Home > Series 5 > James Corden confirms Series 5 role/filming from tomorrow

James Corden confirms Series 5 role/filming from tomorrow

james-cordenJames Corden has announced that he will be appearing in the fifth series of Doctor Who, confirming the speculation originally brought to light by various tabloid reports last month.

Speaking to Richard Bacon on BBC Radio 5Live about his future projects earlier today, the actor, best known for his role as Smithy in Gavin & Stacey, said: “Well, I’m about to start an episode of Doctor Who tomorrow, and I’ve also started writing something else for the BBC.”

The fact he starts filming tomorrow will also give followers of the latest filming developments a good idea as to what episode he will be appearing in, however just who he will be playing in the series has yet to be revealed. Stay tuned for the latest!

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admin Series 5

  1. Steve
    March 3rd, 2010 at 07:18 | #1

    Not the best piece of casting! So far, on everything I have seen of JC, only Gavin and Stacy has been any good. Everything else he has done as been Smithy and rubbish!

  2. The Watcher
    March 3rd, 2010 at 10:24 | #2

    Agreed. But hey-ho.. Time will tell.
    What’s “Smithy (and rubbish)”? :-0

  3. No. 3
    March 3rd, 2010 at 16:17 | #3

    “Well, I’m about to start an episode of Doctor Who tomorrow”

    - Could this mean he’s about to start WRITING an episode ?

  4. March 3rd, 2010 at 16:54 | #4

    @No. 3
    I thought the writers had been confirmed? BTW, admin, the titles for eps 4, 5 and 6 have been revealed: The Time of Angels, Flesh and Stone (two parter, by SM, directed by Adam Smith) and Vampires in Venice by Toby Whithouse, directed by Jonny Campbell. You probably already know this, but no harm in mentioning it!

  5. dani
    March 3rd, 2010 at 20:25 | #5

    um… it depends really… if hes playin the right part, it could be awesome, but otherwise, it would be sh-no not good…

  6. pirko
    March 4th, 2010 at 21:23 | #6

    @ steve

    OMG! Do my eyes decieve me? u have actually found something you DON’T like about series 5 so far??? This cant be right. what would the great god, Steven moffat u worship, say about such treason. (tut tut tut)

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