
Archive for the ‘Final Specials’ Category

Best temp in Chiswick returns!

April 6th, 2009

donna_noble_s4Catherine Tate has been spotted on location filming for David Tennant’s last episode, confirming the long-standing rumours that she’ll be reprising her role of Donna Noble for the Tenth Doctor’s final outing!

Not only that, but the best temp in Chiswick (her words, not ours!) will be joined by her mum, Sylvia, played by Jacqueline King, and the legend that is Mr Bernard Cribbins will also be returning as everyone’s favourite granddad, Wilf… AND, he’ll finally get to step inside the TARDIS!

It’s certainly shaping up to be an amazing story, and with John Simm reportedly recently spotted on set, returning as the Master, it seems that Russell T Davies is pulling out all the stops to make his and David’s last episode the best yet. Let the good times roll!

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Russell: “There are good times ahead”

April 5th, 2009

tardisRussell T Davies has spoken about what went through his mind when he finished his last ever Doctor Who script - the Tenth Doctor’s regeneration story.

Davies has been the executive producer of the show since it returned to our screens in 2005, and whether you agree or disagree with the decisions he’s made for the programme, it’s safe to say that it wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for his imagination and gripping story-telling. 

“I would have thought that when I handed in the last script I might have burst into tears or got drunk or partied with 20 naked men,” he told Scotland on Sunday. ”When these great moments happen you find that real life just carries on. The emotion goes into the scripts.”

He added: “That’s why I do the job. I find the emotional scenes emotional, the exciting scenes exciting. I laugh at the funny stuff and cry at the sad stuff. If you had a camera on me, sitting here at this computer, it would be like Diary Of A Nutter. They could show it on BBC3.”

He also spoke briefly about Series 5, which goes into production in a few months: “The church bells ring when Steven hands in just one of his scripts, so I think a whole series is going to be glorious.

“We agree on so many other things, but he’s not going to come in and copy me. I have read his first episode and it’s phenomenal. There are such good times ahead.”

admin Final Specials, Series 5

And so it begins…

March 21st, 2009
filming_journal_signIt’s the beginning of the end! Filming for David Tennant’s final two-parter is now underway in Cardiff, and the first day of filming brought with it a surprising twist which has taken the online fandom by storm…

The scene being filmed was inside a book shop, where a signing of Verity Newman’s novel ‘A Journal of Impossible Things’ was taking place. If the name sounds familiar to you, it’s because the diary John Smith kept of his dreams (Series 3 - Human Nature/The Family of Blood) had the same name! Coincidence? Not likely…

But the plot thickens! The actress playing the part of author Verity Newman is Jessica Hynes, who played John Smith’s love interest, Joan Redfern, in the 2007 adventure. And seeing as the regeneration episode is set in the present day, we can assume that Verity is a relation of Joan, who has had the stories Joan read in the journal passed down to her and written a novel based on the fascinating stories she’s heard - fascinating stories of a mysterious traveller known as the Doctor…

We’d just like to thank Scooty of the Doctor Who Forum for the fantastic image! It certainly does look exciting! Let’s just hope a certain Donna Noble doesn’t pick up a copy… Let us know your thoughts and theories below!

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Piper, Tate, Agyeman and Simm to return?

March 20th, 2009

rose_tyler_s4A very interesting story from The Sun today! According to the tabloid, Billie Piper, Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate and John Simm will all be returning for David Tennant’s last episodes.

The report claims that Simm will be reprising his role of the Master for Tennant’s regeneration episodes, which start filming at the end of this month. But the Doctor won’t do battle alone, because he’ll be joined by Piper, Tate and Agyeman, who will be returning as his fiesty companions Rose, Donna and Martha!

“This will be the most exciting episode Doctor Who have ever done,” an insider told the newspaper. “We really wanted to get all the companions back on board as a fitting send-off to David. And of all the enemies for him to face in his final episode, it makes sense for the Master to be the main one.”

They added: “Getting Billie to agree is a real coup, but she loved working on the show so much it didn’t take much convincing.”

Piper, Tate, Agyeman and Simm return?

  • OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! (in a good way) (70.0%, 69 Votes)
  • OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! (in a bad way) (30.0%, 29 Votes)

Total Voters: 98

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Please bear in mind that this news should be treated as a rumour until there’s any official word from the BBC. We’ll keep you updated!

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Russell: “It’s going to be a brilliant piece of television”

March 15th, 2009

sfx_cover_181As we told you a few days ago, Russell T Davies is interviewed in this month’s issue of SFX. Inside the magazine, the executive producer talks about the four special episodes which will hit our screens, in stunning High-Definition, later this year and in early 2010.

Obviously, the thought on everybody’s mind is the last of the specials, which will include the Tenth Doctor’s demise. And Russell is keeping as tight-lipped as ever about what the most anticipated episode of the revived series so far will involve - but despite the pressure hanging over his head to make the story just right, he’s always known how the Tenth Doctor will pop his clogs!

“The details have changed - who’s where, and the geography of it. But yes, I always knew,” he told the magazine. ”There’s only one way to do it, really. It’s there in my head. If I could just put a wire into my head it would be on the paper now. Literally, stage direction by stage direction I know what happens. I think it’s going to be a brilliant piece of television.”

He added: “Let’s be honest, David is one of the hugest stars in the land, and his Doctor has been a massive figure for an entire generation. So it’s a piece of television history - you’ll have eight year olds remembering it just like we remember the regeneration’s forever. I love that, and I know exactly how to do it. I honestly think I’ve got it right. It’s everything that the Doctor should do - that the series should do. Oh god, I can’t wait to write it! I’ll be so happy!”

He goes on to mention the introduction of the Eleventh incarnation of the Time Lord, who will be played by Matt Smith. Having read Steven Moffat’s script for the first episode of Series 5, Russell promises that he has “a big, bold, brand new start” and that “it very much powers under its own steam”.

He also touches on the possibility of Matt Smith making a cameo appearance or two in this year’s specials, before his official arrival in the New Year… “Everyone knows where the story is heading, especially with Matt Smith being everywhere,” he teases. “It’s nice actually - we play with that.”

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RTD Talks Specials In Latest SFX

March 7th, 2009

sfx_cover_181This month’s issue of SFX, as well as boasting a Planet of the Dead themed cover, features an exclusive interview with Russell T Davies.

In the interview, the executive producer discusses the topic that’s dominating the minds of every Whovian in the cosmos: the sudden but inevitable demise of the Tenth Doctor.

Regarding this year’s string of special episodes, Davies confirms what was already widely speculated. After Planet of the Dead airs this Easter, the remaining three episodes will transmit over the Christmas period and towards the end of 2009. And according to him, the last three episodes are linked in more ways than one…

He also drops a few hints about how new show boss Steven Moffat will kick off his Who era… “There’s a strong end. and then there’s a very strong beginning for him… It’s literally one second later.”

You can read the full interview with Russell in this month’s issue of SFX, #181, which is on sale from Wednesday 11th March 2009.

admin Final Specials, Planet of the Dead, Series 5, The Waters of Mars

Euros Lyn Talks Tenth Doctor’s Farewell

March 7th, 2009

euros_lyn_twDoctor Who director Euros Lyn is one of a select few members of the cast and crew who has been given access to the scripts for David Tennant’s final two episodes.

Lyn will be directing the two-parter, which is also the last story to be written by Russell T Davies.

“I’ve seen the scripts, and they’re amazing,” he said. “I’m being very careful not to give anything away, but I think fans will be thrilled with David’s farewell and how we set up the Eleventh Doctor.”

Filming for the episodes will start in the next few weeks.

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Euros Lyn Reveals Final Specials Prepping Begins In 3 Weeks

February 21st, 2009

euros_lyn_twDirector Euros Lyn has confirmed that preparation work for David Tennant’s last two episodes will officially commence in just 3 weeks time.

Lyn will be directing the two-parter, which will sadly mark the end of Tennant’s era as the Tenth Doctor. The episodes will be written by Russell T Davies and will air on BBC One and BBC HD late 2009/early 2010.

But Lyn has admitted that he still hasn’t read the scripts for the episodes, which are being kept tightly under lock and key to ensure the regeneration storyline isn’t leaked out too early.

“I’m very pleased to be able to tell you that I don’t have to keep anything from you because I haven’t even seen the scripts,” Lyn told FEARNet. “I’ve been leaked some teasers by Russell, but I don’t know anything about the story. I know he keeps on saying it’s going to be big, and that’s all I know. We start prepping in three weeks time.”

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