Discussion: The Gift (Part II)

November 20th, 2009

gift-part-twoWell, that’s it, folks! As they say, all good things must come to an end, and this afternoon, Sarah Jane and the gang bowed out in an adventure of epicly-sized proportions, as our leading lady was forced to face the battle of her life in order to save her son, Luke, and the whole of London from the evil clasp of the Blathereen…

So, what did you make of the finale? Did Series 3 end on a high, or were you left feeling let down by its climax?

For the last time, feel free to share your thoughts regarding the episode - and also the series as a whole – as a comment on this post!

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11 comments on this article
  1. Zara
    November 20th, 2009 at 5.04pm | #1

    omgsh im soo sad its ended now….very sad im actually crying for reals! ;’(

  2. TSG
    November 20th, 2009 at 5.53pm | #2

    I know I’m sixteen. Contrary to popular belief, I am aware of this little fact. However, I still don’t like the overblown moral speeches, and the one at the end of this ep was no exception. Especially as it was a V/O and not worked into the story at all. Neither did I like the rather xenophobic message. Oh, I know that the speech I disliked so sported the message that there are friends out there, somewhere, but I would love to see an SJA ep where the aliens aren’t bad in any way. Even Eve this series had the potential to cause harm if not stopped.

    Other than that, I quite liked it. Clyde taking K9 to school was brilliant, though, being an AS level student, I kept thinking “That is not how a GCSE exam room is.” Pedantic, I know. But I am pedantic. And any interaction between K9 and Mr Smith is brilliant. Whoever decided to have them annoy each other is a genius.

    I shan’t miss the SJA. But I’ll be watching again next year.

  3. TE
    November 20th, 2009 at 10.48pm | #3

    I did feel that this conclusion was a bit of a let down, but that’s mainly due to the same problem that Part Two of The Mad Woman in the Attic faced: the thirty minute time slot.

    You would think that if a Doctor Who episode could feel so complete in just forty-five minutes, then why can’t an SJA story feel the same when it’s fifty-five minutes long (if you get rid of the credits from Part One and the titles from Part Two). Hopefully they allocate some more time for SJA next year.

    Another problem (still getting on my nerves) is the Series Three trailer at the beginning of every single episode: hopefully this isn’t on the Series Three boxset as it’s just pointless (and very annoying…).

  4. Chris
    November 21st, 2009 at 7.49am | #4

    I couldn’t agree more – that trailer has no need to be at the start of every episode.

    Not sure what to make of that episode. Leaving Luke to die, while Sarah Jane, Clyde and Rani work to defeat the Blathareen and their gift.

    They might as well just get rid of Luke.

    On the whole, this series has been OK. I loved Rani this time round, the guest stars that they had this year were brilliant (particularly the woman playing Eve in TMWITA, David Tennant and Donald Sumpter who was Erasmus Darkening).

    Strongest stories (in my opinion) were TMWITA, TWOSJS and TET.

  5. TSG
    November 21st, 2009 at 3.30pm | #5

    Agreeing with TE and Chris, that trailer has to go.

  6. Zara
    November 21st, 2009 at 4.27pm | #6

    i couldnt watch the end…did luke die??

  7. pirko
    November 21st, 2009 at 5.13pm | #7

    I think the trailer idea for each episode is based on what they do with Torchwood. I have a problem with it because a) we have seen the footage so many times from the cinema trailer and b) its way too long…i agree it needs to go

  8. Sam
    November 21st, 2009 at 6.22pm | #8

    Luke didn’t die :) You know how it all turns out

  9. Zara
    November 21st, 2009 at 10.05pm | #9

    i dont cos i didnt watch ending

  10. Zara
    November 21st, 2009 at 10.06pm | #10

    but oh good im happy now…yay *does happy dance*

  11. Fletcher Renn
    February 2nd, 2010 at 8.31am | #11

    Well, the climax was a bit unimaginatve. I mean, it’s just ALWAYS the same!! Make a loud noise and they all go away. Same with Dreamland, same with practically all the other ones, Oh, and the Blathereen died cos they eat too much and exploded.

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