because the series is split in two so some archs have to be resolved inbetween and there have been quite a few episodes which have been co-written but oh well... i dunno the episodes this series don't seem to link together apart from the 2 parters DOES ANYONE ELSE AGREE WITH ME? anyway i love doctor who so wouldn't dare critisize it :) i think david tennants era was amazing due to his acting but the storylines were too predictable and almost ‘childish’ compared to steven moffets writing. series 5 & 6 have been beautifully written and have enough to keep casual watchers and more intent watchers (like us) keen. however this series hasn’t seemed very linked together compared to last series. i dunno maybe it’s because series 5 had the crack arch going throughout the series and it only had a few strong archs and maybe this series has too many? or because the series is split in two so some archs have to be resolved inbetween and there have been quite a few episodes which have been co-written but oh well… i dunno the episodes this series don’t seem to link together apart from the 2 parters DOES ANYONE ELSE AGREE WITH ME? anyway i love doctor who so wouldn’t dare critisize it :)

By: PRB /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11612 PRB Mon, 23 May 2011 19:01:50 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11612 I rewatched The Rebel Flesh yesterday, and started Frontier In Space today. This current two-parter does feel reminiscent of last year's Hungry Earth/ Cold Blood (though I'd argue that Rebel Flesh is better so far)and therefore of Malcolm Hulke's storytelling. A very good thing, I reckon. I loved the RTD era, and I love The Moff's era even more. I think it's just... different. It's the same, but different. Which is what Doctor Who does best! I rewatched The Rebel Flesh yesterday, and started Frontier In Space today. This current two-parter does feel reminiscent of last year’s Hungry Earth/ Cold Blood (though I’d argue that Rebel Flesh is better so far)and therefore of Malcolm Hulke’s storytelling. A very good thing, I reckon.

I loved the RTD era, and I love The Moff’s era even more. I think it’s just… different. It’s the same, but different. Which is what Doctor Who does best!

By: Jace /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11611 Jace Mon, 23 May 2011 18:38:07 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11611 <a href="#comment-11601" rel="nofollow">@Glenn</a> Please don't get me wrong - I still love the series but just feel something is missing but can't quite put my finger on it...still think Matt is a great Doctor and the combination with Rory and Amy is's just...just...I don't know... @Glenn
Please don’t get me wrong – I still love the series but just feel something is missing but can’t quite put my finger on it…still think Matt is a great Doctor and the combination with Rory and Amy is superb….it’s just…just…I don’t know…

By: vaguely /2011/05/rate-discuss-the-rebel-flesh/comment-page-3/#comment-11607 vaguely Mon, 23 May 2011 17:32:24 +0000 /?p=29907#comment-11607 <a href="#comment-11601" rel="nofollow">@Glenn</a> That 8m EXCLUDES iPlayer (c'os it can't distinguish between repeat watches and timeshifting). And almost everyone I know with Sky+ uses it for timeshifting of practically EVERYTHING, so overnights are increasingly useless as a guide. The audience has held up pretty solidly since the reboot, with a couple of exceptional highs. @Glenn
That 8m EXCLUDES iPlayer (c’os it can’t distinguish between repeat watches and timeshifting).

And almost everyone I know with Sky+ uses it for timeshifting of practically EVERYTHING, so overnights are increasingly useless as a guide.

The audience has held up pretty solidly since the reboot, with a couple of exceptional highs.
