The Doctor’s costume to change for Series 6?

June 17th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Speaking at the BAFTA screening of The Pandorica Opens yesterday, Matt Smith suggested that the Doctor’s costume will be regenerating for Series 6, which starts filming at the beginning of next month.

BBC News Entertainment Correspondent Lizo Mzimba, who was at the event, broke the news last night when he tweeted: “Talking about the Doctor’s costume after the screening Matt Smith reveals he ‘went for a costume fitting this morning for next year!’”

He also comments on his changing wardrobe in an interview with Radio 1’s Newsbeat, during which he reveals that he wasn’t told about the Series 5 finale until the last minute. He admitted: “I had an overview, but I didn’t know everything until I got the scripts. It’s a script-by-script basis. They’re very secret about it, even with us.”

So, is the Eleventh Doctor’s current attire on the way out, bow ties and all? Discuss!

14 comments on this article
    June 17th, 2010 at 12.09pm | #1

    glad about the costume change bow ties are not cool.

  2. OliLord
    June 17th, 2010 at 12.16pm | #2

    I’m not sure, I like the current costume, but eveeryone likes a change!


  3. Glenn
    June 17th, 2010 at 12.30pm | #3

    Bow Ties are cool

  4. TSG
    June 17th, 2010 at 12.35pm | #4

    It is a bit of a change, in that the Doctor traditionally sticks to the same costume, but David Tennant had the blue suit from his second series. This fitting might have been for a slight variation upon the ‘geography teacher’ theme or something completely different. Which would you guys prefer?

  5. TWWL
    June 17th, 2010 at 1.21pm | #5

    If it is to change, I think I’d prefer a variation on what he has now, as opposed to something completely different.

  6. matthew hall
    June 17th, 2010 at 1.51pm | #6

    i’m with the doc cybergirl BOW TIES ARE COOL! though i hope he’s getting rid of the tweed jacket

  7. TWWL
    June 17th, 2010 at 1.54pm | #7

    Tweed jackets are cool too! Get hip!

  8. Glenn
    June 17th, 2010 at 3.36pm | #8

    Yeah, a variation on what he has now would be fine. The initial promo shots of Matt as the Doctor all in dark I didn’t think worked as well as what he wears now.

  9. 26 06 2010
    June 17th, 2010 at 4.08pm | #9

    i dont think it will be a complete change, more like the colour of the tweed jacket will change or something, just like wat happened to the 10th doctors suit.

  10. pirko
    June 17th, 2010 at 10.56pm | #10

    I hope so. His costume looks stupid. Even if he gets a variation of the tweed jacket that will be better

  11. TWWL
    June 18th, 2010 at 9.44am | #11

    His costume is ace, and much more in keeping with classic series Doctor’s.

  12. Bow Ties Are Cool
    June 27th, 2010 at 9.50am | #12

    just as you get used to a new costume and a new doctor everything changes apart from the new doctor i like him he is more fresh than david tennant. But i always liked the line ‘bowties are cool’ and they had to get rid of the fezz from the big bang?

  13. Le Anonypotomus
    July 4th, 2010 at 11.47am | #13

    I think it should be exactly the same as his current one but in the colours of the sixth doctor’s. Except the bow tie, which should be have flashing lights and spin whenever he makes a joke. And vegetables stuck all over it, the fifth Doctor didn’t go far enough. I want at least a lettuce on each shoulder and a carrot sticking out of his breast pocket. Each lettuce should talk and be a companion also.

  14. AJ
    July 22nd, 2010 at 8.48pm | #14

    Get RID of the tweed jacket. I saw a photo of him once in Jack’s coat, something like that would be cool, it could be the shorter one…

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