Home > Series 5 > Official: Titles for Episodes 4-6 confirmed!

Official: Titles for Episodes 4-6 confirmed!

eleventh-doctor-januaryAnother batch of intreguing episode titles for the upcoming fifth series are confirmed by new showrunner Steven Moffat in his latest edition of Doctor Who Magazine’s Production Notes!

Episode 4 is called The Time of Angels, and Episode 5 has been officially named as Flesh and Stone. The stories will make up the first two-part adventure of the series, written by Steven Moffat, which will feature the highly-anticipated return of the Weeping Angels as well as actress Alex Kingston as River Song…

Meanwhile, episode 6, by Toby Whithouse, is called Vampires in Venice. It has also been revealed that Episodes 4 and 5 are directed by Adam Smith, and Episode 6 by Jonny Campbell.

You can read his full Production Notes entry and other exclusive new series tidbits in issue #419 of Doctor Who Magazine, available across the UK from tomorrow (March 4th).

Last month, the titles of the first three episodes were unveiled as The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks. Stay tuned!

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  1. March 3rd, 2010 at 17:23 | #1

    Can’t wait for the return of River Song! There’s such a rich backstory to be played with there, though SM will have to explain how RS recognised the Tenth Doctor if she never met him again… did they meet in time offscreen? I wonder…

  2. dani
    March 3rd, 2010 at 20:29 | #2

    i read this somewhere a while ago… cant remember where… maybe it just wasn’t confirmed… but hang on, river-song knew who he was, so logicly, she must have met the tenth doctor, so it wont be her meeting him for the first time… oh…*dani reads TSGs comment* you put that too…

  3. gallifrey_
    March 3rd, 2010 at 21:08 | #3

    Well she knew the Doctor, but she did say he “had a different haircut”, which could either mean a regeneration… or literally a different haircut.

    They’ll meet in her past but the Doctor’s future, so 11 could travel back to before “Silence in the Library” and see her again (which would be her first time)… Time is way confusing if you think about it too much. But that’s why I love Doctor Who!

  4. March 3rd, 2010 at 21:44 | #4

    @gallifrey_ A big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff :D

  5. Ben
    March 4th, 2010 at 07:35 | #5

    If I remember rightly, River Song summoned the doctor via his pyschic paper, she did not ‘recognise’ him, but rather expected him to be there (perhaps knowing that he might be in any regeneration). But perhaps I need to watch that episode again…

  6. pirko
    March 4th, 2010 at 21:29 | #6

    Not really loving the episode titles so far. just seem a bit clunky and un-doctorwho-ish…(if that makes sense)

    The Eleventh Hour- Perfect title to introduce MS
    The Beast Below- sounds cryptic and quite creepy. hope its a good beast
    Victory of the Daleks- Meh… its better than Daleks in Manhatten title

    Time of angels & Flesh and Stone- sorry but the words Dalek in Manhatten 2 parter scream out to me. hope it will be good though

    Vampires in Venice- Best title so far.

    Before anyone has a rant at me, its just my opinion. im sure everyone will disagree

  7. gallifrey_
    March 4th, 2010 at 22:22 | #7

    Yeah you’re right about the psychic paper, I had forgotten about that.

    Well now I really have no idea what’s going to happen, but I guess it’s supposed to be that way :)

  8. TE
    March 6th, 2010 at 14:17 | #8

    Don’t see why they didn’t just reveal Vincent and the Doctor as the title of Episode Ten. I mean, we know it’s fact not rumour and we’ve already seen a segment of the script.

  9. March 6th, 2010 at 17:12 | #9

    Have we? Where?

  10. TE
    March 6th, 2010 at 17:55 | #10

    To avoid any potential spoilers from slipping out, please don’t post links to any pictures/details that haven’t yet been officially released by the BBC. Also, the proposed script extract from Vampires in Venice was leaked online and therefore, to respect its writer, we’d prefer not to bring attention to it. Thank you!

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