Brand new Series 5 promotional image!
The BBC have this morning unveiled a sparkling new Series 5 montage image featuring the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond, as portrayed by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan!
As you can see below, the promo features the latest incarnation of our beloved Time Lord and his new companion against a backdrop of what appears to be the new-style vortex - a hint at what we can expect from the revamped opening titles perhaps?
Surrounding our new heroes are shots of a Weeping Angel, a Dalek and a Smiler - just a selection of the formidable foes they’ll be encountering throughout their adventures! But just what other surprises are in store for them? We can’t wait to find out!
» Never miss a story! See all the Series 5 news reported on WhovianNet!
Oh. My. God.
THis looks great, although who else thinks thats the new time vortex?
Probably is the new vortex. I quite like it. It looks like thin silk folding over itself. Who’s the guy in the bottom right hand corner? He looks a bit freaky.
Ooh, love it! Weeping Angels, Daleks… that guy who was in the box in the trailer (what a strange name for a monster!): just what Series Thirty-One needs!
This looks great. I think this is the new vortex.
Apparently this is the picture that’ll be used on the cover of DWM 419?
Yep! You can check out the cover here.
Karen looks hot in this