Comments on: Peter Jackson interested in directing Doctor Who? /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/ Thu, 20 Sep 2012 19:19:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: TE /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20203 TE Thu, 20 Sep 2012 19:19:25 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20203 <a href="#comment-20190" rel="nofollow">@JC</a> To be honest, New Zealand's quite a good location for wild, fantastical land such as the Shire and Narnia so if the Land of Fiction were to make an appearance... who knows? @JC
To be honest, New Zealand’s quite a good location for wild, fantastical land such as the Shire and Narnia so if the Land of Fiction were to make an appearance… who knows?

By: Radox /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20201 Radox Thu, 20 Sep 2012 17:49:40 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20201 This needs to happen. I reckon he could do a good swing at it. The LOTR movies are actually quite a lot like feature length Doctor Who films already in terms of tone: epicness that you can take seriously, mixed with a British sense of humour. Also, just out of prudence it'd be interesting if he did a Seventh Doctor crossover story, just because he's working with Sylvester McCoy in New Zealand right now (who is playing Radagast in the Hobbit). This needs to happen. I reckon he could do a good swing at it. The LOTR movies are actually quite a lot like feature length Doctor Who films already in terms of tone: epicness that you can take seriously, mixed with a British sense of humour. Also, just out of prudence it’d be interesting if he did a Seventh Doctor crossover story, just because he’s working with Sylvester McCoy in New Zealand right now (who is playing Radagast in the Hobbit).

By: the-other-guy47 /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20197 the-other-guy47 Thu, 20 Sep 2012 01:23:31 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20197 I must say I didn't think they'd ever have a guest star such as ben browder on. Anyone one know of any other surprise guest. Spoil it for me I don't care but please put spoiler alert for others who might not feel the same I must say I didn’t think they’d ever have a guest star such as ben browder on. Anyone one know of any other surprise guest. Spoil it for me I don’t care but please put spoiler alert for others who might not feel the same

By: JC /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20190 JC Wed, 19 Sep 2012 14:59:20 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20190 Firstly, he'd have to want to do it. Second, his fee would be astronomical. Third, I don't like the idea of filming the whole thing in New Zealand, it may have worked for Lord of The Rings (I've never watched it, can't stand it) but not for Doctor Who for me. Fourth, and he may have done with the Lord of The Rings books, but he'd have to stay very true to the TV series or it'd just feel like another Hollywood corruption. At the end of the day, Matt Smith says he wants to work with next to everybody. It's a suggestion but not a particularly realistic one or that desirable for me personally. Firstly, he’d have to want to do it.

Second, his fee would be astronomical.

Third, I don’t like the idea of filming the whole thing in New Zealand, it may have worked for Lord of The Rings (I’ve never watched it, can’t stand it) but not for Doctor Who for me.

Fourth, and he may have done with the Lord of The Rings books, but he’d have to stay very true to the TV series or it’d just feel like another Hollywood corruption.

At the end of the day, Matt Smith says he wants to work with next to everybody. It’s a suggestion but not a particularly realistic one or that desirable for me personally.

By: Calli Arcale /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20185 Calli Arcale Wed, 19 Sep 2012 02:43:45 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20185 That would be very sweet! However, they couldn't possibly afford him, and he might not be in a position to drop his fee. It depends. Then again, some quite famous actors have dropped their fees to do a turn on Doctor Who, so why not? And my lord, but New Zealand would be a fantastic place to film! It's positively gorgeous there. That would be very sweet! However, they couldn’t possibly afford him, and he might not be in a position to drop his fee. It depends. Then again, some quite famous actors have dropped their fees to do a turn on Doctor Who, so why not?

And my lord, but New Zealand would be a fantastic place to film! It’s positively gorgeous there.

By: the-other-guy47 /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20182 the-other-guy47 Wed, 19 Sep 2012 01:26:37 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20182 Damn predictive text. Meant LOTR crossover ha Damn predictive text. Meant LOTR crossover ha

By: the-other-guy47 /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20181 the-other-guy47 Wed, 19 Sep 2012 01:25:08 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20181 Lol how about a LORD crossover? Cue the tardis materializing in the shire! Oh the possibilities. Seriously tho, it would be quite interesting. Lol how about a LORD crossover? Cue the tardis materializing in the shire! Oh the possibilities. Seriously tho, it would be quite interesting.

By: Sarah /2012/09/peter-jackson-interested-in-directing-doctor-who/comment-page-1/#comment-20180 Sarah Wed, 19 Sep 2012 00:50:42 +0000 /?p=59502#comment-20180 That would be AWESOME! That would be AWESOME!
