Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

July 27th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It was in The Eleventh Hour we were first told of the mysterious silence, but we’re still no closer to finding out what it is, or, more importantly, what’s behind it…

Steven Moffat has promised us that all of our questions will be answered in Series 6, and we’ve been left with plenty of clues to dissect until it hits our screens! What ominous figure could possibly blow up the TARDIS, and what could be their motives for doing it? We’ve also heard what’s seemingly their voice – does it sound at all familiar?

Could it have anything to do with River Song, who’s identity we’ll also discover next year? In The Big Bang she told the Doctor that everything will change when he finally learns who she is – not the most inviting of prophecies, and we’re sure you’ve all got your own weird and wonderful theories whizzing aimlessly through your Doctor Who obsessed minds. So, it’s about time we gave you somewhere to share them, isn’t it?

Feel free to speculate the remaining nights until Christmas away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of this ever-growing series arc. People say silence is a virtue, but something tells us things will be far from virtuous for the Doctor when this particular one takes over…

445 comments on this article
  1. shawn
    May 10th, 2011 at 11.07pm | #1

    it already is a bit complicated but theres a lot of timey whimey stuff to do to get all the story treads sorted out it’ll probebly take more than 1 r 2 series to do so u no how moffatt likes to do things now

  2. Mike A
    May 11th, 2011 at 5.17am | #2

    Re : Those saying Jenny is a Timelord and regenerated at the end of the Doc’s daughter. Jenny did not regenerate. She did something, but it wasn’t a regenaration. She didn’t change to a different body.

  3. Patrick
    May 11th, 2011 at 12.16pm | #3

    I’ve only said she is a Timelady because she has 2 hearts. I haven’t said anything about Jenny regenerating at all at the end of that episode but as someone else is playing her in episode 7 she must have regenerated sometime during when she was saving civilizations etc……

  4. shawn
    May 11th, 2011 at 3.28pm | #4

    @Mike A
    i think it was a combanation of regenerateing and the light ball thing the doctor smashed that give life to a things that made her come back but as the person she was without changeing her face

  5. Rach
    May 11th, 2011 at 11.18pm | #5

    Im with shawn on the doctors daughter thing…the terraforming thing was about bringing life, what with that and time lord DNA, it’s possible she could have regenerated – in her own fashion!

  6. Rach
    May 11th, 2011 at 11.20pm | #6

    As for Amy, it’s like she has a parallel world in her mind..the dotor and rory havent noticed it yet..Companions are never what they seem….
    Rose – was behind Bad Wolf, Donna – was the most important person in the universe…coz she saved it, Amy…who knows? but it will be exciting to see it unravelled!

  7. Rach
    May 11th, 2011 at 11.23pm | #7

    The TARDIS always draws the doctor back to humans…his ‘favorite species’, but why?? His human companions have ended up being significant in some way, so whoever ends up travelling with the doctor is somehow meant to be with him, it isn’t by accident, it is for a greater purpose…..

  8. shawn
    May 11th, 2011 at 11.34pm | #8

    i never thought about the TARDIS thing u said like that before but now u have it dose make sense the TARDIS dose take on board people who become really important even martha and captian jack i would include in this thory too

  9. Anon
    May 13th, 2011 at 4.02pm | #9

    I think the future doctor killed in the first episode is a cloned/or timey-wimey-gone-wrong-doctor and therefore is killed by the real doctor to get rid of any problems caused by the paradox! (it’s a weird theory that i came up with because i couldn’t guess any other character to kill the doctor)

  10. shawn
    May 13th, 2011 at 5.35pm | #10

    you have a point cos i read that each compianion has a colned version of themselfs throughout the series but i dont no if its true r not but i think next weeks eipisode 5 is the first of the two part story the reble flesh and the almost people r all colned on a cloned farm so this could be were they r made

  11. wdz
    May 14th, 2011 at 5.39pm | #11

    After watching ‘The Doctors Wife’ preview again, i’m more intrigued about who the old man is with the beard, rather than Suranne Jones. I’m thinking he is a version of the current doctor, and thus explains why we see the 9th/10th doctors TARDIS. Maybe something happened when he regenerated???
    Also, is that the voice of the devil/satan character from the 2nd series? It would link in well with the appearance of the Ood again!

  12. shawn
    May 14th, 2011 at 5.45pm | #12

    i never thought about n e of the things that u wrote but now u said them i think its very very interesting points uve made its given me things to think about until 45 mins when the eipisode starts :)

  13. Rose Weasley
    May 15th, 2011 at 12.40pm | #13

    I’m not sure, but I don’t think anyone has said this. It’s pure speculation, but what if Amy is River’s daughter? I’m not sure how it would fit or anything, but I just wanted to put it out here.

  14. shawn
    May 15th, 2011 at 12.50pm | #14

    @Rose Weasley
    Comment removed. Spoilers! Please don’t discuss leaked details. Speculation is much better!

  15. TimeNeek
    May 15th, 2011 at 6.09pm | #15

    Whoa! I think Shawn knows something that we don’t!
    The only water in the forest is the River! What does that mean?

  16. shawn
    May 15th, 2011 at 6.34pm | #16

    i cant even remember what excatly i wrote

  17. TimeNeek
    May 16th, 2011 at 12.26am | #17

    Darn it. But what does that phrase mean!! And idris also said red wood or something like that, and of course she said that it was gonna be sad, it could just be crazy talk or something like that

  18. Ulex Ryu
    May 16th, 2011 at 4.47pm | #18

    Don’t you think The Doctor’s taken Nephew’s death too lightly? “Oh, another Ood that I can not save.”

    It sounded weird to me.

  19. shawn
    May 16th, 2011 at 8.43pm | #19

    its got something to do with river song the only water in the forest is river its a reverance to river cant tell u n e more than that without haveing the comment removed the forest i think is a reverance to the forests that the vasta narada owned that were gone and replaced by all the libary books in the silenc in the libary storys but thats only me guessing

  20. TimeNeek
    May 17th, 2011 at 12.09am | #20

    Oh!!! I knew it! The forests do have to do with the Vashta Nerada!!!!! Yay

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