Comments on: Amy and Rory’s best bits – share YOUR highlights! /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/ Thu, 20 Sep 2012 19:19:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Radox /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20202 Radox Thu, 20 Sep 2012 17:59:34 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20202 I love the concept of Amy Pond, getting to know the Doctor as a child and an adult in seconds. I'll never forget the sight of the new Tardis console room through her eyes the first time, with the music playing and everything. I just wished they'd delivered on that bittersweet promise of a child's friend come-to-life. It was a wasted opportunity, but the Ponds have become more than companions: they've become the Doctor's family (literally). I can't help but feel that their ending episode will be momentous and heartbreaking. I love the concept of Amy Pond, getting to know the Doctor as a child and an adult in seconds. I’ll never forget the sight of the new Tardis console room through her eyes the first time, with the music playing and everything. I just wished they’d delivered on that bittersweet promise of a child’s friend come-to-life. It was a wasted opportunity, but the Ponds have become more than companions: they’ve become the Doctor’s family (literally). I can’t help but feel that their ending episode will be momentous and heartbreaking.

By: Soph /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20200 Soph Thu, 20 Sep 2012 15:31:56 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20200 I don't really mind that Amy and Rory are leaving, they've been on for over 2 series and I didn't like Amy very much anyway, although I enjoyed Rory's character and how he's developed. I don’t really mind that Amy and Rory are leaving, they’ve been on for over 2 series and I didn’t like Amy very much anyway, although I enjoyed Rory’s character and how he’s developed.

By: Shauna Curtis /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20193 Shauna Curtis Wed, 19 Sep 2012 19:31:54 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20193 It is no question that i love Amelia Pond! Rory is her side kick. I am sad to see them leaving. As another great compainon leaves another one enters and you know how you always feel about the doctor changing. You get the feeling that you won't like the next companion or doctor as much as the one before, but you do! I loved Rose and then i loved Amelia more! I loved the story of how the doctor met her as a child and has never really left her side. Anyway i want to say but to the ponds Amelia and Rory and possible River! It is no question that i love Amelia Pond! Rory is her side kick. I am sad to see them leaving. As another great compainon leaves another one enters and you know how you always feel about the doctor changing. You get the feeling that you won’t like the next companion or doctor as much as the one before, but you do! I loved Rose and then i loved Amelia more! I loved the story of how the doctor met her as a child and has never really left her side. Anyway i want to say but to the ponds Amelia and Rory and possible River!

By: JC /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20192 JC Wed, 19 Sep 2012 15:09:02 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20192 I have to be honest and say there haven't really been any highlights with Amy and Rory for me. I mean, there was Amy's Choice, but that was more for Toby Jones performance as the Dream Lord. There was Vincent and The Doctor, but that was for Tony Curran's performance with Bill Nighy I think the main problem has been that Moffat severely burnt the bridges of my connection with Amy from the start when he made her a kissogram and at the end of Flesh and Stone, made her severely throw herself at the Doctor, which to this day completely disgusts me. I actually avoid watching that episode because of that part. It meant that I could never really feel anything about Amy, because there was always the chance for Moffat to write something that would offend me as much as Season 5 did. Granted, she's improved in Season 6 and 7 and Karen is a beautiful girl, but I can't honestly say I care that she's leaving. Perhaps I'll feel differently when she's actually gone though. I have to be honest and say there haven’t really been any highlights with Amy and Rory for me.

I mean, there was Amy’s Choice, but that was more for Toby Jones performance as the Dream Lord. There was Vincent and The Doctor, but that was for Tony Curran’s performance with Bill Nighy

I think the main problem has been that Moffat severely burnt the bridges of my connection with Amy from the start when he made her a kissogram and at the end of Flesh and Stone, made her severely throw herself at the Doctor, which to this day completely disgusts me. I actually avoid watching that episode because of that part.

It meant that I could never really feel anything about Amy, because there was always the chance for Moffat to write something that would offend me as much as Season 5 did.

Granted, she’s improved in Season 6 and 7 and Karen is a beautiful girl, but I can’t honestly say I care that she’s leaving.

Perhaps I’ll feel differently when she’s actually gone though.

By: Steve /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20187 Steve Wed, 19 Sep 2012 07:12:37 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20187 The highlight for me has not happened yet! The end of Amy Pond!!! Yah!!!!! The highlight for me has not happened yet! The end of Amy Pond!!! Yah!!!!!

By: Alex /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20186 Alex Wed, 19 Sep 2012 04:55:55 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20186 Am I mad, or was Arthur Darvill in The Age of Steel for all of three seconds, as the last potential victim of the Cyber conversion process? He isn't listed in the credits, nor is this bit-part credited to him at IMDB, but it sure looks like him! Am I mad, or was Arthur Darvill in The Age of Steel for all of three seconds, as the last potential victim of the Cyber conversion process? He isn’t listed in the credits, nor is this bit-part credited to him at IMDB, but it sure looks like him!

By: Dianne /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20184 Dianne Wed, 19 Sep 2012 02:16:51 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20184 My favorite Amy's courage with the weeping angels. Rory's steadfast love as a Roman soldier. My favorite Amy’s courage with the weeping angels. Rory’s steadfast love as a Roman soldier.

By: Dianne /2012/09/amy-and-rorys-best-bits-share-your-highlights/comment-page-1/#comment-20183 Dianne Wed, 19 Sep 2012 02:06:31 +0000 /?p=59644#comment-20183 Sad to see them go. Love you guys. Come back when you can! We will miss you! Sad to see them go. Love you guys. Come back when you can! We will miss you!
