The Lodger’s overnight ratings

June 13th, 2010

Overnight ratings have revealed that 4.6million tuned in for The Lodger last night – a 22.3% share of the total television audience.

4.31million watched on BBC One, and an additional 0.25million on BBC HD, making Doctor Who the 4th most watched programme of the day, behind various coverages of the World Cup. Meanwhile, Doctor Who Confidential achieved a 1.0% share, being watched by 0.25million on BBC3 and 0.14million on BBC HD.

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2 comments on this article
  1. cynet
    June 13th, 2010 at 9.21pm | #1

    Very low ratings, actually half of it’s normal avg ratings.
    Ok there was the world cup show on ITV but the kick off was at 7.30 for England.
    They need to consider moving Dr Who to a sunday 6pm time slot as Saturday is now proving to be a bit tough.
    Shame as i personally think, this the best series ever, maybe not the best doctor ever, but it’s worth more than what it’s getting right now for viewers.

  2. dani
    June 14th, 2010 at 5.42pm | #2

    that was expected. england were playing. we held a football party, but i went to my room to watch doctor who…

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