Comments on: Have your say: Your hopes for Peter Capaldi’s era! /2013/08/have-your-say-your-hopes-for-peter-capaldis-era/ Thu, 12 Dec 2013 10:37:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert /2013/08/have-your-say-your-hopes-for-peter-capaldis-era/comment-page-1/#comment-23113 Robert Fri, 06 Sep 2013 21:24:21 +0000 /?p=83362#comment-23113 First I hope he is funny but in an odd quirky way It would like a much more quick-thinking doctor much like the first because he was quick on the mark despite his age I hope he is also very intelligent, fierce could be intresting, tricker sounds good too, a force againt his enemeas, sterner too with a darker, matuer edge we have had two energist doctors so it would be great if we had the twelth use his brain more. plus a much wiser but a fatherly figure with charm, good-hearted and caring .I could see he playing that type of incaration, someone who has knocked about the universe for a while. i would love also if he was a touch sardonic and a bit sarcky. but a man who still loves travelling but more sadder and lonier. Joshrr-i'm the oppoisite to costume I would love a morden verison of pertwee's costume but without the frilly shirt and cape a more stripped down version . A diffrent colour than brown perhaps. with peter's silver hair that could suit him but how about wearing an ascot and knee-high leather boots. I don't see somehow peter wearing a version of the 5th, 6th or sevenths costume, a jumper would not suit in my opoion. Catchprashe: we've had Fantantisic, Allonsy and Geromimo. Twelth could say Marvellous or splendid perhaps he could have a mixture depending on his mood or perhaps a qute like reverse the polarity. It could be funny if the twelth could call Clara Young lady all of the time first line could be: oh bilmey I look like a roman or Clara says: Doctor you have changed and the twelth could say Yes Havent I. First I hope he is funny but in an odd quirky way

It would like a much more quick-thinking doctor much like the first because he was quick on the mark despite his age

I hope he is also very intelligent, fierce could be intresting, tricker sounds good too, a force againt his enemeas, sterner too with a darker, matuer edge

we have had two energist doctors so it would be great if we had the twelth use his brain more.

plus a much wiser but a fatherly figure with charm, good-hearted and caring .I could see he playing that type of incaration, someone who has knocked about the universe for a while. i would love also if he was a touch sardonic and a bit sarcky. but a man who still loves travelling but more sadder and lonier.

Joshrr-i’m the oppoisite to costume I would love a morden verison of pertwee’s costume but without the frilly shirt and cape a more stripped down version . A diffrent colour than brown perhaps. with peter’s silver hair that could suit him but how about wearing an ascot and knee-high leather boots. I don’t see somehow peter wearing a version of the 5th, 6th or sevenths costume, a jumper would not suit in my opoion.

Catchprashe: we’ve had Fantantisic, Allonsy and Geromimo.

Twelth could say Marvellous or splendid

perhaps he could have a mixture depending on his mood or perhaps a qute like reverse the polarity.

It could be funny if the twelth could call Clara Young lady all of the time

first line could be: oh bilmey I look like a roman

or Clara says: Doctor you have changed and the twelth could say Yes Havent I.

By: joshrr /2013/08/have-your-say-your-hopes-for-peter-capaldis-era/comment-page-1/#comment-23071 joshrr Sat, 31 Aug 2013 09:04:59 +0000 /?p=83362#comment-23071 I hope his performance wont be like his role as Malcolm Tucker in the Thick Of It. I hope he will be dark like the seventh Doctor, but still funny. And I also hope the costume will be like an old fashioned version of the tenths Doctors, with elbow pads like the 11th Doctor, I can just really see that happening. I hope his performance wont be like his role as Malcolm Tucker in the Thick Of It.
I hope he will be dark like the seventh Doctor, but still funny. And I also hope the costume will be like an old fashioned version of the tenths Doctors, with elbow pads like the 11th Doctor, I can just really see that happening.

By: Jane /2013/08/have-your-say-your-hopes-for-peter-capaldis-era/comment-page-1/#comment-23068 Jane Sat, 31 Aug 2013 06:33:15 +0000 /?p=83362#comment-23068 I think I'd love the Doctor to be a bit show-off at first, thinking that he is the cleverest and then Clara solving things faster than he does, maybe sometimes like Matt's Doctor not understand some human/Earth things. Definitely funny but I am all for him beinng a bit odd and maybe caprisious. For some reason I see him like the six Doctor (says a person who has seen one episode from Colin Baker's era - oh classics, I really need to start watching you)! I think I’d love the Doctor to be a bit show-off at first, thinking that he is the cleverest and then Clara solving things faster than he does, maybe sometimes like Matt’s Doctor not understand some human/Earth things. Definitely funny but I am all for him beinng a bit odd and maybe caprisious. For some reason I see him like the six Doctor (says a person who has seen one episode from Colin Baker’s era – oh classics, I really need to start watching you)!

By: Cathy m /2013/08/have-your-say-your-hopes-for-peter-capaldis-era/comment-page-1/#comment-23058 Cathy m Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:31:17 +0000 /?p=83362#comment-23058 I hope they still keep that classic doctor's smile and his style And hopefully he is just as funny as Matt. I hope they still keep that classic doctor’s smile and his style
And hopefully he is just as funny as Matt.

By: Freddy Jones /2013/08/have-your-say-your-hopes-for-peter-capaldis-era/comment-page-1/#comment-23028 Freddy Jones Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:52:29 +0000 /?p=83362#comment-23028 I hope he remains funny. That's what got me in to Doctor Who in the first place - it doesn't take itself too seriously, and the Doctor is a cheeky so-and-so despite being older and more intelligent than anyone watching. I hope he remains funny. That’s what got me in to Doctor Who in the first place – it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and the Doctor is a cheeky so-and-so despite being older and more intelligent than anyone watching.
