Silences, Rivers and Songs – Series 6 discussion

The spring series of Series 6 has been and gone, but the first action-packed seven episodes have left us a TARDIS load of unanswered questions and unexplained mysteries…
Suffice to say, Steven Moffat has definitely provided us with more than enough to keep our overactive brains occupied until the Doctor returns in Let’s Kill Hitler in the autumn, so let’s get started, shall we? Of course, we now finally know who River really is, but just what is her relationship with the Doctor? And who was the girl in the spacesuit?
Feel free to speculate away on this post, a link to which will be posted on the sidebar so you can check back to see what our other visitors make of all the latest developments.
The Doctor stated in The Wedding of River Song that River was serving time for a murder she didn’t commit, but that everybody thinks she committed. Also, not 100% sure but I think River herself mentions something like 12,000 life sentences in one of the “Night” scenes.
Plus, River lives in the 51st century : in Let’s Kill Hitler, the final scene in Luna University takes place in 5123, and that was before the Doctor’s murder in her timeline. And her final mission in the Library also takes place in that century. So no problem with her being in jail so far in the future. What’s missing here is her trial (if you read this Steven…) : who condemned her ? Is there an universal tribunal somewhere ?
I admit I’m confused about what Rory is now, he said in Day of the Moon that he remembered the 2,000 years he waited for Amy to come out of the Pandorica.
@Bad Wolf
is rory not human again as the doctor rebooted the solar system and everything went back to the way things were before?
The universe’s reboot is a real problem for me. If I get it right, in universe 2.0, the TARDIS never explodes, so there are no cracks in time, so Rory never disappears in one of them and never becomes an Auton.
But the Doctor also disappeared in Amy’s bedroom’s crack, so he doesn’t exist in universe 2.0 until Amy remembers him. And when she does, he comes back in its eleventh incarnation because it’s the only one known by Amy. So what about Doctors 1 to 10 and the events they took part in ?
And this is why Moffat isn’t the genius he wants to be. He created impossible story arcs that not even he could figure out the solutions to. It was only slightly obvious in Season Five. But Season Six seemed to be nothing but a bunch of non sequiturs.
Exactly. His arcs are huge, and epic, and really captivating. They’ve got to be lived, as River says in Flesh and Stone. But when you look at them closely, you really notice the plot holes.
I prefer Steven Moffat’s storytelling for long arcs rather than Russell T. Davies’s, which is too superficial. But I wish he wrote them a little more carefully. I love series 6, it’s full of iconic moments (the Silence’s first noticed appearance – arguably they were already present in series 5 -, the Astronaut in the lake, Idris’s hello/goodbye, Amy waking at Demons Run, River’s revelation, River’s very first appearance, the Peg dolls transformation, old Amy vs. young Amy, River in the space suit, the visual wonders of the finale and the wedding), but sadly the inconsistencies are there too.
Anyway, I’ll be faithful until the end, so far the magnificence of the show outweighs its mistakes for me.
@Bad Wolf
So true! I don’t want to imagine a world without the little blue box!
Just a theory raised by a DWM reader and that I find very, very interesting. Do you remember River’s children in the Library’s computer. Their hair colors match with Amy’s and Rory’s…
@Bad Wolf
One of them was CAL, weren’t the other two the same as Donna’s children? Although that is an interesting theory. I wonder if we’ll go back to the library at any point? I don’t want to see that ending changing, it was so sad but it was perfect for her. I’d just be interested if the Doctor did decide to return, and what he would do if he did.
@Emerald Rose
CAL was Charlotte Abigail Lux who was the great grand daughter of Strackman Lux :) and yes you are right the children at the end were the exact same as donnas’.
I thought so :) Though I did have great fun a while back theorising that the Doctor was the grandfather who made the Library in the first place for her. Complete nonsense, of course (?!) but the potential for a storyline kept me entertained.
Okay, so I’m watching an old ep of SG-1 where they discuss there’s no fish in Jack’s pond. And it hits me, there aren’t any ducks either! It dawned on me at that moment that that’s probably why there aren’t any ducks in the duck pond the Doctor was talking about either. If there’s no food of course ducks wouldn’t be there!
But of course now I’m wondering what if any significance there was in bringing that out.
Was it just to point out the memory modifications or was it like “Where have all the flowers gone?”
My thoughts have been running the same way. We still don’t have an answer about Amy’s house having two floors and a Flatter roof line when inside there is a staircase going to a third floor. Also, Amy’s bed reminds me of the beds of the two children in the library with lights on the back.
Moffet has done a good job with most of the episodes and storylines and that is one of the reaons i love doctor who. Maybe if he hadn’t tried so hard to create so very epic plots there would not have been so many plot holes,then again it can’t all be perfect:)
Filch! in doctor who!
@face of awesome
i just thin moffat is biulding up to one big hugh reviel with all theloss threads left over from the 5 series until now i think theres a biger picture that we will see in the 50th anniversarry r even after :)